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Technology Advisory Committee.  Preparations for 1:1 teacher & student.  Provide high bandwidth infrastructure.  Set minimum speed targets, LAN & WAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Advisory Committee.  Preparations for 1:1 teacher & student.  Provide high bandwidth infrastructure.  Set minimum speed targets, LAN & WAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Advisory Committee

2  Preparations for 1:1 teacher & student.  Provide high bandwidth infrastructure.  Set minimum speed targets, LAN & WAN.  Completion of BTOP (ARRA Fiber Grant).  Rebuild of Wireless LAN for DENSITY.  Develop policies, procedures and guidelines.  Revisit Content Filter replacement plan.  Disaster Recovery Plan + Policy subcommittee.  Adequate staff positions to support infrastructure.  Strategic staffing + Contracted services.

3  Educator, Student access to mobile technology.  1:1 teacher laptops by FY14.  Continue 4-year refresh cycle, expand technology options.  Expansion of in-classroom technology.  SmartBoards: 100% Elem by FY14, middle & high to follow.  Continued use of doc cameras, slates, mice, response systems.  Accommodating diverse learning needs.  Provide LMS for teacher, school admin, middle + high student use.  Provide 24/7 external access to learning resources.  Administrative productivity.  SharePoint.  iPads.

4  Proved enhanced support options.  Continue equitable support practices.  Expanded use of contracted services.  Proactive support strategies.  Implement Desktop Management solution.  Responsible lifecycle management.  Budget strategies focus on sustainability.  Responsible data destruction & resale.

5  Infrastructure  Complete first phase of BTOP.  Continue network wiring capacity upgrades.  Investigate wireless LAN, content filter replacements.  Begin Disaster Recovery Planning.  Access  Continue with desktop & laptop replacements.  Propose expansion of desktops in HS Science.  Review mobile device 1:1 constraints (TAC).  Support  Continue requesting need for additional support in Instructional Technology, Network Services and Application Services.  Review supplemental services offerings in lieu of additional FTE’s.

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