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Cell Division: Got Mitosis?

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Division: Got Mitosis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits HOME A WebQuest for 10th Grade Biology Designed by Mr. Hebdon

2 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Intro. Scientist needed! It’s a time of great discovery! The human cell has just been discovered and the scientific world is anxious to know more about them. A Billionaire, named Fairly Goolookin, is willing to pay 1 million dollars for any information given about these new cells. However, Mr. Goolookin will need you to give a LIVE report on what you have found in order for you to receive your money. Good Luck!

3 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Task Click on the Halloween candy to view tasks

4 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Process Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

5 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Evaluation Click on the Halloween ghost to view rubric

6 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Conclusion Congratulations!! You have learned a lot about a phase of mitosis and have also Given yourselves a chance at winning the big prize! Thank you for your dedicated work as a scientist.

7 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits For Teachers This WebQuest should be used as part of an incorporated unit on Cell Division. WebQuests are used as investigative independent action in the Student-Centered classroom. Idaho Standards addressed: Idaho Content Standards Grade 10 Science, Standard 1: Nature of Science, Goal 1.2: Understand Concepts and Processes of Evidence, Models, and Explanations, Objective 3: B Develop scientific explanations based on knowledge, logic and analysis. (648.02c) Idaho Content Standards Grade 10 Science, Standard 1: Nature of Science, Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Objective 2: B Utilize the components of scientific problem solving to design, conduct, and communicate results of investigations. (649.01b) Idaho Content Standards Grade 10 Science, Standard 1: Nature of Science, Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Objective 3: B Use appropriate technology and mathematics to make investigations. (649.01c) Idaho Content Standards Grade 10 Science, Standard 1: Nature of Science, Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills, Objective 4: B Formulate scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence.

8 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Credits A particular thanks to the WebQuest Page for providing educators with great templates for creating their own WebQuests. MaryLynn Graham for her great WebQuest “The Black Plague: Be Afraid”. Yahoo Images and Search Engine

9 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Task 1: Research your phase of mitosis and become an expert at it. Make sure you can answer Mr. Fairly Goolookin’s question’s. Task 2: Be able to recognize and present certain key feature’s involved in your phase of mitosis. Task 3: Create a PowerPoint presentation on what your findings are. Mr. Goolookin will want all the information you found presented to him LIVE. Task 4: Have a FUN TIME!!

10 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Step 1 Go to the table that matches the slip of paper you were given when you came into class. This is now the phase that you will report on and the group you will work with. At Evaluation, look at “Peer Evaluation”. 25% of your grade will be group participation. Make a folder and label it “Cell WebQuest”. Store your ongoing work in it. Back to Process

11 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Step 2 You and your group will use internet resources to locate information about your phase Use each site to find and record information. Both you and your partners are Researchers and Recorders . Therefore, you are responsible for your own fact sheet. Click here for more information about “fact sheet”. Back to Process

12 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Step 3 Materials that will need to be in your PowerPoint! Have an opening slide with the names in your group, the phase you are presenting on, and it should be addressed to “Mr. Fairly Goolookin”. There must be a reference slide at the end showing your resources. The 2nd to last slide must be labeled, “what we will do with the money”. (and answer) The slides must include a minimum of 3 facts about your phase. The slides must have a minimum of 1 graphic about your phase. The slides must be neat with no spelling errors and readable! The PowerPoint must a minimum of 3 slides, but no longer than 6 slides. This does NOT include your opening slide, your “money” slide, or your reference slide Go to Evaluation and look at it before you begin. Look at what you will be graded on. Back to Process

13 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Step 4 Student Spotlight Present your PowerPoint to the class. Each group member will need to do something during the presentation. View the Evaluation page to review what you will be graded on. Be a good listener while other groups are presenting. Be filling out the handout given to you by the teacher while groups are presenting. Back to Process

14 Cell Division: Got Mitosis?
Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits Fact Sheet A fact sheet is your own sheet of paper that you will turn in after your presentations are completed. The fact sheet should contain: Your Name A Title on the top of the page that says Fact Sheet and your phase. 4 - 6 facts on the phase that you are researching. example are: where your phase is in the cell cycle, what is happening with the chromosomes, nucleus, or any other organelle that is important, how long is it, what are the chromosomes doing during your phase, and etc. Back to Step 2

15 Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits

16 Home Intro. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion For Teachers Credits

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