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Share Savings Programme 2012 Same structure as previous programmes You’ll receive invitation beginning of September Apply online no later than 30 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Share Savings Programme 2012 Same structure as previous programmes You’ll receive invitation beginning of September Apply online no later than 30 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Share Savings Programme 2012 Same structure as previous programmes You’ll receive invitation beginning of September Apply online no later than 30 September 2012

2 2 "Welcome to invest in SEB’s future" We are active in a challenging environment, but SEB has the stability and long-term perspective that creates long-term value for the bank’s customers, and hence for shareholders. The success depends on the commitment of you and your colleagues. The share savings programme gives you an opportunity to take part in SEB’s long-term value creation. I hope the programme will encourage you to have a share in the company in which you work." Marcus Wallenberg Chairman of the Board of Directors 2

3 3 Same structure as previous years You’ll receive an invitation at the beginning of September Apply online no later than 30 September Decision for 2012 programme Annual General Meeting on March 29 Participating countries Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Eligibility Almost all employees with permanent employee status can participate Hourly wage earners, employees with temporary employment and participants in the Share Matching or Share Deferral Programme 2012 are not eligible to participate The Share Savings Programme 2012 Luxembourg Norway Singapore Sweden UK USA

4 4 You can save up to five per cent of your fixed gross monthly salary for purchase of SEB shares If the shares are kept for three years and you are still employed by SEB, you will get one free matching share for every share purchased The shares are not locked during the period, you can stop saving or sell shares at any time The programme in brief

5 5 Matching period ●February 2016– November 2016 ●Quarterly share matching ●One share for free for every share purchased during the savings period Overview Qualification period ●36-month period after each share purchase ●Keep the shares ●Stay with SEB Savings period ●November 2012– October 2013 ●Monthly savings deductions ●Quarterly share purchases

6 6 Quick facts It is possible for you to exit from the programme at any time  Stop saving  Sell shares already bought Change savings amount possible twice during the programme  From February and June salary deduction You have the same rights as share holder with ordinary shares, including dividends  Dividends reinvested in SEB shares

7 7 Equate Plus – web based computer system owned by UBS Participants in the previous programmes keep username, password etc. Access through the internet, like an internet bank. 24/7, you can  view your balances  put sale and transfer orders UBS offers call centre for questions regarding E+, call your local HR for questions around the Share Savings Programme Shares will be held in custody by SEB No need for private custody account Administration – Equate Plus

8 8 What happens if…? If you quit, or employment contract expires  Savings will be stopped  The right to matching shares is lost  You can sell your saving shares or transfer them to your private custody account In case of invalidity, redundancy or retirement  Savings will be stopped  The right to matching shares for shares already bought is not affected Employees on parental leave, sick leave, sabbatical etc  Savings will continue  You are qualified for matching shares if you keep the shares

9 9 Risks! Owning shares is a financial risk No guarantees for profitability or that you will get your invested money back The share price is related to a lot of factors over which SEB has no control Employees outside Sweden are exposed to a foreign exchange risk (as well as a possibility for a positive effect)

10 10 Printed local language invitation folder All eligible employees will receive an invitation folder Information available on the intranet/extranet  2012 Terms & Conditions and Agreement (printer friendly format)  “Change form” (for change of bank account etc).  Archive with information for previous programmes. Invitation letter contains generic information about the programme – no country specific information

11 11 Application Link with log-in code for web application in invitation folder If you participate in any of the previous programmes, most information will be pre- completed – but you still have to apply to join the 2012 programme. New participants fill in i.a. the following details:  Address (e-mail and regular)  Telephone numbers  Tax country  Chosen amount to save –Maximum 5 percent of monthly fixed gross salary in June 2010 –Minimum EUR 10 (or eqv.) Last day of application: 30 September 2012

12 12 Local language extranet Beginning of September: Local information available on extranet Accessible from any internet connected computer   No user name/password needed Also accessible via Employee Self Service on SEB’s intranet. Content:  Introductory film with Marcus Wallenberg  Frequently asked questions  Possibility to submit questions  Terms & conditions and agreement 2012 (archive for brochure and T&C 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011)  Forms, e.g. for changing account information or decrease savings amount  Tax information  Local support number and e-mail addresses

13 13 Printed information Invitation letter with personal application code  Find everything about the programme in one place  Submit your questions about the programme via the e-mail form  Apply online For questions about salary deductions, specific employment situations etc HR Centre in your country Financial information Business press and internet sites No unit within SEB can advise you on how the SEB share will develop, your economic situation, taxation or if you should participate in the programme. More information/contacts (can be customised in each country)

14 14 What happens now? Read information in invitation and at Assess the risks involved for you Calculate the effect monthly savings will have on your finances Get more information if required, e.g. from the extranet, external advisor etc. If you want to participate from the start: Apply no later then 30 September 2012 at! 14

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