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Dutch approach fighting youth unemployment Marisa Cartier van Dissel Policy Advisor Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Dutch approach fighting youth unemployment Marisa Cartier van Dissel Policy Advisor Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dutch approach fighting youth unemployment Marisa Cartier van Dissel Policy Advisor Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

2 Outline 1.Figures youth unemployment 2.Young people at risk of unemployment 3.Additional efforts

3 3

4 4

5 5

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7 Young people at risk

8 8 Young people at risk of unemployment 1.School drop-outs. 2.Young people with education that does not match labour market. 3.Young people with migrant background.

9 School drop-outs

10 Why? Definition: Youngster,12 to 23 years, who does not attend school and who has not achieved a basic qualification. Good labour market perspectives. Objective: the number of new early school- leavers must be reduced to 25.000 in 2016. 10

11 How? Absenteeism registration; Integrated approach and performance agreements between schools, municipalities and national government; Financial incentives for educational institutions; Continuous learning pathways from pre-vocational secondary education to secondary vocational education; Special focus on: Institutions with higher drop out rates; First year of secondary vocational education. School Ex 2.0: stimulate young people in VET to stay longer in education and choose for labour market relevant education (broader focus than early school leaving) 11

12 12

13 Preventing youth unemployment 13 16 years Compulsory education 18 years Qualification requirement 23 years Early school leaver 27 years Special regime in Social Assistance Act for young people

14 Link education & labour market

15 Link education and labour market Good quality of education. Education that meets the needs of the labour market. Apprenticeships & traineeships in educational system. Mentoring. 15

16 Key role for social partners in secondary VET Work placement and apprenticeships Qualifications Examination 16

17 Young people with migrant background

18 18

19 Youg people with migrant background Raise education level. Reach migrants within the generic policy. Education in line with labour market needs. 19

20 Additional efforts

21 Additional resources for municipalities and sectors Ambassador for Youth Employment. Fiscal stimulus for employers to hire young unemployed people. Vacancies for young people 21

22 Reintegration into labour market » Reintegration into the labour market is decentralized to municipalities. » Municipalities cooperate with among others UWV (public employment service), educational institutions, employers and health care providers Kennismaken met Rijksbreed | 15 mei 2009 Basisadministratie Persoonsgegevens en Reisdocumenten 22


24 Thank you for your attention Any question? 24

25 Most students attend VET 25

26 Various pathways for various needs… Secondary vocational education (MBO) Four different sectors: 1. Agriculture 2.Engineering & Technology 3.Healthcare 4.Economics Two pathways: 1. Vocational training (BOL): Professional training: practical training between 20% and 60% 2. Block or day release (BBL) Apprenticeship based: practical training takes up more than 60% Four different levels: from assistent training (level 1) to middle management training (level 4) 26

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