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Ko wai au? Ko Marama Tuuta taku ingoa.

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2 Ko wai au? Ko Marama Tuuta taku ingoa.
I te taha o toku koroua, ko Paraikete, Ko Hemi Matiaha toku Haakoro Ko Merepani Maika toku Haakui I te taha o toku kuia, Ko Hine-i-pikitia-ki-te rangi Reiri – Hemi, Ko Reiri Hamuera toku Haakoro Ko Makere Hone Himu Reiri toku Haakui No Mangakuta me Te Whiti raua.

3 Ngati Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa – Tamaki Nui A Rua Trust
A report to the Marae Trustees by Marama Tuuta Ngati Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa – Tamaki Nui A Rua Trust

4 Who Are We? of which Papawai is one, to obtain a mandate from people
We are the group elected by the various claim communities, of which Papawai is one, to obtain a mandate from people of Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa – Tamaki Nui A Rua. I was elected as the Papawai representative onto the Trust at a election held here at Papawai

5 What is our job? To seek a mandate from the people of Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa- Tamaki Nui A Rua to; enter into negotiations with the Crown to ensure a comprehensive settlement of all historical claims made for breeches against the Treaty of Waitangi enter into a Deed of Settlement be responsible for seeing the settlement through to completion Adhere to te tino rangatiratanga o nga hapu, nga marae and nga whanau katoa of Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa – Tamaki nui a rua Represent their distinct interests and claims within the negotiating team

6 members of the Trust Are;
Ron Mark, Haami Te Whaiti, Hayden Hape, Robyn Potangaroa, Hone Oneroa Pani Himona, Kahu Pene, Ian Perry, Marama Tuuta, Mark Rutene (alternate) Absent; Kingi Smiler

7 Who are the Trustees & their Alternates?
Papawai – Marama Tuuta Malcolm Mulholland Wairarapa Moana – Kingi Smiler Mark Rutene Ngati Hinewaka – Haami Te Whaiti Niniwa Munroe Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae – Ron Mark Henare Manaena Te Oreore – Pani Himona Rex Hemi Ngai Tumupuhia-a-Rangi – Ian Perry Bob Hill Te Hika a Papauma – Robin Potangaroa - Tom Wilton Tamakinui-a Rua – Kahu Pene Rangimarie Taite Tamakinui-a-Rua – Hayden Hape Diane Akura - Have yet to complete their election process.

8 Chairperson is Ian Perry
Deputy Chairperson is Myself

9 Diane Rewi is the Trust Secretary

10 3 Meetings 1st - Introduction to the Trust members
- Discussing the election process - Discussing the election of a Chairperson 2nd - Electing a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson - Land banking the Masterton Hospital surplus land 3rd - Set up teams to work on areas and bring drafts back to the full Trust Board to discuss amend and/or ratify - Met with CFRT to hear what they can offer us in terms of financial and assistance - Sent a letter to the Kaumatua Council of Wairarapa and Tamaki Nui a Rua asking them for a representative for the trust.

11 Make up of the 3 teams are;
Whakapapa Research - Rawiri Smith, Haami Te Whaiti, Robin Potongaroa, Kahu Pene, Niniwa Munroe, Hone Oneroa with Teniti Pene as the scribe Project Management - Ron Mark, Charles Morunga, Hayden Hape, Ian Perry, Marama Tuuta with Diane Rewi as the scribe Mandating - Ian Perry, Rangimarie Taite, Pani Himona , Hayden Hape Marama Tuuta with Diane Rewi as the scribe.

12 What do the 3 teams do? Team 1; Whakapapa Research Team
That this group research those hapu and Marae that are named in the Rangitane Mandating Document e.g. Ngati Hamua, Ngati Moe, Team 2; Project Management Team This group is largely involved with meeting the requirements of CFRT so that we may obtain the funding Also looking at the employing of a project manager project Team 3; Mandating This group has been focusing on getting the Mandate Strategy and the Trust Deed signed off by the crown

13 Crown Forestry Rental Trust
The organisation that takes all unclaimed monies from Maori forestry interests and invests it The funds from the interest only are used to fund the work needed to be done for Treaty claims by iwi Only those iwi who have forestry interests are eligible Because Ngamu forest is in our region of interest our Trust qualifies.

14 Points of interest; The process will take 42 months but probably longer To get funding support the Trust needs to meet certain milestones All systems must be robust Funding is not retrospective Funding is applied for in 6 phases Additional funding is also available for mapping and research

15 Summary; We have almost completed negotiating with CFRT to be their client which means we can get funding for first phase of the process - Getting the Mandate We just need the Trustees to read over the contract and give their tick of approval so that Ian can sign the contract. At the moment we have our interim Lawyer looking over our Mandate Strategy so that it can be signed by the crown. Had our first meeting with Rangitane. The second meeting had to be postponed but it should happen in the next month or two. With your help I hope to report to members of our claimant community via the Papawai Marae tree

16 Mahia Mo Apopo

17 Working together for our Future!!

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