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March 2012 Updates: Hahgoot Turns 6 Years Old and Celebrates at Luna Park! Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2012 Updates: Hahgoot Turns 6 Years Old and Celebrates at Luna Park! Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2012 Updates: Hahgoot Turns 6 Years Old and Celebrates at Luna Park! Part 1

2 Alma and Hahgoot made special rice-pop cupcakes for Hahgoot’s classmates to celebrate the happy occasion

3 They tested the treats beforehand and Alma demanded more!

4 At school Hahgoot got a special “birthday certificate” and a candy bar. Right on time for her birthday week a large package from the grandparents Atzmon arrived with lovely clothes and new knitwear (this time according to Hahgoot’s design!) Hahgoot asked for a wristwatch for her birthday so she got one from us – with unicorns and rainbows, to her delight!

5 Alma got a beautiful new set (she isn’t wearing it here properly, it was too hot that day) And even Misty enjoyed the gift (box)...

6 Aunt Debbie sent a gift as well: a diary to write “all about me”, which is Hahgoot’s favourite subject matter! Hahgoot liked the diary very much and filled it up enthusiastically with every possible detail and drawing.

7 Although we didn’t have an official birthday party this year, Hahgoot didn’t give up on a cake, so she got a flower chocolate cake. Hahgoot enjoyed wearing her new watch to school every day. She looked at it and said “mum, time moves really fast!”... About time she noticed how slowly her pace is... Having the watch certainly helped getting her more responsible with her morning routine.

8 At last, the big day of Hahgoot’s Luna Park birthday arrived! We had spectacular weather! We started off with a very long train ride (over an hour). Alma didn’t like the clowns at the gate...

9 We started off with the Ferries Wheel, which is Hahgoot’s favourite thing at the amusement park. It was her first time on the really big wheel and she was very excited!

10 The views from high up were great!



13 Barak and Alma waved at us every time our carriage on the wheel went by them

14 While Hahgoot and I enjoyed the big wheel, Barak and Alma had fun on the carousel, in the big swan! I thought the bins were funny but Alma was scared of them and wouldn’t throw anything in the bins or go near them.

15 Our good start nearly came to a very sad ending as Barak decided to go and play at a booth where you throw darts to burst balloons and win prizes. Hahgoot immediately started screaming, crying and shaking in horror. I managed to move her away and calm her down somehow and in a huge effort she pulled herself together. It was a very good time to stop for a picnic... We all enjoyed the healthy snacks and Barak won some nice Luna Park stickers for his balloon popping efforts. In our next presentation: the fun day continues smoothly!

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