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‘You have skills’ – Evidences from Austria Assessment and validation of non-formal and informal learning Mariya Dzhengozova 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "‘You have skills’ – Evidences from Austria Assessment and validation of non-formal and informal learning Mariya Dzhengozova 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘You have skills’ – Evidences from Austria Assessment and validation of non-formal and informal learning Mariya Dzhengozova 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH CREATE Conference Sofia, 20 th September 2013

2 3s – learn & work Research & consulting, Austria & Europe ___ Labour market and occupational research ___ Feasibility studies ___ International and comparative educational research ___ Classification of competences and occupations ___ Non-formal and informal learning ___ Analysis of training needs ___ Quality in education ___ Transparency tools: EQF, NQF, ECVET ___ Web tools for education and the labour market ___ Education and career guides

3 3s current projects: examples Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning – e.g. OBSERVAL, OBSERVAL-Net: European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning __2014 update on Bulgaria and Austria, __subcontracted by ICF, GHK Developing VET-Quality by using ECVET-Units, __ shows how (units of) learning outcomes can be used in order to achieve a higher quality in the process and effects of VET, Valbuk: Valuing prior Learning, Building Qualifications __identifies, tests and transfers practical solutions facilitating the development of innovative practices in VET, using ECVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning, etc; http://valbuk.ch

4 National perspective on validation No uniform legal framework regulating VNIL VNIL - a central element of the Austrian LLL:2020 __Establishment of a national overall strategy by 2015 __Recognition of competences independent from the learning context National practices __qualification levels - mostly assed via legally regulated certificates __completed CET programmes, on-the-job learning, etc. – considered less relevant __measures and initiatives for VNIL developed by ministries in cooperation with social partners

5 ‘You have skills’ – ‘Du kannst was’ Scope: Austrian province of Burgenland __Implemented since 2012 by Adult Educational Centres of Burgenland __Biggest adult education provider in the region Transfer: Pilot project ‘You have skills’, Upper Austria (2007) Partnership: __State institutions, main CVET providers in the region; __Regulatory partners within the national VET system i.e. Chamber of Labour, Austrian Trade Union Association, Economic Chambers Funding : ESF, Federal State and the Province of Burgenland

6 Rationale behind ‘You have skills’ EU Context __Introduction of the concept of LLL __Increasing importance of competences acquired in nfl/ifl Matching skills supply and demand in Burgenland __21% of 25-64 aged residents have only compulsory education __implemented in the areas of second-chance education Target group __Persons over 22 years; __5-year experience in one of 6 occupations (metalworker, bricklayer..) __Occupations with above average number of semi-skilled workers

7 Aims of the initiative To support persons with extensive work experience to progress from the status of semi-skilled into the status of skilled worker through the acquisition of apprenticeship certificate Legal basis __Vocational Training Act (Berufsausbildungsgesetzt) __Exceptional admission to the apprenticeship leave examination __applies to people over 18 without formal training who can provide evidences of acquired vocational skills and knowledge for a certain occupation

8 Process of validation (1) Step 1: Information/outreach-strategy __Recruitment of participants through target group specific communication channels i.e. workers’ unions, chambers, etc. Step 2: Initial consultation __ Potential participants are informed about the procedures and requirements for validation Step 3: Personal competence portfolios __CH-Q: Swiss Qualification Programme for Career Development __Workshops with CH-Q trainers at the VHS Burgenland __WS 1: Biography work (identification) & evidence collection __WS 2: Analysis (becoming aware of one’s own competences) __WS 3: Personal profile (filtering key competences)

9 Process of validation (2) Step 4: First performance check __ Apprenticeship Office at Economic Chambers compares the competences of the personal portfolio with those relevant for the corresponding job profile and with the examination regulations. Step 5: Counselling on further education Step 6: Further education Step 7: Second performance check __proof of competences acquired in additional courses __limited final apprenticeship examination Step 8: Validation as skilled worker, apprenticeship certificate (NQF level 4, Isced 3b)

10 Quality assurance Examination Committees __set up by the Apprenticeship Office __composed of professional experts Examination Methods __written tests __oral exams __practical and theoretical part

11 Current results __40 participants attended the initial consultation __24 of them participated in the workshops __22 had first performance check __2 participants will have it in autumn 2013 because of health reasons __11 participants received their certificate of final apprenticeship examination __11 participants will undergo their second performance check in autumn 2013.

12 Conclusions Added value __Use of competence portfolio method as a basis for VNIL __Individual biography as a LLL process __Development of the ability for self-reflection: identify, formulate, assess and provide evidence on one’s competences acquired within different learning contexts __Long-term measure: new round for validation foreseen to start in autumn 2013 ‘You have skills’ - a step forward towards an overall national strategy for VNIL Measure combating current / future skills shortages

13 Thank you for your attention!

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