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1 Engaged Learning: Beyond the Classroom Creating knowledge through experiential learning activities. 08/30/10, Margaret Dunham.

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1 1 Engaged Learning: Beyond the Classroom Creating knowledge through experiential learning activities. 08/30/10, Margaret Dunham

2 2 SMU’s QEP nVision: SMU Students will build on their formal classroom education through participation in experiential learning activities. n Mission: SMU's QEP will provide opportunities for students by designing and providing an institutional framework to foster experiential learning opportunities through which students will utilize, test, and build on their formal classroom education. 08/30/10, Margaret Dunham

3 SMU’s QEP Focus nAll SMU undergraduate students will be encouraged (required) to participate in an approved Experiential Learning activity prior to graduation. 308/30/10, Margaret Dunham

4 SMU’s QEP Student Outcomes Each student participating in an Experiential Learning activity will: nEvaluate questions relevant to global (outside SMU) issues nEnhance his understanding of community engagement and advocacy. Here community refers to any subset of the population outside the SMU community. nAcquire real world experience with researchers, clinicians, practitioners, organizations and/or businesses. nThrough a curricular or co-curricular experiential learning activity, participate in and/or develop interdisciplinary projects that connect schools and link faculty, staff and students to the DFW area or the broader world. 408/30/10, Margaret Dunham

5 EL @ SMU - Implementation nAssumptions: n Student must be willing. n Student must reflect on the experience. n Activity must require reflective analysis at end. nImplementation must be flexible, adaptable, and allow any type of experience. nEach activity must meet certain standards. nActivity must be overseen by faculty/mentor. 508/30/10, Margaret Dunham

6 EL Activity Definition nLocation: n Where: Outside SMU premises n How many hours: ???? nHours: n Total activity hours including on campus and off. n Equivalent to one course?? nReflective Component: n Follow AAE ( ) nInteraction with mentor? 608/30/10, Margaret Dunham

7 nPersonnel: n EL Director n EL Advisory Board n EL Community Partners n EL Mentors nProcesses: n EL Grants Program n EL Activity Approval Process n SMU Research Day n SMU EL Publication n EL Awards n EL Curricular Components n Faculty Incentives 7 Implementation Components 08/30/10, Margaret Dunham

8 EL Director nIn charge of all EL activities. nReports to Provost. nCredentials: n Terminal degree + Experience nHire Spring 2011 nEL Director may have a faculty member assistant – on leave from a department to assist and serve as mentor for some activities. 808/30/10, Margaret Dunham

9 EL Director Startup Activities nDefine requirements for EL project – time/reflective component nDefine credentials for mentors nDefine process to approve new EL projects/courses nDefine process for approving EL participation by student nDefine requirements for departmental distinction nDefine faculty incentives package nDevelop approaches for annual EL recognition including annual undergraduate research day with awards for students nDefine EL grants program process 908/30/10, Margaret Dunham

10 EL Director Ongoing Activities nApprove credential of mentors nEach semester: n Receive/review/approve EL special projects requests nEach Spring semester: n Oversee Research Day n Oversee Publication n Determine Awards nWork with UC Board to approve new EL courses nWork with Advisory Board nWord with Community Partners 1008/30/10, Margaret Dunham

11 EL Mentors nAny faculty member (tenure track, non-tenure track, research, full time, part time, adjunct, …) automatically qualifies as mentor. nNeed not be faculty member nGraduate student may serve as mentor nRequirements for mentor must be well defined. nEach project MUST have a mentor to oversee it. nMentors must be approved by EL Director 1108/30/10, Margaret Dunham

12 EL Grants Program nModeled after programs at both BYU and Franklin & Marshall College nFaculty, staff, and students can apply to obtain funding to implement an EL activity. nThe activity must be approved in the process. nProvide matching funds to external undergraduate research grants 1208/30/10, Margaret Dunham

13 EL Activity Approval Process nStudents, faculty, staff can apply for a new activity at least one semester prior to the activity. nOngoing nOne Time nAny curricular activities approved by the UC would be automatically included if they meet the requirements. 1308/30/10, Margaret Dunham

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