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International Transport Forum “Transport of Russia: Establishment, Development and the Prospects» November 18-21, 2009 Moscow, Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "International Transport Forum “Transport of Russia: Establishment, Development and the Prospects» November 18-21, 2009 Moscow, Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Transport Forum “Transport of Russia: Establishment, Development and the Prospects» November 18-21, 2009 Moscow, Russia

2 . The current year of 2009 is marked by the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the transport authority and the transport vocational training, which history counts back to the establishment of the Authority for water and inland communications and the Institute for the corps of engineers on railway transport. The celebration programme includes a number of events such as scientific- practical conferences, artistic festivals, meeting with the veterans of the transportation industry and students majoring in transport disciplines, sports competitions and games, photo exhibitions, round tables, meetings of the transport councils by the Plenipotentiaries of the president of the RF in the federal districts and the like. The Company “Business Dialogue” is the official operator of all the events to be held within the celebrations.

3 The analyses of the peculiar features of the development of the Russian transport system at the different historical epochs: the role of transport as a means of maintaining economic and social unity of Russia; the continuity of the policy of the state with regards to transport: ensuring a quality transport network as a major factor to stipulate for the regional development. Discussion of the different aspects of the realization of the transport industry development strategy set for the middle and long term: the role of the transportation complex in the economy modernization; ensuring stable operations of the industry while the economy is on the downturn; innovation and advanced technologies in transport. Defining new approaches to the problems of the development of vocational training for the transportation industry and ensuring adequate human resources for the industry. OBJECTIVES

4 Representatives of the President’s Administration and the Government of the RF Representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the RF Heads of the regions of the RF Heads of the Ministries of the RF, Federal Agencies and Authorities, regulating the transport industry State Duma Deputies and the members of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, participating the elaboration of the transport policy Heads of the transport ministries of the CIS states, Baltic states, European countries, Asian counties as well as the heads of transport companies of these countries Owners and the managers of transport and logistics companies Owners and managers of the largest financial, insurance, leasing companies Heads of the industry unions Heads of the scientific organizations and schools Representatives of the major business and industry federal and regional media AUDIENCE

5 . November 18, 2009: Scientific-practical Conference «Transport Education and Science. Experience, Problems, Prospects» November 19, 2009: Conferences on the issues of transport complex development in the Russian Federation November 20, 2009: Plenary Session “Transport of Russia. Glance into the Future” November 19-21, 2009: International transport exhibition “Transport of Russia 2009” MAIN EVENTS OF THE FORUM

6 Date: November 18, 2009 Venue: Column Hall, Dom Soyuzov Programme: 9.30 – 10.50 Registration 11.00 – 12. 45 Plenary Session 12.45 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 16.15 Forum participants reports 16.15 – 17.00 Coffee break 17.00 – 19.45 Cocktail reception. Concert of the finalists of the all-Russian contest «TranspART» Scientific-practical Conference «Transport Education and Science. Experience, Problems, Prospects»

7 Conferences on the issues of transport complex development in the Russian Federation Date: November 19, 2009 Venue : Renaissance Moscow Hotel Programme: 08.30 - 10.00 Registration 10.00 - 12.30 Conferences (held in parallel sessions) Highways: investments into the future Investment prospects of the sea and river transport of the RF Railway passenger complex reform prospects 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch 13.30 – 14.30 Private Meeting of EurAsEC Interstate council 14.00 – 16.30 Conferences (held in parallel sessions) Investment prospects of the sea and river transport of the RF Trends and problems of national avia transportation market Modern transport infrastructure – basis of the state and society development of the RF 15.00 – 16.30 XXIX private meeting of the CIS Coordination Transport Meeting 16.30 – 17.30 Cocktail Reception

8 Plenary Session “Transport of Russia. Glance into the Future” Date: November 20, 2009 Venue: Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”, ground floor Programme: 8.30 – 9.50 Registration 10.30 – 11.20 Welcoming speech by the RF Government representative Guidelines Presentations «Modern trends and development prospects for the global transport complex» 11.20 – 11.40 Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the RF «Global transport potential in the context of the future challenges» 11.40 – 12.20 Francis Fukuyama, Professor of International Political Economy, writer, futurist/ Paul Saffo, futurist, Professor in the School of Engineering at Stanford University, Chairman of the Samsung Science Board, for the long time the head of the дInstitute for the Future, California 12.10 – 12.40 Coffee-break * Confirmation of speakers expected

9 12.40 – 15.40 Panel Discussion (three consequential sessions) Session I. Service quality improvement as a basic trend of the transport complex development Technology factors for the service quality improvement on different transport modes Cooperation of different transport modes in the context of the service quality improvement for passengers and shippers What are the factors to ensure the improvement of the complex transportation convenience? The potential for the increasing of the speed and reliability of transportation Issues of quality management in transport services Plenary Session “Transport of Russia. Glance into the Future”

10 Session II. Strategies correlation: major development vectors of shipping and transport companies What transport do shippers need? What is the potential for the strengthening of the cooperation between shippers and carriers? Are the shoppers’ interests taken into consideration in the strategy of the transport industry development? Plenary Session “Transport of Russia. Glance into the Future”

11 Session III. Transport Complex as a reflection of the demand of the national economy What transport will the future economy need? What economic mechanisms may enhance the transport industry developement? The impact of the economic factors on the future of the transport industry: what factors are the key ones? What should be the minimal transport component in the cost structure of products? 15.40 – 16.40 Lunch 16.40 – 17.30 Gathering in the State Kremlin Palace 18.00 – 20.30 Gala concert in the State Kremlin Palace Plenary Session “Transport of Russia. Glance into the Future”

12 International transport exhibition “Transport of Russia - 2009” The annual exhibition “Transport of Russia - 2009” presents a sort of a report of the transportation industry operators and transport machinery on the realized and planned projects on the development of transport and transport infrastructure. The objectives of the exhibition is to offer a scale professional ground joining the forces of the state, scientific community and business in order to achieve goals set for the transport industry as a whole; to assist in ensuringstable inner consumption of the transport services and transport infrastructure, provide for the development of the transport engineering; Provide for the dialogue of the representatives of Federal and regional executive and legislative powers, scientists, practitioners and service consumers.

13 Participation Fees 1 st participant – 1 350 euro 2 nd participant – 1 110 euro 3 rd participant – 890 euro 4 th participant - free All prices include VAT 18% The fee covers : Participation in the conferences on November 18 and 19, 2009 Participation in the business programme on November 20, 2009 Attending entertaining programme on November 18 and 20, 2009 Visiting the exhibition Meals Set of the conferences documentation

14 Opportunities for the Partners The Level and the scale of the event would allow our Partners: Strengthen leadership positions in the transport industry Participate in the formulating of the agenda of the most authoritative event for the transport industry Exhibit your company at the international transport exhibition “Transport of Russia 2009” to be attended by the state and industry leaders Get extensive possibilities for informal communication with the officials and business leaders Generate wide media coverage. *** Business Dialogue company is the only authorized holder of the rights to offer services for the partners within all the events of the Forum

15 Packages for the Partners Categories: Strategic Partner (exclusive status) General Partner (2 companies at max) Official Partner (2 companies at max) Partner Sponsor Sponsor of the conference on November 19, 2009 (exclusive status for each individual conference) Sponsor of the coffee-break

16 We shall be glad to provide you with further details, answer your questions, discuss any partnership proposals Please contact Customer Service at the tel. +7 (495) 988-18-00 For details and registration

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