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MSAENV472B Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Neale Farmer – Coordinator Major Environmental Initiatives – Hunter TAFE

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Presentation on theme: "MSAENV472B Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Neale Farmer – Coordinator Major Environmental Initiatives – Hunter TAFE"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSAENV472B Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
Neale Farmer – Coordinator Major Environmental Initiatives – Hunter TAFE Session 2: Wednesday 21 May

2 Review of Session One (7 May)
Introductions Sustainability defined Describe Unit – MSAENV472B Sustainability at Hunter TAFE Environmental Compliance at Hunter TAFE Preparation for Session 2: Sustainability Induction, Legislation, Footprinting? ?

3 MSAENV472B Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Unit descriptor This competency covers the outcomes required to effectively analyse the workplace in relation to environmentally sustainable work practices and to implement improvements and monitor their effectiveness*. * Includes processes, tools and techniques relevant to YOUR WORKPLACE

4 Today’s Session By the end of today’s session you will be able to:
1. Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage 2. Set targets for improvements 3. Implement performance improvement strategies

5 Timekeeper Please? 1. Recap (5 mins) 2. Video case studies (10 mins)
3. Overview of tools & techniques (20 mins) 4. Group activity (15 mins) 5. Discussion and wrap up (5 mins)

6 Video Case Studies Uni Washington Green Lab Cert: (1m.11s) Sustainability Awards 2014: (2m.10s) BASF Construction: (2m.40s) Tip: When watching Video’s: please consider and jot down any points you think demonstrate how they have: “effectively analysed the workplace in relation to environmentally sustainable work practices, implemented improvements and monitored their effectiveness.

7 Tools and Techniques For………
1. ….. Identifying areas for improvement in environmental performance 2. …..Developing plans to make improvements 3. ……Implementing and monitoring improvements in environmental performance

8 Continuous Improvement Cycle
Identify and research area/s for improvement, consult, measure baseline. Set goals, targets, objectives Implement the improvement Monitor implementation and results Revise or adjust plan etc

9 Tools and Techniques for………Identifying areas for improvement in environmental performance
Stakeholders? Observation (carefully use all 5 senses) – WHS applies Consultation Surveys Inspections and audits Monitoring – If you can’t measure it – you can’t manage it! Others? Activity 1: Jot down which of these tools or techniques were used in the video case studies?

10 Tools and Techniques for………Developing plans to make improvements
Identifying Options Developing Plans Stakeholders? Mind-mapping &/or Brainstorming Google Benchmarking Life Cycle Analysis Waste Hierarchy Sustainable Design Operational Controls Behaviour Change Green Teams Top Level Commitment Identify Resources (eg. $, time, people) Policies and Procedures Goals and Targets Objectives (SMART) Options analysis KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators Implementation strategy Project management frameworks Evaluation – Monitoring and Reporting Activity 2: Jot down which of these tools or techniques were used in the video case studies?

11 The Waste Hierarchy

12 Tools and Techniques for…… Implementing and monitoring improvements in environmental performance
When implementing your action plan for performance improvement: Consider separate action plan/s V’s embedded action plan/s Keeping stakeholders informed and engaged How will you measure and report progress (think time, specification, budget)? How will you measure success (financial, social, environmental) Monitoring, Reporting and Review (Plan – Do – Check – Act) R&R: Rewards and Recognition Spreading the love – disseminating lessons to others Activity 3: Jot down which of these tools or techniques were used in the video case studies?

13 Case Study: Water on Newcastle Campus



16 What did we do? When What Who Dec. 2012
Installed real time monitoring and reporting on our main water meter Campus Mgt. Aug. 2013 Identified problems of “high baseflows” and “unexplained spikes in use” and allocated resources to address Sept. 2013 Conducted weekend and out of hours surveys to identify unnecessary use Plumber Oct. 2013 Accepted financial assistance from Hunter Water to investigate and address problem Nov. 2013 Undertook water audit and identified and fixed a number of leaks. Installed AAA devices Consultant Dec to May 2014 Installed sub-metering and real time reporting on priority buildings. Implemented cleaner & staff education.

17 So what happened in 2014? ?



20 Activity 4 – 15 minutes Sort into groups of 4-5
Worksheet 1: Circle the environmental issues applying to your laboratory/workplace Worksheet 2: Complete as much of the University of Washington University Green Laboratory Checklist as possible Later: Scan (don’t copy) the originals of each worksheet and to the rest of the group Later: Estimate the sheets of paper saved by distributing electronic rather than hard copies to students in your group*

21 Recap on Session Two (21 May)
Revisited the Unit Outcomes Tools to identify areas for improvement Tools to develop plans for improvement Tools to implement and monitor improvements Case Studies and activities to practice Next session ?


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