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Chapter 15: Body Systems Lesson One: Integumentary System.

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1 Chapter 15: Body Systems Lesson One: Integumentary System

2 FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN Protective covering for the body Barrier between vital organs and outside world (viruses, bacteria, temperature)

3 Regulates body Temperature Blood vessels enlarge when hot and radiate heat. Sweat also cools the skin when it evaporates. Blood vessels constrict or narrow to conserve heat.

4 Enabling you to sense the world around you (Sense of touch; pain, pressure and temperature)

5 STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN TWO MAIN LAYERS Epidermis – outer thin layer Dermis – inner thicker layer

6 MELANIN – pigment that gives color to the skin, eyes, and hair; produced by cells in the epidermal layer.

7 ATHLELTE’S FOOT Caused by the same fungus as ringworm Highly contagious: Occurs between toes and is associated with wearing shoes and sweating.

8 OTHER PROBLEMS OF THE SKIN RINGWORM- Common fungal infection that affects various parts of the body.

9 BOILS- inflamed pus-filled area of the skin: usually an infected hair follicle.

10 WARTS- Contagious growths on the outer layer of skin. Caused by viruses.

11 MOLES- small round, thick, dark spots on the skin. Usually harmless, but if changes in them occur, see a doctor.

12 PSORIASIS- skin disease in which thickened patches of inflamed red skin form, often covered by white flaking scales. Cause unknown.

13 VITILIGO – disorder in which patches of skin lose their color. These areas are sensitive to sunlight. Caused by absence of skin cells that produce melanin.

14 IMPETIGO – Caused by bacteria entering small breaks in the skin. Highly contagious.

15 BLISTERS – raised areas filled with a watery fluid. Should be covered and left to heal on its own. Can become infected if broken.

16 CALLUS – An area of thickened skin that results from constant friction or pressure.

17 CORN – A callus on a toe caused by the pressure from a tight-fitting shoe.

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