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 Four components that need completed: › Paper › Project › Portfolio › Presentation.

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2  Four components that need completed: › Paper › Project › Portfolio › Presentation

3  1300-1900 word research paper › Completed during junior year › Clean copy provided for portfolio along with paper proposal › It is NOT graded by judges. It is provided to show it was completed. Grading done solely by student’s English teacher in 11 th grade

4  Students must devote a MINIMUM of 20 hours to project  Does NOT have to connect with research paper › Hours must be completed OUTSIDE of school time(7:30-2:30 M-F) unless there is a special circumstance. › Community, Career or Enrichment oriented › Student spells out project in the Proposal. Both student and parent sign off.  Teacher approval needed › Student MUST keep track of hours and evidence of completion

5  In what areas do I have a strong interest?  Can I get 30 hours out of this project?  How much money would I have to invest into this?  What outside sources would I have to depend upon?

6  Fundraising ($1000 minimum)  Careers  Product Outcome  Volunteer work (specific responsibility) › You must have some responsibility at this location. (ex. Animal friends)  Engineering Certification (Mr. Walker)

7  Creation of a Seneca Valley School District App  A 67 mile motorcycle run as a benefit  A spaghetti dinner that raised over $3000 for a special needs school  Published children’s book

8  Golf outings › Too expensive/weather  Coaching/Athletic clinics › Why would the community come to YOUR event?  Movies › Make sure that you have a purpose for any videos….documentaries, etc.

9  An organized collection of required and supplemental documents that clearly illustrates for the judges the complete Graduation Project process. › Includes letter to judges, evidence, time cards, resumes, etc. › Portfolio grade is from judges

10  Students will deliver an 8-10 minute formal presentation to a board of judges (teachers, community members) to explain their project › Includes successes, setbacks, reasons for doing project, etc.  Presentation scored solely by judges May 22, 2015  Boards are set for Friday, May 22, 2015


12  If any of these four components are not submitted or completed satisfactorily, students WILL NOT receive a diploma  Summer School after your senior year

13 

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