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Common Frame of Reference (CFR) and Common European Sales Law (CESL): Content and Practical Meaning (Introduction) Paul Varul Partner, Law Firm VARUL (Estonia)

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Presentation on theme: "Common Frame of Reference (CFR) and Common European Sales Law (CESL): Content and Practical Meaning (Introduction) Paul Varul Partner, Law Firm VARUL (Estonia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Frame of Reference (CFR) and Common European Sales Law (CESL): Content and Practical Meaning (Introduction) Paul Varul Partner, Law Firm VARUL (Estonia)

2 Law Firm VARUL Established in 1994; Independent Baltic Law Firm Nominated among top 4 Baltic law firms by The Lawyer (2012) Offices: –In Estonia: Tallinn, Tartu36 lawyers –In Latvia: Riga23 lawyers –In Lithuania: Vilnius24 lawyers All major fields of law Clients: Finland, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, USA

3 From European Civil Code to DCFR Study Group on European Civil Code (1999- 2008) Contract Law Non-contractual Obligations Related fields of law

4 DCFR – Content (1/2) Title; abandoning ‘the code’ General part of the DCFR – PECL (formation, termination, representation, grounds of invalidity, performance, remedies for non- performance, plurality of parties, set-off, prescription) Contracts (sales, lease of goods, services, mandate contracts, loan, commercial agency, franchise and distributorship, donation)

5 DCFR – Content (2/2) Non-contractual Obligations (benevolent intervention in another’s affairs, torts, unjustified enrichment) Related fields (transfer of movable property ownership, proprietary security rights in movable assets, personal security, trusts)

6 DCFR - Meaning Preliminary purpose: Common European Law Principles, Definitions, Model Rules Standard, model law for countries to develop their own national legislation Demonstrates the level of legal thinking of European private law Source for future development of European private law

7 DCFR – CIS Countries Model for CIS countries Translation into Russian (July 2013) Модельные правила Европейского частного права. Пер. с англ.; Науч. ред. Н. Ю. Рассказова. – Н.: Статут, 2013

8 European Common Sales Law DCFR – CESL Optional instrument Second national law

9 CESL – Scope of Application SME – SME (employees: less than 250; annual turnover: not exceeding EUR 50 million) Business – SME Business – consumer SME – consumer Distance contracts – digital content Sale of goods (?)

10 CESL – Content General provisions (general principles, application) Conclusion of contract; pre-contractual information Interpretation, unfair terms, defects of consent Obligations of parties Remedies (requiring performance, termination, price reduction, withholding performance, damages, interest) Restitution Prescription

11 CESL and International Private Law Uncovered areas – international private law Plurality of parties, representation, assignment of claims, etc.

12 CESL – CIS Сountries Model law for drafting Application upon agreement Equal legal position – applicable law Protection of consumers

13 Thank you!

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