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UWE Bristol, UK An experiential learning simulation: a bridge between higher education and the workplace? Dr Olivia Billingham Education Innovation Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "UWE Bristol, UK An experiential learning simulation: a bridge between higher education and the workplace? Dr Olivia Billingham Education Innovation Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 UWE Bristol, UK An experiential learning simulation: a bridge between higher education and the workplace? Dr Olivia Billingham Education Innovation Centre

2 Simulations in Higher Education

3 SIMITA SIMulations in Transactional Activities

4 SIMITA features

5 SIMITA activity log

6 SIMITA for tutors Monitor progress Give Advice Add complications Identify mistakes Flexibility Richer learning

7 Experiential learning

8 What did I want to find out? Does SIMITA help students bridge the gap between learning at higher education level and the workplace?

9 Results: Patterns of participation 1 st January 2011 - 16 th February 2011

10 Results: Value and usability

11 Results: workplace relevance Workplace relevance 1 not at all true 23 4 somewhat true 56 7 very true I have learned case handling skills that will be transferable to a legal work place 3123 I have learned skills on this module that will be transferable to any workplace 3213 The case work activities have real world relevance 2412

12 Results: experiential learning cycle

13 Results: learning cycle 1 not at all true 23 4 somewhat true 56 7 very true Experiential Learning I have developed case handling skills on this module 11214 I am learning about legal process on this module through my experience of handling the case work 3213 I have learned about legal process through mistakes that I have made while handling the case work 2124 I have learned about legal process through mistakes that other people have made while handling the case work 2124 Reflection I reflected on the choices and decisions I made throughout the civil case 3114 I learned from the choices and decisions that I made throughout the civil case 23 4 Abstract Conceptualisation SIMITA helps me to connect information and ideas when considering the legal process module 1234133 Using SIMITA helps me to put classroom theory into practise 344412

14 Results: invaluable experience

15 Conclusions What did I want to find out? Does SIMITA help students bridge the gap between learning at higher education level and the workplace? Respondents perceived that using SIMITA was an experiential learning experience. Respondents agreed that the skills they were developing had real world relevance

16 Future directions Increase number of participants Revise research plan Address abstract conceptualisation stage of learning cycle

17 Researching in a similar area? I would be interested to hear from any groups working on similar projects who would be interested in research collaboration.

18 Acknowledgments & References This research was funded by an Early Career Researcher Starter Grant from the University of the West of England, UK. Thanks to Manuel Frutos-Perez, Technology Enhanced Learning Development Unit, UWE for collecting the system statistics, teaching staff on the module and the participants for taking part in the study. Ryan, R.M. and Deci, E.L., (2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, pp. 54-67.

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