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The Business Letter How to Communicate For a Formal Business Audience.

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Presentation on theme: "The Business Letter How to Communicate For a Formal Business Audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Business Letter How to Communicate For a Formal Business Audience

2 The Set Up O All information will be flushed to the left side. O No indents O Proper spelling and Capitalization O Spacing Requires No Crazy Gaps…just some space. O Times New Roman is best choice, with font size 11-12

3 What it looks like Street Address City, Province Postal Code Phone X Date You are Sending X Name of Recipient Title Company Street Address City, Province Postal Code X Dear (Recipient Full Name) or, if unable to find full name, (Title) X

4 Why is important that the set up be specific?

5 The Message O Body #1: Short Introductory paragraph that states the purpose of the letter. O I would like to air my complaints about the very poor service that I received at your restaurant, Five Hearts, on the 1st of August. I was unhappy with the staff’s attitude and also the quality of food.

6 The Message O Body #2 O State your first complaint O Firstly, the staff portrayed a large amount of incompetence and a bad attitude towards customers. No one attended to me for about ten minutes, and when the waiter finally showed up, he showed a severe lack of interest. He had to take my order three times, but even so, he still brought me the wrong food!

7 The Message O Body #3-4 O The Second and Third Complaint O Secondly, the service was very slow. It took nearly an hour for my food to be fully prepared. What made matters worse was that after waiting for so long, the waiter brought the wrong food and he had to take it back. O Thirdly, the food itself was of very poor quality. It was quite cold and tasteless. Immediately I reached home, I suffered from very bad diarrhea which lasted for two days.

8 The Message O Body 5: O Call to action. O Demand compensation. O All these things considered, I feel I need to be compensated. In addition, I demand that you improve the service at Five Hearts restaurant or shut it down as the service being offered is hazardous to the health of your customers.

9 The Message O Body 6 Give contact details: email address, residential address. O Please contact me at the address above or the following email address: I would love to hear from you as soon as possible.

10 The Sign Off O Finish with closing words, then leave about 6 spaces, then print your name. The 6 spaces are so you can sign it after printing.

11 Closing Words O Best, O Best regards, O Best wishes, O Cheers, O Cordially, O Cordially yours, O Faithfully, O Faithfully yours, O Fond regards, O In appreciation, O In sympathy, O Kind regards, O Kind thanks, O Kind wishes, O Many thanks, O Warm regards, O Warm wishes, O Warmly, O Sincerely, O Sincerely yours, O Regards, O Respectfully, O Respectfully yours, O Thanks, O Thank you, O Thank you for your assistance in this matter, O Thank you for your consideration, O Thank you for your recommendation, O Thank you for your time, O With appreciation, O With deepest sympathy, O With gratitude, O With sincere thanks, O With sympathy, O Your help is greatly appreciated, O Yours, O Yours cordially, O Yours faithfully, O Yours respectfully, O Yours sincerely, O Yours truly,

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