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Published byRoland Thomas Modified over 9 years ago
Best Practicesfor State Mandated Student Assessment Professional Standards Commission 1
Best Practices Prior to Receiving Test Materials in the School After Receiving Materials During Testing After Completion of Testing 2
Acronyms TETest Examiner SyTCSystem Test Coordinator ScTCSchool Test Coordinator 3
Best Practices Prior to Receiving Test Materials 4
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 1.School Test Coordinator (ScTC) ▫Administrator Supervisory authority Evaluation and Reporting Authority 2.Assistant School Test Coordinator (Asst. ScTC) ▫Certified Personnel 5
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 3.Training of ScTC ▫From SyTC ▫All schools trained at same the time ▫Includes State Assessment Handbook of policies and procedures Local system policies and procedures Specific upcoming test procedures Materials to train school personnel Confidentiality/security requirements 6
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 4.Training of Test Examiners, Proctors, and Monitors by ScTC ▫Program and Schedule Each group at the same time Same instructions Access to Q&A from others being trained ▫Done immediately prior to test administration Previous training or previously giving the test does NOT substitute for current training Emphasize changes but review all instructions Extra personnel in each group in case of emergency 7
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 4.Training of Test Examiners, Proctors, and Monitors ▫Agendas, training materials, confidentiality forms File copies Verifies complete training ▫Sign in/out sheets Date & time stamp School Program Form 8
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 4.Training of Test Examiners, Proctors, and Monitors ▫Roles and responsibilities What to look for What they can and cannot do When and how to address issues/incidents Where they will be assigned School Program Form 9
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 5.Testing rosters for each testing site (classroom) ▫List students, TE, and Proctor ▫TE and Proctors cannot test relatives ▫TE and Proctors should not test in grade level of immediate relatives ▫Change roster daily if needed 6.Master list of students and accommodations needed ▫Signed by ScTC and Sp. Ed Dept/ELL/504 designee Testing Roster Accommodations Roster 10
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 7.Train accommodation TE ▫Second Training Explain accommodations How to give ▫“Oral Reading” Detailed instructions on how to read Number of times Q and/or A choices Regular classroom instruction Practice Tone and voice inflections 11
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 7.Train accommodation TE (continued) ▫Roster with accommodations for examiner ▫TE signs & dates accommodation notification ▫Accommodation must be stated in student’s plan ▫Changes by ScTC only Signed by ScTC Dated by ScTC Confirmed by Special Education Department designee Teachers cannot make changes alone 12
Prior to Receiving Test Materials 8.Secure storage area for test material ▫Limited access ▫Locked at all times ▫Keys controlled by principal ▫Limited number of keys 9.Security procedure for transporting test material ▫System to school & school to system ▫Date and time stamp Access Log 13
Best Practices After Receiving Test Materials in the School 14
After Receiving Test Materials 10.Integrity of secured storage area ▫Keys signed in/out with dates and times ▫Purpose of entrance ▫ScTC or designee in area with staff member 11.Two+ people present when verifying, counting, or sorting test materials ▫No one alone with test materials ▫Sign-in/out with date, time, purpose 12.Manually count packages comparing to invoice ▫Report discrepancies to SyTC Security Log 15
After Receiving Test Materials 13.Manually count contents of each package ▫Packages remain intact until testing ▫Count booklet spines through shrink wrap ▫Answer document count ▫Label packages with correct numbers ▫When sorting for testing sites, verify package count again ▫Notify SyTC of discrepancies 14.Cease specific test prep/review activities ▫Avoid appearance of wrong doing ▫Lesson plans validate instruction schedule 16
After Receiving Test Materials 15.Prepare containers for each TE ▫Exact number needed by examiner Lessens opportunity for loss Reduces chance of examiner reading test ▫Maintain test security and limited access ▫Pull test booklets for “oral reading” ▫Kept in secured area when not in use ▫Keep booklet order as mandated by testing directions 17
After Receiving Test Materials 15.Prepare containers for each TE (continued) ▫Inventory form giving material count on each item ▫Test Examiner verifies or corrects count Done with ScTC or designee Done daily upon check out and return TE signs with date and time Once signed, TE responsible for returning exact count to ScTC 18
After Receiving Test Materials 16.Teachers remove/cover all instructional materials ▫Walls, desks, cabinets, boards, etc. ▫Done at least week prior to testing 17.Ensure desks/tables to are clear discourage communication and cheating among students ▫Use of dividers/partitions for tables and computer stations ▫Develop plan for discouraging communication among facing students ▫Should be done at least a week prior to testing 19
After Receiving Test Materials 18.Principals verify instructional materials removed, appropriate desk arrangements and door windows uncovered ▫Done 1 or 2 days prior to test administration 20
After Receiving Test Materials 19.Schedule all test sites in areas for easy access by Monitors. 20. Schedule Hall Monitors for availability to test sites on a regular patrol. 21.Develop signal system for when assistance is needed by Monitors 21
Best Practices During Testing 22
During Testing 22.Provide pencils to students ▫Erasers non-smearing or non-smudging ▫#2 non-mechanical 23.Roster signed by student giving book and form number of his/her test booklet ▫Done first day before testing ▫TE verifies numbers ▫Student/TE verifies daily 23
During Testing 24.Student information accurately bubbled and printed on answer document ▫Student name on doc first day of testing ▫Student labels 25.Start/stop time recorded of each testing session and/or section ▫Done by each TE ▫Logs if too much or too little time given 26.Ensure script (instructions for students in the manual) read exactly as directed and no deviations 24
During Testing 27.Test Examiners and Proctors walk & monitor students routinely ▫Stops a situation before it becomes a problem ▫No computer use or grading papers by TE ▫Discourages TE from note taking on test Q&A ▫Keeps everyone’s focus on testing process ▫No phone usage or texting by Examiners or Proctors during testing 28.TE maintains Incident Log Sheet ▫Safeguard for Examiner ▫The more information the better ▫Details of what happened which might impact test scores ▫Administrator review daily Look for improvements needed Initial daily to prohibit changes in the future 25
During Testing 29.Transcribing Form when student’s answers must be transferred to new document ▫Reasons for transcribing: erasure holes, soiled or torn answer document, excessive smearing, etc. ▫Protection for transcribers ▫Transcriber and witness who verifies sign ▫ScTC, Asst. ScTC and /or administrator witness ▫Always use certified personnel for transcribing. 30.Instruct Test Examiners, Proctors, and Monitors NOT to read a student test unless they are providing an “oral reading” exam 26
During Testing 31.Report student test booklet problem to the ScTC immediately ▫ScTC needs to verify form and level for replacement if book is to be exchanged. 32.Instruct TE, Proctors and Monitors NOT to discuss test questions or answers with anyone, including students. 33.Report any concern about a test Q&A to the ScTC who will relay the information to the SyTC who will notify GaDOE. 27
During Testing 34.Monitors should enter testing sites routinely ▫Protection of TE ▫Verifies that testing protocol and procedures are being followed ▫Ensures students have fair and equal test administration 28
During Testing 35.School personnel should NOT be in the building at night, on weekends, or on holidays while testing materials are in the building ▫Protection of personnel against allegations ▫Includes ScTC, Asst, ScTC, and Administrators ▫If must be in building, then ensure that no access to testing materials is possible or occurs Document who, why, and when in the building 29
During Testing 36.TE contacts the ScTC immediately if any situation arises that might impact test results 37.ScTC contacts the Principal immediately if any situation arises that might impact test results ▫Principal is ultimately responsible ▫ScTC and Principal responsible for notifying SyTC ▫A designee must be assigned and announced to TE’s if ScTC/Principal will not be present on day of test. 30
During Testing 38.Each day announce to students and staff what test or test section will be completed that day. 39.Make-up testing must be done using the same testing procedures as the original testing. ▫Monitor ▫Accommodations ▫Individual testing situations 31
Best Practices After Testing 32
After Testing 40.Test document cleanup done in group setting with ScTC ▫Stray marks need to be erased (group setting). ▫TE cleans up documents of students other than the ones they test or teach ▫If major cleanup, then have witness and verification ▫Sign in/out of those present (date and time beginning and ending) 41.Testing materials should be collected and verified promptly after each testing session ▫Gives immediate verification of missing materials ▫Protects TE if counts are correct 33
After Testing 42.Keep materials secured until return to system 43.Return testing materials to system via secure procedure as soon as possible and document date and time for departure and arrival 34
After Testing 44.Testing materials collected by system and counts verified for return to state/vendors 45.Materials returned from schools signed for and dated with time by SyTC or his/her designee and placed into the system’s inventory 46.Package answer documents and note on master list the box number with a list of classes submitted in that box 35
After Testing 47.Package testing materials for return recording the box number and what materials are returned in that box ▫Include book numbers ▫Gives information for vendor when shipment lost ▫Can compare shipping weights and billing to verify 48.If school is responsible for packaging materials for return to state/vendor, then the system should spot check matching numbers and recorded contents for accuracy. 49.Assure that all shipping directions and time lines are followed 36
After Testing 50.Test documents ready for shipping maintained in secure location, never “left at main desk” or “out in the open” for pickup 51.Procedure for the ScTC or School Administrator to sign for student scores (hard copy and electronic) when given to the school ▫Encourages/emphasizes security and confidentiality ▫Serves as time stamp when scores were received 52.Procedure to distribute test scores to schools, teachers, and parents to ensure the protection of individual student test scores based on confidentiality laws and requirements 37
After Testing 53.Electronic files should be kept in secured manner with confidentiality stressed ▫Limited access on computer ▫Safeguards on servers or individual computers 54.Retain all testing rosters, lists, signatures, agendas, sign-in/out sheets, logs, and other system/school materials for documentation purposes. 38
After Testing 55.Principal’s Certification Form ▫After each test administration ▫Kept at system level for 5 years ▫Documentation attached 56.Superintendent’s Certification Forms ▫Due January 30 and July 31 39
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