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DM 4/4/02 Direct-To Controller Tool FAA/NASA Joint University Program Meeting NASA Ames Research Center April 4-5, 2002 Dave McNally Direct-To Project.

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Presentation on theme: "DM 4/4/02 Direct-To Controller Tool FAA/NASA Joint University Program Meeting NASA Ames Research Center April 4-5, 2002 Dave McNally Direct-To Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 DM 4/4/02 Direct-To Controller Tool FAA/NASA Joint University Program Meeting NASA Ames Research Center April 4-5, 2002 Dave McNally Direct-To Project Lead Automation Concepts Branch Heinz Erzberger Senior Scientist Aviation Systems Division

2 DM 4/4/02 Origins Under current day operations aircraft generally fly on fixed routes and en route Center radar controllers have very limited automation to help them work traffic more efficiently. Potential of a Direct-To Tool was discovered unexpectedly during field tests of CTAS Conflict Probe / Trial Planning functions at Denver Center (Sept. 97) and was confirmed at Fort Worth Center (Nov. 98) At both centers, controllers pointed out a preferred use for the Trial Planning function: Searching for and evaluating direct routes that are conflict free. The Direct-To Tool was built to automate the search for and execution of direct route trajectories.

3 DM 4/4/02 Direct-To (D2) Features Radar controller tool for analysis and input of route and altitude options Advisories for traffic conflicts and time-saving (wind- favorable) direct routes Trial Planner analyzes traffic conflicts, wind effect on flying time, preferential routing restrictions, special use airspace Rapid feedback software design and sparse information display well suited to radar controller Based on CTAS trajectory analysis methodology and software. One additional module connected to CTAS TMA system

4 DM 4/4/02 D2 Route Advisories Direct-To identifies aircraft that can save at least one minute by flying direct to a down- stream fix on their route of flight. Route advisories are displayed in the flight data block (FDB) and an optional list on the controller’s traffic display The Trial Planner allows controllers to easily display, modify, and input Direct-To flight plan amendments to the Host computer. Potential savings in flying time for Ft. Worth Center airspace is approximately 1,800 minutes per day or about 2.5 minutes per Direct-To clearance advisory. N797FA > 6 330 C 215 390

5 DM 4/4/02 D2 Routing Algorithm DFW.DALL5.TXK..LIT.J131.PXV.J29.JHW.J82.ALB.GDM2.BOS MSP./.TUL.J87.BILEE.CUGAR6.IAH Examples: Boundaries of Limit Rectangle 1000 x 800 nm 800 nm 1000 nm. TORNN Direct-To Routes Flight Plan Routes.. CUGAR IAH

6 DM 4/4/02 Trial Planner Click D2 advisory (list or FDB) to activate Trial Planner Trial Plan status updates every 1 sec –Graphic display –Traffic Conflicts –Pref. Routings –Time Savings –Special Use Airspace Click fix menu to modify route Click “Accept” to amend flight plan Direct-To Display

7 DM 4/4/02 Auxiliary Waypoints Click and drag anywhere on trial plan route to add auxiliary waypoint Wind-corrected magnetic heading to the waypoint appears in flight data block Waypoint automatically added to flight plan amendment message

8 DM 4/4/02 Conflict Probe Probabilistic analysis of CTAS trajectories (12 sec update) Flight data block or list-based alerting on traffic display Click for graphic display Direct route advisories automatically probed for conflict Expanded separation criteria for route advisories and trial planning (12 mi, 4000 ft for transitioning a/c) Conflict status updates every 1 sec while in trial planning

9 DM 4/4/02 Automatic Altitude Probe Altitude Trial Planner automatically conflict probes climb or descent to any altitude Climb Example

10 DM 4/4/02 Direct-To Operational Testing

11 DM 4/4/02 Field Test Operations 3 high altitude sectors, Fort Worth Center, May 21 - June 14, 2001. 9 member controller team D-Side controller operated Direct-To Tool 4 weeks, 4 days/week, 136 sector-hours 3204 trial plans, 1198 flight plan amendments Direct-To Display

12 DM 4/4/02 Trial Planner Usage - Monitor Alert Period Sector 86 Monitor Alert = 13 aircraft

13 DM 4/4/02 Direct-To Usage vs. Traffic Count

14 DM 4/4/02 Obsolete Weather Avoidance Routes Severe weather affected aircraft routing during 8 of 16 field test days Direct-To identified several routes where weather no longer a factor Controller team pointed out that without D2, routing opportunity may have gone unnoticed due to route truncation on paper strips 27 aircraft routed direct, 253 min total savings, 9.4 min average savings

15 DM 4/4/02 A B T M - minimum time to fly T D2 TBTB T FP Net D2 Savings Maximum Baseline Potential Flying Time Savings Model Time Savings Flying Time D2 Field Test T FP - time to fly on flight plan T B - baseline time to fly (no tool) T D2 - time to fly with D2 aiding

16 DM 4/4/02 Texarkana/PXV - DAL204 Average Net D2 Savings = 0.96 Minutes

17 DM 4/4/02 Normalized Net D2 Savings Net D2 Savings S = Potential Savings AAL1614 DAL204 All 86/HRV All 90/PXV S No. Field Test Flts. No. Base- line Flts. 46 65 1827 2551 66% 59% 51% 35% Net D2 Savings Maximum Baseline Potential Time Savings D2 Field Test

18 DM 4/4/02 Conclusions Direct-To is suitable for the R-Side traffic situation display and will provide substantial benefit to the R- Side controller. Direct-To facilitates a net savings in flying time for aircraft operating in Fort Worth Center. –1 minute on common routes –5 minutes or more on obsolete weather avoidance routes –50% of facility-wide potential savings Direct-To and TMA can run on a common CTAS system under operational conditions.

19 DM 4/4/02 Current Research Merge D2 with operational radar displays (DSR R-Side) Develop methods for integration of D2 with Traffic Flow Management and arrival metering

20 DM 4/4/02 References Publications UPR Papers Direct-To Papers POC: Dave McNally (650) 604-5440

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