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Japanese Internment WWII. 9/11 After 9/11 all Muslim Americans should have been put in camps because you never know who could be a threat for another.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese Internment WWII. 9/11 After 9/11 all Muslim Americans should have been put in camps because you never know who could be a threat for another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese Internment WWII

2 9/11 After 9/11 all Muslim Americans should have been put in camps because you never know who could be a threat for another attack…

3 Which one is the enemy???

4 How to Tell You Friends from the Japs Life Magazine article Can you imagine???

5 Executive Order 9066 Feb. 19, 1942 Approximately 110,000- 120,000 Japanese Americans relocated to camps 2/3 were citizens Nisei-American Born Issei-older, foreign born Could join army instead What do you think it was like to be in the military as a Japanese American?

6 Leaving Home Forced to sell their homes and businesses at low price

7 Internment Camps The 10 camps (relocation centers) were located at: Amache, Colorado;Colorado Gila River, Arkansas;Arkansas Heart Mountain, Wyoming;Wyoming Jerome, Arkansas; Manzanar, California; Minidoka, Idaho;Idaho Poston, Arizona;Arizona Rohwer, Arkansas; Topaz, Utah; andUtah Tula Lake, California

8 At The Camp until 1945

9 Was it Right?

10 Apology 1988 paid $20,000 in reparations Fair?

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