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WHERE WE LIVE Ms. Luna Second Grade Social Studies.

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1 WHERE WE LIVE Ms. Luna Second Grade Social Studies

2 BUTTON KEY: To move back to the previous slide, press this button. To move to the next slide, press this button. To go back to the Main Menu, press this button. To go to the lesson, press this button.

3 BUTTON KEY: To go back to the quiz and try again. To go to the quiz, press this button.

4 INTRODUCTION This unit that I designed is for second grade history. It follows the Pennsylvania social studies standards. The information within the power point is based from Scott Foresman’s Social Studies People and Places textbook. It will discuss the many aspects of our country, earth and our state Pennsylvania. A content outline as well as multimedia lessons are included within the presentation.

5 DIRECTIONS You may go through the lessons in any order that you may like. All quizzes for each lesson are located at the end of the unit. After the lesson title is the information button, you can click on this to go back to the lesson. Located next to that button is the quiz button. Click this to get to the quiz. The beginning of each lesson there will be an overview and standards. When you are finished with the lesson click the button to go back to the main menu. When completing the quizzes, you must chose a multiple choice answer. There are always three choices. When you click answer you are taken to another slide. This slide will tell you if you are correct or incorrect. If you are correct the will take you back to the main menu. If you are incorrect, the will appear to retry.

6 MAIN MENU Lesson 1: Living in a Neighborhood Lesson 2: A Walk Trough a Community Lesson 3: Comparing Communities Lesson 4: Our state and country Lesson 5: Our Earth Lesson 6: From My Orchard to You Lesson 7: Our Earth's Resources QUIZ LESSON

7 LESSON 1: LIVING IN A NEIGHBORHOOD 5.1.2.A: Explain the purposes of rules and their consequences in the classroom and school community. 5.1.2.B: Explain the importance of rules in the classroom and school community. 5.1.2.E: Describe citizens' responsibilities to the state of Pennsylvania and the nation.

8 LESSON 1: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Law Vote What is a law? Why do we vote? Leaders that keep us safe Why we have laws and rules What is a neighborhood ?

9 LESSON 1: LIVING IN A NEIGHBORHOOD Our homes and school is in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood has many rules. A rule that everyone must follow is called a law. There are people who help us follow the rules and the laws. Examples: police officer, teachers, principals

10 LESSON 1: LIVING IN A NEIGHBORHOOD Sometimes in order to make a law, we must vote. To vote is to make a choice about something. We vote to change a rule to make it better.

11 This concludes the end of Lesson 1! Click the star to go back to the main menu.

12 LESSON 2: A WALK TROUGH A COMMUNITY II -Time, Continuity, & Change: C; Compare and contrast different stories or accounts about past events, people, places, or situations, identifying how they contribute to our understanding of the past. III – People, Places & Environments: B; Interpret, use, and distinguish various representations of the earth, such as maps, globes, and photographs.

13 LESSON 2: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Community What is a community? What makes up a community? Where can we find these communities?

14 LESSON 2: A WALK TROUGH A COMMUNITY A community is made up of many neighborhoods. For example a student lives in New York City. NYC is made up of different communities. Chinatown, Little Italy, Fifth Avenue, Central Park

15 You have finished Lesson 2! Click the star to go back to the main menu.

16 LESSON 3: COMPARING COMMUNITIES III - People, Places, & Environments: A ;Construct and use mental maps of locales, regions, and the world that demonstrate understanding of relative location, direction, size, and shape. I – Culture: A; Explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns.

17 LESSON 3: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Urban Rural Suburb Where is a rural are located? Where is a suburb area located? Where is an urban area located? What is the difference between the three?

18 LESSON 3: COMPARING COMMUNITIES An urban area is a city. People get around by using: Feet Driving Buses Taxis Subways The buildings are called skyscrapers and usually people live in apartments.

19 LESSON 3: COMPARING COMMUNITIES A suburb is an area located near a city. People travel around by using: Feet Cars Usually people live in homes that are kind of spread apart. There is more trees, grass and land in suburbs.

20 LESSON 3: COMPARING COMMUNITIES A rural area has small communities called towns that are far apart. There is open space for growing crops and raising animals People get around by using their cars. There is a lot of land between houses. Usually have to drive to get to the next house.

21 You have completed Lesson 3! Click on the star to go back to the main menu.

22 LESSON 4: OUR STATE AND COUNTRY III – People, Places & Environments: B; Interpret, use, and distinguish various representations of the earth, such as maps, globes, and photographs. III – People, Places & Environments: E; Locate and distinguish among varying landforms and geographic features, such as mountains, plateaus, islands, and oceans.

23 LESSON 4: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! State River Learn the geography of Pennsylvania We live in a country called the United States of America What is a state? What the physical features of Pennsylvania are

24 LESSON 4: OUR STATE AND COUNTRY Our country is called the United States of America. The United States is made up of 50 smaller parts. A state is made up of many cities, towns, and suburbs.

25 LESSON 4: OUR STATE AND COUNTRY You live in a country, in a state, and a community. Your home is in your community. Your community is in your state. Refer back to lesson 2.

26 LESSON 4: OUR STATE AND COUNTRY Pennsylvania has different kinds of water and land. A river is a large, moving stream of water. The Susquehanna River is an example. A lake is water surrounded by land. A mountain is land higher than the land around it. Appalachian Mountains run through Pennsylvania.

27 You have completed Lesson 4! Click the star to go back to the main menu.

28 LESSON 5: OUR EARTH 7.1.71B. Describe regions in geographic reference using physical features. 7.2.2.A. Identify the physical characteristics of places.

29 LESSON 5: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Ocean Continent Learn the 7 continents of the world Learn the 4 oceans of the world Difference between river and ocean

30 LESSON 5: OUR EARTH A very large area of land is called a continent. There are seven continents. North America South America Europe Asia Australia Africa Antarctica

31 LESSON 5: OUR EARTH The place we live is called Earth. The earth is made up of water and land. An ocean is a large body of salty water. Earth has more water than land. There are four oceans. Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean

32 You have completed Lesson 5. Click the star to go back to the main menu.

33 LESSON 6: FROM MY ORCHARD TO YOU VII – Production, Distribution, & Consumption: A; Give examples that show how scarcity and choice govern our economic decisions VII – Production, Distribution, & Consumption: E; Describe how we depend upon workers with specialized jobs and the ways in which they contribute to the productions and exchange of goods and services.

34 LESSON 6: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Ancestor Producer Consumer What is a producer? What is a consumer? What is an ancestor? What is the difference between a producer and consumer?

35 LESSON 6: FROM MY ORCHARD TO YOU An ancestor is a person in our family who lived before we were born. Family that has lived before is an ancestor. Family Trees Heirlooms

36 LESSON 6: FROM MY ORCHARD TO YOU A producer is someone who makes or grows something. Example: farmers There is a process to harvest what they grow. Each season the farmers maintain the crops differently.

37 LESSON 6: FROM MY ORCHARD TO YOU A consumer is someone who buys and uses goods. Example: People who buy things at the store We buy things from the store that the farmers produce. Goods are the things that people make or grow. These goods are sold to the consumers.

38 You have completed Lesson 6! Click on the star to go back to the main menu.

39 LESSON 7: OUR EARTH'S RESOURCES III – People, Places, & Environment: H; Examine the interaction of human beings and their physical environment, the use of land, building of cities, and ecosystem changes in selected locales and regions.

40 LESSON 7: OUTLINE Vocabulary to know! Natural Resource Crop What is a natural resource? What is a crop? Name different natural resources Name different types of crops

41 LESSON 7: OUR EARTH'S RESOURCES A natural resource is a useful material that comes from the Earth. We depend on air, water, sun, forests and soil.

42 LESSON 7: OUR EARTH'S RESOURCES Farmers use these resources to raise animals and raise crops. A crop is a kind of plant grown by people for food and other uses.

43 You have completed Lesson 7! Click the star to go back to the main menu.

44 QUIZ 1 What age are people allowed to start voting at? A. 14 A. 12 A. 18 Click the button to go back to the main menu!

45 A. 14 Try Again! At the age of 14 you are not allowed to vote. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

46 B. 12 Incorrect! 12 is way to young to vote! Click the button to go back to the quiz!

47 C. 18 Correct! In order to vote in the United States you must be 18 years old! Click the button to go back to the main menu!

48 QUIZ 2 What makes a community? A. Many Neighborhoods B. A city C. The capital of the United States Click the button to go back to the main menu!

49 A. MANY NEIGHBORHOODS Correct. Many different neighborhoods make up a community. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

50 B. A CITY Good Guess! A city is made up of communities. Another word for city is a rural area. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

51 C. THE CAPITAL OF THE UNITED STATES Incorrect! The capital of the United States is Washington DC. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

52 QUIZ 3 A lot of open space and towns that are far apart is called a area. A. Community B. Rural C. Urban Click the button to go back to the main menu!

53 A. COMMUNITY Try again! There are three different types of areas that we learned about! Click the button to go back to the quiz!

54 B. RURAL Great Job! A rural area has small communities called towns that are far apart. There is enough room for raising animals and growing crops. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

55 C. URBAN Close one! An urban area is a city. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

56 QUIZ 4 How many states do we have and what is the name of our country? A. 50, United States of America B. 13, North America C. 25, South America Click the button to go back to the main menu!

57 A. 50, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Awesome! There are 50 states in the United States of America! This is where we live. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

58 B. 13, NORTH AMERICA Good try! There were 13 colonies in the 1800’s. North America is the name of the continent that we live on. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

59 C. 25, SOUTH AMERICA Incorrect! There are more than 25 states. South America is one of the seven continents on Earth. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

60 QUIZ 5 There are oceans and continents. B. Five, Three C. Four, Seven A. Seven, Four Click the button to go back to the main menu!

61 A. SEVEN, FOUR Try again! You are really close. Think again about your answer. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

62 B. FIVE, THREE Try again! Click the button to go back to the quiz!

63 C. SEVEN, FOUR Fantastic! There are seven continents which are Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and Europe. There are also four oceans. They are the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Artic Ocean. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

64 QUIZ 6 Someone who buys and uses goods is called a B. Consumer A. Producer C. Geography Click the button to go back to the main menu!

65 A. PRODUCER So close! Think back to the lesson. The difference between the consumers and producers. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

66 B. CONSUMER Right! The consumer is the person that buys all the goods that the producer makes. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

67 C. GEOGRAPHY Incorrect! Geography has to do with the location and physical features of a place. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

68 QUIZ 7 What is something useful that comes from the Earth? B. Consumer A. Natural Resource C. Crop Click the button to go back to the main menu!

69 A. NATURAL RESOURCE Correct! The natural resources come from the earth. Some include air and water. Click the button to go back to the main menu!

70 B. CONSUMER Try again! A consumer is someone who buys goods from producers. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

71 C. CROP Close one! Crops are grown in the Earth’s soil but they are not natural. Click the button to go back to the quiz!

72 CONCLUSION Congratulations! You have made it through the unit. You have learned many things about geography and Pennsylvania. This PowerPoint Lesson is designed to help you with the quizzes. Along with this lesson, there will be more activities to follow. Click here for the next student!

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