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CPW #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to use the Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt to: 1. Familiarize myself with the information in my student Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "CPW #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to use the Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt to: 1. Familiarize myself with the information in my student Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPW #1 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to use the Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt to: 1. Familiarize myself with the information in my student Agenda. 2. Familiarize myself with important information about Reagan and the IB Programme. Success Criteria – I will know I am successful when I… 1. complete the Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt. 2. recognize that my Student Agenda can help me be successful at Reagan. Welcome Back to CPW!!! Grades 9-11

2 CPW #1 The next slides contain the answers to the Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt. Do not continue until the ELO has been given time to complete the hunt. Welcome Back to CPW!!! Grades 9-11

3 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 1.4965 South 20 th Street Milwaukee, WI 53221 414-304-6100

4 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 2. Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-taker, Balanced and Reflective

5 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 3. Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature Group 2: Language Acquisition Group 3: Individuals and Societies Group 4: Experimental Sciences Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Science Group 6: The Arts

6 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 4. Creativity, Action, Service is the framework for experiential learning, designed to involve students in new roles by extending what is learned in the classroom to a form of service. Students should have 2 service- learning related activities listed. Share a couple as a group!

7 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 5. Theory of Knowledge is a two-semester course that examines the philosophical framework of each academic discipline learning to reflect critically and logically. TOK is taken during the junior and senior years.

8 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 6. See Ms. Williams, or other office staff, before Block 1 or after school. 7.http://rrhs.schoolwires.net 8.Ms. Westrich is the IB Coordinator. Mr. Elhadji is the MYP Coordinator. 9. Ms. Haim is the school nurse.

9 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 10. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: Ribbing/name calling Horse Play/physical rough housing “Mean mugging” Sexually suggestive language or taunts Ethnic slurs Harassing other students for homework/test answers Pushing, punching or forcing someone to drop things or be pushed into something

10 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 11. Credit Recovery takes place after school and during regular school. Despite what it says in your agenda, Mr. Sabbar now has more information on Credit Recovery.

11 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 12. Graduation requirements: 4 credits in English 3 credits in Math 3 credits in Science 3 credits in Social studies 1 ½ credits in Physical Education ½ credit in Health 1 credit in Fine Arts 6 elective credits Participation in an online class, 20 hours of community service, or a class with a service-learning experience Participation in at least one IB May exam at the end of the senior year.

12 CPW #1 Student Agenda Scavenger Hunt Answers Grades 9-11 13. Work Permit requirements: Proof of age (ID w/ D.O.B.) Letter from the employer with basic work information Parent signature on the permit card Social Security Card $5 fee 80% rate of attendance 2.00 GPA in each subject taken

13 CPW #1 Welcome Back to CPW!!! Grades 9-11 Let’s have a great year!

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