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Aim: How can we create a car, bike or truck with rotating wheels using ACTION SCRIPTING?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How can we create a car, bike or truck with rotating wheels using ACTION SCRIPTING?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How can we create a car, bike or truck with rotating wheels using ACTION SCRIPTING?

2 Design your car, truck or bike on paper.

3 Opening Flash, create the main design, without the wheels.

4 Go to Insert/New Symbol.

5 Name the symbol and make a MOVIE CLIP.

6 Design your Tires within your MOVIE CLIP Symbol.

7 Go to Back to the Stage and bring up your LIBRARY.

8 Drag the MOVIE CLIP of your tire onto the Stage.

9 Modify/Transform/Free Transform and put your tire in place.

10 Go to Window ACTIONS with your tire selected and paste in the following script. (available on our Learning Portal.) onClipEvent(enterFrame){_rotation += 2; // 2 or desired speed in degrees of rotation per frame}

11 The + sets CLOCKWISE or COUNTER CLOCKWISE. The 2 sets the speed, which can be increased. onClipEvent(enterFrame){_rotation += 2; // 2 or desired speed in degrees of rotation per frame}

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