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Splash Screen. Chapter Intro 2 Section 1: Our English Heritage Political and economic institutions evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their.

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Presentation on theme: "Splash Screen. Chapter Intro 2 Section 1: Our English Heritage Political and economic institutions evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Splash Screen

2 Chapter Intro 2 Section 1: Our English Heritage Political and economic institutions evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their goals. The English colonists brought with them ideas about government that had been developing in England for centuries.

3 Chapter Intro 2 Section 2: The English Colonies Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act. The English established thirteen colonies along the East Coast of North America.

4 Chapter Intro 2 Section 3: Colonial Society Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act. The English colonists created a prosperous economy and learned to govern themselves.

5 Chapter Intro 2 Section 4: Birth of a Democratic Nation Political principles and major events shape how people form governments. The Declaration of Independence explained why the colonies were founding a new nation.

6 Chapter Preview-End

7 Section 1-Main Idea Guide to Reading Big Idea Political and economic institutions evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their goals.

8 Section 1 What Influenced Colonial Government? Science and the influence of reason led to new innovations in political thought.

9 Section 1 What Influenced Colonial Government? (cont.) Many rights that American citizens enjoy can be traced to England and to the Enlightenment. Enlightenment English ruled by monarchsmonarchs

10 Section 1 The Magna Carta: –Protection for nobles –Certain rights for all landholders –Limited power for monarchs What Influenced Colonial Government? (cont.) Sources of American Law

11 Section 1 Parliament: –LegislatureLegislature –The Glorious Revolution –The English Bill of Rights What Influenced Colonial Government? (cont.) Common law:Common law –Precedent as the basis of a body of lawPrecedent –Common law based on court decisions

12 Section 1 John Locke: –Argued that people had natural rightsnatural rights –Believed in a social contract among people in a societysocial contract What Influenced Colonial Government? (cont.) Baron de Montesquieu’s ideas on the separation of powers Enlightenment ideas about natural laws

13 Section 1 Colonial Traditions of Self-Government The American colonists accepted the idea of representative government.

14 Section 1 Colonial Traditions of Self-Government (cont.) England established colonies in America in the 1600s and 1700s.colonies Jamestown: –Joint-stock companyJoint-stock company –Authority to set up colonial governments –Formation of the House of Burgesses

15 Section 1 Plymouth: –The Mayflower CompactCompact –Town meetings Colonial Traditions of Self-Government (cont.) The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was America’s first written constitution.

16 Section 1 Governments of the thirteen colonies: –Governors elected by colonists or appointed by the English king –Legislature representatives elected by free adult males Colonial Traditions of Self-Government (cont.) Increased power and responsibility of colonial governments

17 Section 2-Main Idea Guide to Reading Big Idea Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act.

18 Section 2 Settling the Colonies The English established thirteen colonies along the East Coast of North America.

19 Section 2 Settling the Colonies (cont.) England established thirteen colonies along the East Coast of North America. New England Colonies: –Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Bay Company –Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire established by the mid-1600s

20 Section 2 Settling the Colonies (cont.) The Middle Colonies: –New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware –New Netherland –New York as a proprietary colonyproprietary colony –New Jersey as a royal colonyroyal colony –William Penn and Pennsylvania and Delaware

21 Section 2 Settling the Colonies (cont.) Southern Colonies: –Virginia as a joint-stock colony –North and South Carolina –James Oglethorpe and Georgia The English Colonies

22 Section 2 People of the Colonies Throughout the colonies, people adapted their traditions to the new conditions of life in America.

23 Section 2 People of the Colonies (cont.) English colonists immigrated to the thirteen colonies for different reasons. Religion: –Religious dissentersReligious dissenters –Puritans and PilgrimsPuritansPilgrims –Religious tolerationtoleration –Quakers and Catholics

24 Section 2 People of the Colonies (cont.) Economic reasons for immigration System of indentured servantsindentured servants Conflicts with Native Americans over land Dominant Immigrant Groups in the Colonies

25 Section 2 People of the Colonies (cont.) Slavery: –Plantation systemPlantation –Enslaved Africans –Triangular tradeTriangular trade –The Middle Passage

26 Section 2-End

27 Section 3-Main Idea Guide to Reading Big Idea Political, social, religious, and economic changes influence the way Americans think and act.

28 Section 3 The Economy The people in the colonies developed different ways of living.

29 Section 3 The Economy (cont.) Colonists in different regions had to adapt to the geography. New England: –Small farms –Small businesses –Forests and shipbuilding –Fishing and whaling –The Puritan ethic

30 Section 3 The Economy (cont.) The Middle Colonies: –Agriculture and cash crops –Busy ports –Industries –Immigrants from European countries American Economy

31 Section 3 The Economy (cont.) The Southern Colonies: –Large-scale agriculture –Tidewater crops—Tobacco and riceTidewater crops –River transport –Plantations and enslaved African workers –Smaller farms –Lack of industry and commerce

32 Section 3 An American Identity The colonies continued to grow and developed their own culture and beliefs.

33 Section 3 An American Identity (cont.) Colonists eventually developed an American identity. Religion: –Religious freedom –Religious leaders were sometimes leaders of the government. –Religious tolerance –The Great Awakening

34 Section 3 An American Identity (cont.) Education: –America’s first schools and colleges –Slave codes

35 Section 3 An American Identity (cont.) The family as the foundation of colonial society The spirit of egalitarianism:egalitarianism –Traditional English rights –The ideas of John Locke

36 Section 3-End

37 Section 4-Main Idea Guide to Reading Big Idea Political principles and major events shape how people form governments.

38 Section 4 Colonial Resistance The American colonists began to fight against British control.

39 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The American colonists had experience in self-government. Salutary neglect as a policy of loose control by the British

40 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The theory of mercantilism:mercantilism –Country’s power depends on its wealth –A favorable balance of trade –The colonies as a source of cheap, raw materials –The Navigation Acts, early 1660s

41 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) Fighting between the British and the French in North America The Albany Plan: –Plan for federal union –Proposed by Benjamin Franklin

42 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The French and Indian War: –The Proclamation of 1763 –The Stamp Act of 1765 –The Quartering Act

43 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) Boycott of British goods by the colonistsBoycott Opposition to the Stamp Act by the Sons of Liberty The Stamp Act Congress, 1765: –Declaration of rights and grievances against British actions –The Stamp Act repealed by Parliamentrepealed

44 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The Declaratory Act of 1766 giving Parliament the right to tax and make decisions for the colonists The Townshend Acts: –New taxes on imports –Writs of assistance –Boycotts and destruction of property –The Boston Massacre

45 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The Tea Act: –East India Company given the right to ship tea to the colonies without paying most of the taxes usually placed on tea –Unfair advantage over colonial merchants –The Boston Tea Party as protest to the Tea Act

46 Section 4 Colonial Resistance (cont.) The Intolerable Acts restricting civil rights of colonists

47 Section 4 Moving Toward Independence The colonists began to take steps toward independence from Great Britain.

48 Section 4 Moving Toward Independence (cont.) The colonists began to challenge British control. The First Continental Congress, 1774: –Delegates sent from 12 coloniesDelegates –Restoration of rights of the colonists –Extension of boycott of British goods

49 Section 4 Moving Toward Independence (cont.) The Battles of Lexington and Concord as the start of the Revolutionary War The Second Continental Congress, 1775, and debate over independence

50 Section 4 Moving Toward Independence (cont.) Common Sense by Thomas Paine: –Inspired many colonists –Called for complete independence from Britainindependence

51 Section 4 The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence used traditional English political rights to call for independence for the colonies.

52 Section 4 The Declaration of Independence (cont.) The Declaration of Independence: –British government did not look after colonial interests –King George III a tyrant –Rights of individuals –Purpose of the government to protect rights

53 Section 4 The Declaration of Independence (cont.) –Government based on the consent of the people –People entitled to overthrow a government if it disregards rights –Influence of John Locke The Second Continental Congress, 1775, and debate over independence

54 Section 4-End

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69 DFS Trans 4 The colonists believed that the taxes on necessary goods, like tea, were unfair.

70 Vocab1 Enlightenment movement that spread the idea that reason and science could improve society

71 Vocab2 monarch king or queen

72 Vocab3 legislature a group of people that makes laws

73 Vocab4 precedent a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case

74 Vocab5 common law a system of law based on precedent and customs

75 Vocab6 natural rights freedoms people possess relating to life, liberty, and property

76 Vocab7 social contract an agreement among people in a society with a government

77 Vocab8 colony a group of people in one place who are ruled by a parent country elsewhere

78 Vocab9 joint-stock company investors provide partial ownership in a company organized for profit

79 Vocab10 charter a written document granting land and the authority to set up colonial governments; or a government document granting permission to organize a corporation

80 Vocab11 compact an agreement, or contract, among a group of people

81 Vocab12 document a written paper that provides information or proof of something

82 Vocab13 authority power or influence over other people or groups; person or persons having the power of government

83 Vocab14 grant to allow or permit

84 Vocab15 propriety colony area with owner-controlled land and government

85 Vocab16 royal colony a colonial area of land controlled directly by a king or other monarch

86 Vocab17 religious dissenter those who followed a religious faith other than the official religion of England

87 Vocab18 Puritan religious dissenter who came to the colonies to purify, or reform, the Anglican Church

88 Vocab19 Pilgrim colonial Puritans who considered themselves people on a religious journey

89 Vocab20 toleration acceptance of other groups, such as religious groups

90 Vocab21 indentured servant workers who contracted with American colonists for food and shelter in return for their labor

91 Vocab22 plantation a large estate

92 Vocab23 triangular trade pattern of trade that developed in colonial times among the Americas, Africa, and Europe

93 Vocab24 acquire to gain or get possession of

94 Vocab25 decade a period of 10 years

95 Vocab26 Tidewater areas of low, flat plains near the seacoast of Virginia and North Carolina

96 Vocab27 egalitarianism the philosophy or spirit of equality

97 Vocab28 adapt to adjust or become adjusted to a situation or condition

98 Vocab29 assist to help or aid

99 Vocab30 mercantilism the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys

100 Vocab31 boycott the refusal to purchase certain goods

101 Vocab32 repeal to cancel a law

102 Vocab33 delegate a representative to a meeting

103 Vocab34 independence self-reliance and freedom from outside control

104 Vocab35 challenge a demand for justification or a dispute

105 Vocab36 restore to bring back into existence or put back in an original condition

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