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Public Health Nurse Advocacy September 2012. PHN Advocacy History  Qualitative Research  “Lived” PHN Experience  Focus Groups  Themes  Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health Nurse Advocacy September 2012. PHN Advocacy History  Qualitative Research  “Lived” PHN Experience  Focus Groups  Themes  Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health Nurse Advocacy September 2012

2 PHN Advocacy History  Qualitative Research  “Lived” PHN Experience  Focus Groups  Themes  Recommendations  Brand “VOICE”  Tool Kit 2

3 VOICE 3  PHNAC VOICE  V alidating PHN Role  O rganizing PHN Practice  I nstilling I nnovative Leadership  C ollaborating with Colleagues  E nvisioning our Future  PHN VOICE of the Community  V ocalize, V ersatile, V alidate  O bserve, O rganize  I nnovate, I nvest, I mplement  C ommunity as C lient  E mpower, E vidence Based Practice

4 Public Public Health Nurses V Vocalize, Versatile, Validate O Organize, Observe I Innovate, Invest, Implement C Community as Client E Empower, Evidence-based 4

5 How to use VOICE V PHNs vocalize the health needs of the community PHNs are versatile and wear many hats PHNs consistently validate our assessment data O PHNs observe & assess the community’s health care needs PHNs organize community partners to address health concerns I PHNs plan and develop community based programs through innovative processes PHNs invest in the community’s assets PHNs implement community and population based programs C Community is our client E PHNs Empower community through evidence-based practice 5

6 Advocating PHN role  Share who you are – use the elevator speech  Explain what you do  Assess who you are speaking to:  Pre-plan if possible  If there is a group, know who you want to speak with  Opportunities for collaboration 6

7 What I do:  Describe your role – for example: I am a public health nurse in the (?) program at (name of LPHA)  I work with : (types of clients, community organizations, other professionals, etc.)  I work to : (start with smallest population impact and continue to largest public health impact of the work)  My public health nursing skills and perspective are unique to my work because :(discuss use of components of nursing process and bridge between health, policy, science, and people) 7

8 Did you know?  As a Public Health Nurse I am licensed as a RN under the State Nurse Practice Act, who works in the governmental public health system  The foundation of my public health nursing practice is the nursing process of assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating daily in my work with the public – I create conditions where people can be healthy. For example:  I am flexible, licensed, and skilled to provide clinical services, such immunizations, as well as assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating public health programs. For example: (emergency preparedness, community collations, population based programs, disease investigations) 8

9 Elevator Speech 3 points/9 seconds/27 words 1. Licensed RN working in the governmental public health 2. Assess, plan, implement and evaluate public health programs 3. Flexible and skilled to provide clinical services and create healthy conditions 9

10 Know Your Community  Look for opportunities to advocate for PHNs on your own:  BOCC and BOH  City/Town/County Government Agencies  Non-Profit Boards  Community Based Organizations  Other RNs 10

11 Tool Kit Elevator Speech 1. Make it your own 2. Use the words from the VOICE campaign 3. Keep it short - 27 seconds Business Cards PHNAC Website 1. Three Power Point slides to customize 2. Blog 11

12 The Challenge Use the elevator speech with 2 people in the next 2 months  Share your experiences:  Blog  Email  PHNPC/PHNAC Meetings February PHNAC Conference reporting 12

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