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Presidency report GCM/10-141 Presidency report UEF GCM 10th October 2014 NESSEBAR (BG) Hervé Némoz-Rajot Vice President.

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Presentation on theme: "Presidency report GCM/10-141 Presidency report UEF GCM 10th October 2014 NESSEBAR (BG) Hervé Némoz-Rajot Vice President."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presidency report GCM/10-141 Presidency report UEF GCM 10th October 2014 NESSEBAR (BG) Hervé Némoz-Rajot Vice President

3 Presidency report GCM/10-142 1 Homepage matter 2 Flow of information 3 FAO UNECE “forest green jobs” A new working plan for information Following the professionalization of the UEF communication line A new homepage soon?

4 Presidency report GCM/10-143 Our achievements 2 Presidency letters A good way to keep in touch! A good feedback A 17 letters collection you can download in our homepage

5 Presidency report GCM/10-144 Our achievements Useful and new UEF official gifts: New clocks New key rings New UEF stickers

6 Presidency report GCM/10-145 Our achievements A new UEF business card updated after the last Congress (2013) Constant fresh news and information in our homepage and by special E-mails from our assistant secretary.

7 Presidency report GCM/10-146 Last but not least in communication A new homepage in 2015? More easy to update by ourselves Cheaper with a UEF Presidency monitoring and maintenance Simplified menu

8 Presidency report GCM/10-147 Miscellenaous Some projects in work (a new UEF brochure about Forest utilities?) A good level in the flow of information to our members A simplified homepage soon, without work for our members. A UEF participation in a UNECE FAO Forest Europe project? After a meeting in Roma (June 2014) : cf. the presentation about “Forest green jobs” Thank you for your attention and comments!

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