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Data Warehouse New Data Administrator Training October 3, 2014 Data Coordinators: Larry Hunt & Angie Russell.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Warehouse New Data Administrator Training October 3, 2014 Data Coordinators: Larry Hunt & Angie Russell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Warehouse New Data Administrator Training October 3, 2014 Data Coordinators: Larry Hunt & Angie Russell

2 Grounding  Name, district, role  Share your rating on the data survey and why

3 Data Skill Survey 5. Data? No problem. I invented data. 4. I’m OK. I taught high school statistics. 3. I used data to plan instruction, and it helped a lot. 2. I was assigned this position, but not sure what data skills I’ll need. 1. I like data except for the numbers part. 5. Data? No problem. I invented data. 4. I’m OK. I taught high school statistics. 3. I used data to plan instruction, and it helped a lot. 2. I was assigned this position, but not sure what data skills I’ll need. 1. I like data except for the numbers part.

4 Goals of this session…  Gain an understanding of the Data Warehouse, SIRS and the NYS reporting process in schools  Discuss roles and responsibilities of the District Data Coordinator  Consider key personnel responsible for data reporting  Discuss roles and purpose of a data verification team  Gain an understanding of the Data Warehouse, SIRS and the NYS reporting process in schools  Discuss roles and responsibilities of the District Data Coordinator  Consider key personnel responsible for data reporting  Discuss roles and purpose of a data verification team

5 What is a Data Warehouse? A data warehouse is a storage facility or repository that maintains large quantities of data that would typically reside in a number of disparate locations.

6 What are the benefits of the Data Warehouse?  The Data Warehouses includes a wide variety of current and historical information, including demographic, enrollment, program service, and assessment data, and others  It allows for the merging of data sets and data sources that are otherwise difficult to combine or compare  The Data Warehouses includes a wide variety of current and historical information, including demographic, enrollment, program service, and assessment data, and others  It allows for the merging of data sets and data sources that are otherwise difficult to combine or compare

7 Purposes of the Data Warehouse  To help educators in NY make sound, data- based plans and decisions about their work  To help SED evaluate education in NYS  To support funding decisions at the state and federal level  To hold school districts accountable  To help educators in NY make sound, data- based plans and decisions about their work  To help SED evaluate education in NYS  To support funding decisions at the state and federal level  To hold school districts accountable

8 The Structure of the Data Warehouse

9 Special Education System/ Intervention Tracking System Regional Data Warehouse – Level 1 Statewide Repository – Level 2 State Educ. Dept. Food Service Package Student Management System COGNOS Level One PD System Portal COGNOS Level 2 reports NYS School Report Cards Federal Reports Level 0 How schools report data? HR Service Package

10 Data Warehouse Terminology  Various software packages  eScholar Templates (23)  Level 0  Level 1  COGNOS Report/Cubes  Level 1C (container)  Level 2  COGNOS State Reporting (L2RPT)  PD – VR reports  NYSSIS  Level 0 Historical

11 Refresh Cycle for Loading Data  Level 0 From Level 1 nightly  Level 1 – From Level 0Every 15 minutes (Mon-Thurs)  Level 1 – From SIS/IEPD/First thing Thursday  Nutrikids/etc.  Submit to NYSSIS8 AM Thursdays  Level 1 Cognos ReportsInstant from Level 1  Level 1 Cognos CubesAs needed  Level 1 ContainerFriday midnight  Level 2 ReportingMonday @ 6 AM  PD SystemMonday @ 6 AM  Level 0 From Level 1 nightly  Level 1 – From Level 0Every 15 minutes (Mon-Thurs)  Level 1 – From SIS/IEPD/First thing Thursday  Nutrikids/etc.  Submit to NYSSIS8 AM Thursdays  Level 1 Cognos ReportsInstant from Level 1  Level 1 Cognos CubesAs needed  Level 1 ContainerFriday midnight  Level 2 ReportingMonday @ 6 AM  PD SystemMonday @ 6 AM

12 Student ID Data Set NYSSIS Near Match Resolution District SMS State ID Regional Data Warehouse (Level 1) NYS Unique ID System (NYSSIS)

13 Level 0 Historical

14 NYSED Business Portal

15 The Role of the Data Administrator

16 What is a data administrator and what should they be doing? A district level administrator who is responsible for the accuracy and effective use of district’s data. Key Responsibilities Include:  Attend informational sessions provided for District Data Coordinators by Level 1 data centers  Coordinate and facilitate district data team meetings  Monitor compliance with regard to data standards and maintenance of records  Ensure data extracts conform to the Data Warehouse file format and include all required fields as specified in the templates  Secure certification  Assist in the direction of the data analysis activities and instructional improvement initiatives A district level administrator who is responsible for the accuracy and effective use of district’s data. Key Responsibilities Include:  Attend informational sessions provided for District Data Coordinators by Level 1 data centers  Coordinate and facilitate district data team meetings  Monitor compliance with regard to data standards and maintenance of records  Ensure data extracts conform to the Data Warehouse file format and include all required fields as specified in the templates  Secure certification  Assist in the direction of the data analysis activities and instructional improvement initiatives

17 Demographics  Student demographics include basic student data  Student ID, student name, grade, birthdate, gender, ethnicity, and parent contact information  Can change during the year  Student demographics include basic student data  Student ID, student name, grade, birthdate, gender, ethnicity, and parent contact information  Can change during the year

18 Student Enrollment  Student enrollment - when the student enters and/or leaves the school district and/or changes program

19 Program Fact/Services  These are facts about students  They have a beginning date, and can have an ending date  Typical Program Facts would be Free and Reduced Lunch, LEP, Disability, Reading First, NCLB groups (Title One) Liberty Partnership  These are facts about students  They have a beginning date, and can have an ending date  Typical Program Facts would be Free and Reduced Lunch, LEP, Disability, Reading First, NCLB groups (Title One) Liberty Partnership

20 Assessment Fact Assessment Response  Assessment Fact  Test Group Codes ( ALTREG, CTE, NYS, NYSAA, Regents, NYSITELL etc.)  Standard Achieved Codes  Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Medically Excused, Admin Error  Assessment Response  Item Response Data  Assessment Fact  Test Group Codes ( ALTREG, CTE, NYS, NYSAA, Regents, NYSITELL etc.)  Standard Achieved Codes  Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Medically Excused, Admin Error  Assessment Response  Item Response Data

21 So, What Should I Do To Get Started?  Each district should identify a Data Administrator  Contact CNYRIC DW team  Develop a team, and establish processes  This is not a one person task  Review data reports monthly  Make sure that others understand their roles in the process. The State provides deadlines, make sure deadlines are well communicated to team.  Each district should identify a Data Administrator  Contact CNYRIC DW team  Develop a team, and establish processes  This is not a one person task  Review data reports monthly  Make sure that others understand their roles in the process. The State provides deadlines, make sure deadlines are well communicated to team.

22 Certification Overview  October – Staff Evaluation Rating  December – August Graduates  January – BEDS  April – BEDS  May – BEDS – Free and Reduced Lunch  June – Teacher Student Data Linkage Staff Assignment  August – End of Year  October – Staff Evaluation Rating  December – August Graduates  January – BEDS  April – BEDS  May – BEDS – Free and Reduced Lunch  June – Teacher Student Data Linkage Staff Assignment  August – End of Year

23 Effective Data Use  Give data to teachers in a format they are able to understand  Investigate effective data facilitation strategies  Give data to teachers in a format they are able to understand  Investigate effective data facilitation strategies

24 Contact Information Donald DeJohn, Ph.D. Project Manager, Data Warehouse (315) 433-2217 Donald DeJohn, Ph.D. Project Manager, Data Warehouse (315) 433-2217 Lori DeForest Supervisor, Data Analysis Services (315) 433-2247

25 Websites for Data Administrators  Information Reporting Services (IRS):  Student Information Repository System:  IRS Calendar:  Business Portal: (IRSP)  LDS TAC:  Templates:  Accountability:   Information Reporting Services (IRS):  Student Information Repository System:  IRS Calendar:  Business Portal: (IRSP)  LDS TAC:  Templates:  Accountability: 

26 What is your one burning question about being a Data Administrator?

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