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1 European context and its implications for Qualification Standards (SER) and for VET By Yves Beernaert & Magda Kirsch.

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Presentation on theme: "1 European context and its implications for Qualification Standards (SER) and for VET By Yves Beernaert & Magda Kirsch."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 European context and its implications for Qualification Standards (SER) and for VET By Yves Beernaert & Magda Kirsch

2 2 Overview Challenges for VET and for SER or QS in the EU Initiatives to improve VET in some EU countries The policy of the EU in Education & training Conclusion

3 3 Challenges for VET across Europe (Jan Figel, EU Commissioner) Quality VET: Qualification Standards, learning methodology, VET teachers, Relevant, up-to-date, demand-lead VET: new job and qualification profiles Need for new (flexible) SER or Qualification Standards Contribution of VET to local, regional and national economic development VET for low skilled citizens at risk of social exclusions (80 Million in EU)

4 4 Challenges for EU VET systems (Jan Figel, EU Commissioner) Better and more systematic links between VET and the workplace: –cooperation school – industry / social partners; –placements in industry for pupils and teachers or trainers Help to individuals to become mobile: –better information : EURES –better guidance: Euroguidance –personal portfolios: e.g. Language portfolio –language skills : e.g. CLIL –intercultural skills

5 5 Challenges for EU VET systems (Jan Figel, EU Commissioner) Increased transparency and readability of VET qualifications More open and flexible VET systems with integration of outcomes of non formal &informal learning Individual learning pathways : customised VET Transfer and progression routes from IVET to general education and training VET as a contribution to continuous professional development and Lifelong learning

6 6 Challenges for EU VET systems (Jan Figel, EU Commissioner) Enhance attractiveness and social status of VET Breaking down barriers between general (sec.) education and VET Increase retention in VET (avoid drop-out!) Breaking down barriers between VET and H.Ed. Fostering of innovation & entrepreneurship: –EU plan to promote business spirit in E & T (Feb.06) Bigger role for ICT in VET teaching and learning More attention to the professions of VET teachers and trainers

7 7 Initiatives to improve VET in EU countries Bnl: Accent op talent, (Stress on talents) 2003 – Competence learning, guidance, learning outcomes Cooperation school – industry, Placements Pilot projects: pedagogical hothouses DK: Quality VET : Nov. 2005 Reports: Better education; Better teachers; Retention in VET Stronger cooperation school – industry (2/3 in companies!) DK VET reform (2000) and FOU programme of pilot projects NL: Deltaplan: enhance VET, science, technology Flexible learning pathways, creative learning environments AXIS projects & initiatives: e.g. coaching gifted VET pupils Roc: regional development centres NO: Culture for learning (2004) Differentiated Ed & Tr based on abilities; adapted and customised learning; learning outcomes Staff as resource person for competence development Demonstration schools

8 8 Initiatives in EU countries Finland: best performing country within PISA studies (OECD) National development plan E & T: 2004 – 2008 –Focuses for VET : Output based approach, learning outcomes Internationalisation, Cooperation general sec. Ed. & VET; More VET students in H.Education Stronger cooperation VET - industry; VET credit system, Restructuring QS, work-based learning (placements), integrated skills assessment tests, outcome assessment, Local and regional cooperation between VET providers to use all talents of youngsters

9 9 Development of Eur. Policy in Education & Training The Bologna process (declaration 1999) Lisbon strategy 2000 – 2010 Role of knowledge and innovation Need to modernise Education and training –Concrete future objectives of E & T systems (2001) –Detailed Work Programme (2002) Lifelong Learning communication (2001) and Resolution (2002) Copenhagen Process in VET (2002-) EQF: European Qualification framework (2005) plus NQFs: National Qualification Frameworks

10 10 The Copenhagen process The Copenhagen Declaration (Dec. 2002) EUROPASS: transparency of qualifications and competences Eur. Network on QA in VET –CQAF: Common Quality Assurance framework Validation of non formal (and informal) learning ECVET: Eur. Credit system in VET NRP (National Reference Points) Network

11 11 The Copenhagen process Europass –Europass CV –Europass Mobility –Europass Diploma Supplement (H.Ed.) –Europass Language Portfolios –European Certificate Supplement (VET) –National Europass Centres: information

12 12 Lisbon strategy: Detailed Workprogramme Ed. & Tr 3 strategic objectives: 1. Improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in Europe 2. Facilitating access of all to education and training systems 3. Opening Up education and training systems to the wider world

13 13 1. Quality & effectiveness of Education & Training 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2.Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 1.4. Increasing the recruitment to scientific and technical studies 1.5. Making the best of resources

14 14 2. Facilitate access to E & T 2.1. Create open learning environments 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion

15 15 3. Opening up E & T to world 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research, and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise 3.3. Improving foreign language learning 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening European co-operation

16 16 ILLLP Integrated Lifelong Learning programme (2007-2013) Integrated Programme Comenius Erasmus Leonardo da Vinci Grundtvig School education H. Ed. Initial and Adult education and continuing advanced VET training Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy development; Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations

17 17 EQF European Qualification Framework The development of EQF 8 levels National Qualification frameworks The development of sectoral qualification Frameworks Linking up sectoral with NQF and with EQF EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8

18 18 Conclusion: QS a key element in quality VET Qualification standards are part of an overall strategy / policy of Education & training and Labour at the level of –the development or upgrading of the QS –the implementation of the QS in the learning (and teaching activities) –the training of the teachers / trainers focusing on integrated competences and learning outcomes QS development structures are in a process of change in many EU countries

19 19 References Proceedings Maastricht 2004 conference on strengthening Eur. Cooperation in VET The Copenhagen process: documents and tools The Detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of Ed. & Tr. Systems in Europe Main policy initiatives and outputs in Ed & Tr. Since 2000, EU, March 2006 European network on QA in VET Lisbon 2010 strategy: documents WG ECVET: Cedefop dossier 12, Isabelle Le Mouillour EQF consultation document (June 05) and synthesis of responses (April 2006) See website:

20 20 Thank you for your attention and good luck in your projects and work!

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