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Welcome to Curriculum Night! Please sit in your child’s chair. We will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. While you are waiting, use the stationery to write him/her.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night! Please sit in your child’s chair. We will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. While you are waiting, use the stationery to write him/her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night! Please sit in your child’s chair. We will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. While you are waiting, use the stationery to write him/her a note. Please leave it at your child’s seat.

2 Purpose of this Evening Introduction to curriculum, classroom management and what you can expect in Second Grade. * If you would like to discuss your child personally, please contact me to determine a day and time. Thank you!

3 Paperwork Conference Sign-Up Field Trip Volunteers Classroom Volunteers

4 Contact Information: Email: –Check email once a day Voicemail: 440-349-7757, ext. 5743 –Check messages once a day –If calling about a bus change or pick-up change, please call the office directly instead of leaving me a voicemail 440-349-7424 Fall Conference: –I will send a reminder about your conference time as the date approaches. Additional Conferences: –As needed, please email or call to schedule a time to meet.

5 Daily Schedule 7:45-8:10 Morning Agenda 8:10-9:00 Special 9:00-10:00 Writer’s Workshop 10:00-11:00 Reader’s Workshop 11:00-12:00 Recess/Lunch 12:00-1:00 Math 1:00-2:00 Science/Social Studies 2:00-2:25 No New Instruction (NNI)

6 Family Information System –Staff Directory  Erika Stovering Calendar: –Upcoming assessments –Holidays –Field trips –Homework –Special events Class News and Photos Useful website links that can support your child’s learning Email access

7 Literacy Reading Writing Word Study

8 Reader’s Workshop Mini-Lesson Guided Reading Read to Someone Read to Self Listen to Reading

9 Reader’s Workshop Mini-Lesson - Daily, brief, powerful, whole group demonstrations about how reading works or how readers work. Example: We are learning what readers do when they lose their way.

10 Reader’s Workshop Read to Self – Daily, silent, sustained reading from a self-selected text. Students are expected to read “good fit” books from a variety of genres, stay on task, and reflect upon their reading.

11 Reader’s Workshop Guided Reading – Small group instruction with fluid grouping and a focus on meeting specific student needs Teacher role: Teacher meets with small groups and provides descriptive feedback to students about their learning. Student role: Students share their thinking and reflect on their success with the reading topic. They participate in an active discussion which incorporates comprehension, questioning, and higher-order thinking skills.

12 What is a “Good Fit” book? Choosing a “Good Fit” Book I PICK I choose a book P urpose – Why do I want to read it? I nterest – Does it interest me? C omprehend – Am I understanding what I am reading? K now – Do I know most of the words?

13 Writer’s Workshop Mini-Lesson Independent Writing Individual Writing Conferences

14 Writer’s Workshop Mini-lesson Daily, brief, powerful, whole group demonstrations about how writing works. Example: We are learning to choose a topic for our All About piece.

15 Writer’s Workshop Independent Writing Students write on self-selected topics or teacher-directed topics. Students keep a writing folder and writer’s notebook.

16 Writer’s Workshop Conferencing Teacher meets with individual students to give descriptive feedback on one aspect of writing. Students are expected to act on this feedback to grow as a writer.

17 Writer’s Workshop Group Sharing/Author’s Chair Students listen to writing and offer feedback in a three point discussion— for example: Two Stars and a Wish. The students provide two positive comments and one wish for improvement.

18 Word Study Picture Sorts Word Sorts Word Hunts Word Wall Assessments

19 Word Study How can parents help their children with spelling? Encourage your child to reread his/her work. Have your child identify words that do not look correct. This is the first step to better spelling. Encourage your child to apply the spelling patterns he/she knows. Help your child review his or her words of the week.

20 Math Individual and group problem solving Aligned with state standards Math integrated into real life Trail Blazers Math Advantage

21 Math Fluency with basic addition and subtraction facts Add and subtract two and three digit addition Count money and make change up to $1.00 Understand common fractions Exposure to concepts of multiplication and division Explore 2-D and 3-D shapes Measure length, weight, and capacity in U.S. and metric units Create and extend number and shape patterns Create a pattern that follows the same rule as an existing pattern using different objects Describe a rule for a pattern Create charts, tables, and graphs to represent data Make predictions and draw conclusions from data Study probability to determine the likelihood of an outcome

22 Science Inquiry Based Changes in Motion Sound Weather and Seasons

23 Social Studies Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Government Economics History Geography People in Societies

24 Grading # Correct Follow-Up Given as Needed Positive Feedback Rubrics No Letter Grades Common Assessments

25 Report Cards Reflective of state standards Given every nine weeks On a continuum based on your child’s development

26 Common Assessments Expectations are the same of all students. Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies

27 Classroom Management RESPECT COOPERATION Roxbury Rules Rocket Rewards What kind of day will you make today? Coins Shopping

28 Homework Written in Planners Pacing/Routine Weekly Reading Log Practice Strengthening Skills

29 Daily Procedures Notes, Money, Bus Passes Take-Home Folders Classroom Jobs Homework Supplies Book Orders- checks only Birthday Treats

30 PTA Parties Assemblies Book Fairs Special Events


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