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Life in early America Objectives/Standards: Describe the contributions of geographic and economic conditions, religion, and colonial systems of government.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in early America Objectives/Standards: Describe the contributions of geographic and economic conditions, religion, and colonial systems of government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in early America Objectives/Standards: Describe the contributions of geographic and economic conditions, religion, and colonial systems of government to the development of American democratic practices. Describe the geography, cultures, and economics of the Southern, Middle Atlantic, and New England Colonies. Describe interactions (e.g., agricultural and cultural exchanges, alliances, conflicts) between Native Americans and European settlers.

2 Each colony was unique in it’s characteristics. However, they are grouped together based on location, reasons they were founded, and what types of industries they had. New England Colonies Rhode Island Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire Middle Colonies DelawarePennsylvania New York New Jersey Southern Colonies MarylandVirginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia


4 Refuge– What is refuge? A safe place. Many colonists longed to find a refuge to live and worship that was away from the King’s rules.

5 Immigrant– What is an immigrant? A person that comes into a country to start a new life. People came to America from many different places to start a new life. Diversity– What is diversity? A group of people from very different backgrounds. The Middle colonies were an interesting place to live because of the diversity among the people.

6 The settlers here were looking to practice their own religion or to make money. Many of these people didn't bring their families with them from England and were the perfect workers for the hard work required in ironworks and shipyards.

7 - These Colonies were part agriculture, part industrial -Wheat and other grains were grown -Factories produced iron, paper and textiles -Trading goods with England was common

8 -Sometimes called the “The Bread Basket” colonies because they grew so many crops for making bread. -In addition to the lush land for growing crops, there were several large harbors. - Germans built the Conestoga wagon here

9 -Settlers that lived here came from many different places and backgrounds. -Dutch, Swedish, French, Belgian, English, and more! Many lived in Philadelphia -Philadelphia means “brotherly love” in Greek. It was founded on the principles of living peacefully together.

10 -Believed all people were equal -Refused to swear loyalty to the king or queen -Refused to participate in war -Came to the Americas for refuge and worship -Lived in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

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