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Lecture: Physical Evidence - Classification and Identification.

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1 Lecture: Physical Evidence - Classification and Identification


3 Characteristics of evidence Class characteristics Individual characteristics  features that place the item into a specific category  features that distinguish one item from another of the same type

4 Types of physical evidence BODY FLUIDS ÙConventional serology: òpresence of blood in stains òspecies identification and ABO grouping  is not adequately informative to positive identify a person ÙDNA analysis can associate victim and/or suspect with each other or with the crime scene BLOODSTAIN PATTERNS òadditional information SEM: erythrocytes & lymphocytes

5 Types of physical evidence BODY TISSUES  organ samples collected at autopsy, including blood, urine and stomach contents DRUGS & CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES  plant materials, powders, tablets, capsules òtoxicological analysis òvolatile compounds (ethanol, methanol, isopropanol) òheavy metals (arsenic) ònonvolatile organic compounds (drugs of abuse, pharmaceuticals)  miscellaneous (strychnine, cyanide) òtrace drug presence, identity, and quantity òBlack tar heroine wrapped in cellophane

6 Types of physical evidence DOCUMENTS Ùexamination òtyped, handwritten and printed materials for evidence of forgery  indented writings, obliterated or altered writings, used carbon paper, burned or charred paper Ùpaper and ink analysis Ùhandwriting comparison to determine authenticity Obliterated writing examination

7 Types of physical evidence HAIRS Ùhairs analysis can determine Ùmorphological features ÙDNA analysis  toxicological examination  FIBERS òhuman/animal òrace òbody area òcosmetic treatments òmethod of removal (crushed, cut, burned, forcibly removed, fallen out naturally) òcan associate a hair to a person òpositive identification  presence of drugs and poisons òtype òcolor, composition construction

8 Types of physical evidence Two matching hairs identified with the comparison microscope Flax fibers viewed with polarized light

9 Types of physical evidence FINGERPRINTS òthe strongest possible evidence of a person’s identity FIRE DEBRIS & EXPLOSIVES RESIDUE EXAMINATIONS òidentification of accelerants and explosive residues Fingerprint Matching Unburned accelerator liquid on a soot covered carpet

10 Types of physical evidence FIREARMS & AMMUNITION Ùindividual microscopic marks òidentification, source, operability of firearms. Ùdetection and characterization of gunpowder residues Ùmuzzle-to-garments distance estimation GLASS FRAGMENTS òCause of breakage òDirection of breakage force òPhysical fitting òGlass fragment comparisons Photomicrograph: test bullet - questioned bullet Glass fracture produced by a high-speed projectile

11 Types of physical evidence PAINT & PAINT PRODUCTS Ùanalysis and comparison of paint transferred from the surface of an object to another during the commission of a crime: òSuspect vehicle impacting a victim vehicle; a pedestrian or a stationary object òTool impacting stationary object ÙPaint databases can help identify the year, make and/or color of a motor vehicle from a chip of paint left at the scene. Paint Layers on Wood Surface

12 Types of physical evidence TOOLMARK IDENTIFICATION òmicroscopic side-by-side comparison òattempts to link a particular tool with a particular mark to the exclusion of any other tool ROPE & CORDAGE  composition, construction, color and diameter Spacing between teeth in gripping -major role in toolmark examinations òmanufacturer

13 Types of physical evidence SOILS & MINERALS òcomparison between two or more soils to determine if they share a common origin òcolor, texture, composition comparison WOOD òplace the suspect at the crime scene  side or end matching, fracture matching and species identification. Cross-section - Xylem Layers of soil exposed at a grave site. Each layer must be sampled

14 Types of physical evidence OILS/GREASE & COSMETIC PRODUCTS SHOEPRINTS & TIRE TREAD IMPRESSIONS òhave value for forensic comparisons. òcan provide positive identification of the suspect’s shoes or tires from the suspect’s vehicle. òpossess unique composition for comparison Shoeprint collected using a gelatin lifter.

15 Processing physical evidence discovering, recognizing and examining it; collecting, recording and identifying it; packaging, conveying and storing it; exhibiting it in court; disposing of it when the case is closed.

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