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Lifelong Learning Programme. COMENIUS REGIO PARTNERSHIPS Overall objectives: 1) To understand your contractual obligations to the British Council vis-

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1 Lifelong Learning Programme

2 COMENIUS REGIO PARTNERSHIPS Overall objectives: 1) To understand your contractual obligations to the British Council vis- à-vis your partnership 2) To better understand the financial aspects to project management 3) Learn about eTwinning – IT communication tool 4) To share practical experience, with other coordinators, of how to manage your partnership 5) To be made aware of practical ways to disseminate and exploit the results of your partnership 6) To be made aware of other Comenius activities, and other British Council schools programmes that can enhance your partnership.

3 COMENIUS REGIO PARTNERSHIPS Contractual issues This session will cover: The basic cycle of your partnership The financial rules of your partnership / Management of your lump sum and additional funding The reporting process and other obligations How your partnership will be monitored (Qualitative and Quantitative)

4 What is the life cycle of a partnership? Life Cycle 1 Application Submission 2 Eligibility and Quality Checks 3 Selection Results 4 Grant Agreement And Payment 5 Regio Partnership Activity 6 Ongoing Monitoring of Activity 7 Submission of Progress Report 8 Submission of Final Report

5 Contractual requirements Grant is paid to the Coordinator – who then has responsibility to manage this grant Coordinator will manage the partnership – may decide to draw up contracts between internal partners Bear in mind holidays/time zones/school days and exams Have a strategy for managing conflicts or misunderstandings/how do you deal with partners who do not respond to emails/do not fulfil project promises Force Majeure Conflict of interests Ownership of results - Intellectual property rights Suspension Award of contracts Termination of contracts

6 Managing a Comenius partnership Use the activity plan as a working project tool Bear in mind holidays/time zones/school days and exams Have a strategy for managing conflicts or misunderstandings/how do you deal with partners who do not respond to emails/do not fulfil project promises Ensure full integration and involvement of all partners – do not exclude Ensure strong collaboration and communication within the partnership Agree on the method of communication

7 Risks and considerations Withdrawal of a partner Unclear division of tasks Lack of time, lack of resources Cultural differences Language and communication problems Differences in academic year Political changes Flight cancellations Child protection issues Staff changes

8 Financial management Grant Agreement sets out the financial rules and must be carefully read Ensure you read accompanying guidance carefully – Annex IV: Rules for calculation of the final grant amount Grants are paid in Euros, in two instalments: First 80% payment paid within 45 days of receipt of signed Grant Agreements Final 20% payment paid within 45 days of receipt and approval of the Final Report

9 Management of lump sum funding Grant payments relate to completed mobility activity: Com 4 (If 4 mobilities are successfully carried out over the 2 year period) - €4,000 Com 8 (If 8 mobilities are successfully carried out over the 2 year period) - €8,000 Com 12 (If 12 mobilities are successfully carried out over the 2 year period) - €10,000 Com 24 (If 24 mobilities are successfully carried out over the 2 year period) - €20,000

10 Management of lump sum funding Definition – trip abroad to an approved partner or to an event or meeting relevant to the project activities Who – Staff or representatives of the participating organisations Staff or School education staff in participating regions who are not working in one of the participating organisation or schools – if linked to project activities and with prior written agreement from NA Persons accompanying persons with special needs. Careful and timely planning on how to achieve the minimum number of mobilities applied for is crucial: e.g. who will travel; when; estimated travel and accommodation costs; participants MUST retain copies of travel tickets and or boarding passes Participants MUST ensure that Certificates of attendance are issued to them by host institution – we can provide a template Travel tickets/boarding passes along with Certificates of attendance act as evidence of travel and might be asked for if you are selected for a desk / on the spot check

11 Any spare funding remaining after mobilities have been budgeted for can be used to cover any other project related costs: –Communication Costs –Consumables –Software and Hardware –Supply cover for teachers attending meetings –Travel costs for associated meetings The use of spare funding does not need to be declared as long as the minimum number of mobilities is achieved Participating institutions should also ensure they comply with the requirements laid down within their institution, or by their parent/governing body for the accounting of partnership expenditure Management of lump sum funding

12 Management of additional costs Subcontracting – up to 30% of overall project cost Equipment – at depreciated rate and limited to 10% of overall project cost Other costs – Own contribution – if grant claim is over €25,000 then must co-finance up to 25% of non-mobility costs. Possible to transfer between these budget headings (10%)

13 Management of additional costs Eligible expenditure must: be incurred by the partnership relate to activities involving countries that are eligible to participate in the programme must be connected with the project (i.e. listed in activity plan) must be identifiable, verifiable and necessary to achieve the aims of the project be reasonable and justified – in accordance with sounds financial management be actually incurred by the partnership and be recorded in their accounts In-eligible expenditure: Staff costs and indirect costs (overhead costs/internet/general office supplies) costs of opening bank accounts, exchange losses, VAT (unless the applicant is unable to recover it), bank transfer costs.

14 Reporting Process Project reporting documents will be published on our website: PROGRESS report due 30 June 2010 (Mid point of the project life time; used to determine how partnerships are going and arrange support if needed) FINAL REPORT due 30 September 2011 (End of contractual period; used to determine final grant award) Reports must be in English; Final detailed statement of the eligible costs actually incurred The qualitative and quantitative information A full summary statement of the actual receipts and expenditure of the action Reports must be completed to an acceptable standard; they will be sent back to you if the quality is poor You will receive a full 20% second instalment if: All activities listed have been satisfactorily completed Minimum number of mobilities carried out Sufficient proof of all expenditure provided A reduction of grant will occur when: Reported activities, mobilities and outcomes do NOT correspond to those presented in the application form. The final grant will be zero and the grant holder will be required to repay the first instalment The required minimum number of eligible mobilities have NOT been carried out – the grant will be reduced accordingly Reported costs do not fulfil the eligibility criteria. NA will ignore ineligible costs Reported costs are lower than expected. NA will base its final grant amount on actual expenditure.

15 Monitoring and Evaluation – Checks and Audits Desk Checks – The submission by you to the British Council of evidence of the mobilities that you have undertaken and the expenditure you have incurred; Final report stage; On-the-Spot Checks – Carried out ANY time during the life of your partnership; Will involve a visit to your institution; The purpose of the visit will be to check that mobilities have taken place and current expenditure is eligible and consistent with your work plan;

16 Other opportunities This session will provide you with information on: other opportunities under Comenius: IST; Comenius Assistants; Comenius School Partnerships; ISA and its benefits eTwinning

17 Activity Structured Training Courses (language or non-language) Job-shadowing an European colleague European conference or seminar Who’s Eligible? Teachers School Staff Educational Advisors (LEA) Educational Experts Trainers Comenius In Service Training

18 Comenius multilateral school partnerships Involve at least 3 schools from 3 different countries Are collaborative curriculum- or issue-based, i.e. are pupil- or teacher- based, or a combination Cover any theme such as citizenship, environment, stories, crafts or intercultural education Focus on learning processes but often result in end products and outcomes, teaching materials, etc. Try to include MFL and CLIL where possible Support staff travel for e.g. project meetings, teacher exchanges, etc. but can also include pupils

19 Comenius bilateral school partnerships with a language focus Aim to improve pupils’ motivation and capacity to communicate in foreign languages Include a reciprocal 10-day exchange for face-to-face project work Involve at least 10 students aged 12 and upwards Fund escorts on the ratio of 1 per 5 pupils Involve collaborative cross-curricular work before, during and after the exchanges resulting in a jointly produced end product Support 20-40 hours’ language tuition if target language is not taught in school

20 Comenius Assistants Open to intending and trainee teachers from across Europe from 30 European countries Aims to work across the curriculum to provide a FREE cultural resource to the school 13-45 weeks/12-16 contact hours per week At secondary level, language must not be taught on curriculum Up to 3 schools can share (cluster applications) Adds value and complements existing Comenius projects within the school Contact:

21 International School Award Accreditation for successful practice in curriculum-based international work in schools Over 1200 UK schools accredited since 1999 Target: all schools involved in international activity by 2012 Funded by DCSF 1. Foundation: Introducing Internationalism For schools beginning international work (No deadline) 2. Intermediate: Developing Internationalism For schools that are beginning to work with an international partner school (no deadline) 3. Full AwardFor schools that have developed an integrated international ethos. Deadline for applications: Dec 2009

22 International School Award For more information…  020 7389 4419

23 Using eTwinning to enhance your Comenius project

24 What is eTwinning? Strand of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme that allows European schools to engage in collaborative projects using the internet and ICT eTwinning began in 2005 and became an sub-programme of Comenius in 2007 Does not offer funding to schools, but provides tools and support to make project work possible 32 European Countries; over 63,000 European teachers; over 6,500 UK teachers Centrepiece is the eTwinning Portal -

25 Public homepage: Information and inspiration for all; you register and login here Desktop: Your personal profile; partner finding tool; register your project here Twinspace: Accessible when you register a project; virtual classroom with communication tools and a place to share your work

26 Where can eTwinning fit into your project? As a communication tool As a planning tool As a place to store and share your work As a tool to disseminate your work: within your institution; within your partnership; to the local community and wider.

27 COMENIUS PARTNERSHIPS Using the media and dissemination The aim of this session is to explain: How to use a press release to generate good quality news coverage The purpose of European Shared Treasure How to get the most out of the British Council website and newsletter How to access resources that support project dissemination

28 Generating media coverage for your partnership Why has a template press release been developed for Regio Partnerships? Local papers are under time pressure and need to fill their pages Press releases are designed to be easy to re-use by busy journalists A press release gives you control of the story of your project British Council and Comenius standard messaging is already included The British Council employ a press officer responsible for schools. Contact them on

29 European Shared Treasure European database to capture project activities; improve visibility & access project results A massive platform for disseminating your project outcomes A source of inspiration A contractual responsibility for all 2009 Partnerships

30 The British Council and Project Dissemination The Comenius website had 66,000 visitors last year The website promotes Comenius to new audiences as well as supporting ongoing Comenius activity Comenius eNews is our newsletter. It goes out to all current grantholders, and many representatives from local authorities, as well as anyone who chooses to subscribe Case studies are a powerful tool for illustrating the benefits of the programme We use case studies on our website, at regional and national events, and in the press

31 The British Council and Project Dissemination What issues are we especially interested in for 2010? Employability Community Cohesion Languages Participation of underrepresented groups

32 More tips on Project Dissemination Understand who your audiences are, and what they will be interested in Parents and the local community are an important audience Disseminate effectively within your school QaS Quality and Sustainability Project European Commission website

33 COMENIUS PARTNERSHIPS Questions and Answers

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