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1. Teaching Writing The most difficult part in teaching a language.

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1 1

2 Teaching Writing The most difficult part in teaching a language.

3 3 P P uuuu nnnn cccc tttt uuuu aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn m m m m marks Words in the right order oooo rrrr dddd eeee rrrr.... Basic sentence e e e e e llll eeee mmmm eeee nnnn tttt ssss Types of sentences O O rrrr gggg aaaa nnnn iiii zzzz iiii nnnn gggg & & & & O O O O uuuu tttt llll iiii nnnn iiii nnnn gggg Whole piece of ww rrrr iiii tttt iiii nnnn gggg

4 4 The Need of Punctuation marks

5 5 Students ’ incorrect sentences : Students ’ incorrect sentences : 1. The outer space technology develops 1. The outer space technology develops fast, it helps me explore its mystery. fast, it helps me explore its mystery. 2. And I make an effort to explain the 2. And I make an effort to explain the grammar in class, but the students snore, grammar in class, but the students snore, I am very angry, so I say : 「 Wake up! 」 I am very angry, so I say : 「 Wake up! 」 3. I made a dream that I became a teacher, 3. I made a dream that I became a teacher, during my class, all students, fell asleep. during my class, all students, fell asleep.

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9 9 Are your students able to put all the words in the right order?

10 10 Sentences by students: Sentences by students: 1. He felt so embarrassed that he not dare to look at the teacher. look at the teacher. 2. The main gaining weight ’ s factors are snacks and refreshments. and refreshments. 3. My father bought me a birthday present was a bicycle. a bicycle.

11 11 Basic sentence elements

12 12 Students ’ incorrect sentences : Students ’ incorrect sentences : 1. At this time, the dream was over, he 1. At this time, the dream was over, he found he still a student and slept in his found he still a student and slept in his English class. English class. 2. I teach hard, but my students all sleeping. 2. I teach hard, but my students all sleeping. 3. There was a student slept in class. 3. There was a student slept in class.

13 13 Organizing & Outlining Ways Ways Why did it happen? What happened?

14 14 Ways to Help Students Improve Their Writing (1) (1) Team work (2) Afterthought notes (3) Summary practicing: Pick out from the given material the topic sentence, the given material the topic sentence, supporting clause, and the concluding supporting clause, and the concluding sentence. In this kind of practice, sentence. In this kind of practice, students shouldn ’ t give any of their own opinions. students shouldn ’ t give any of their own opinions.

15 15 Ways to Help Students Improve Their Writing (2) (4) Imitating writing (a) expanding a passage (a) expanding a passage (b) shortening a passage (b) shortening a passage (5) Relay writing writing writing

16 16 Team work: a. The teacher asks guiding questions. a. The teacher asks guiding questions. b. Students answer them by teams. b. Students answer them by teams. c. Students work in groups and expand c. Students work in groups and expand their sentences/paragraphs. their sentences/paragraphs.

17 17 A Trip to ….. 1. Ask students to do group discussion, 1. Ask students to do group discussion, answering the teacher ’ s following answering the teacher ’ s following questions: questions: (a) Who took the trip? (a) Who took the trip? (b) When was the trip and where to? (b) When was the trip and where to? (c) What they saw, what they did, and (c) What they saw, what they did, and what ’ s the one thing particularly what ’ s the one thing particularly worth mentioning? worth mentioning? (d) Why that one thing in particular? (d) Why that one thing in particular? (e) How do they feel about the trip? (e) How do they feel about the trip?

18 18 A Trip to ….. 2. Ask the students to expand their 2. Ask the students to expand their sentences. sentences. 3. Ask the students to try to write at least 3. Ask the students to try to write at least one sentence with at least one sentence one sentence with at least one sentence pattern they have just learned. pattern they have just learned. 4. Each group sends one representative to 4. Each group sends one representative to read their masterpieces in front of the read their masterpieces in front of the whole class. whole class.

19 19 What for? What happened? My classmates & I Lots of fun. Excited, Most unforgettable A surprise Birthday party Last summer. The day before my 18th birthday 八仙 theme park

20 20 A trip to Ba-Hsian Theme Park Last summer vacation, some of my classmates and I went to Ba-Hsian Theme Park to celebrate my 18th birthday. Last summer vacation, some of my classmates and I went to Ba-Hsian Theme Park to celebrate my 18th birthday. When we got there, there were already a lot of people there, so we had to stand in line for at least 15 minutes to play each item. We really had a lot fun there. And we all were very excited. (to be continued) When we got there, there were already a lot of people there, so we had to stand in line for at least 15 minutes to play each item. We really had a lot fun there. And we all were very excited. (to be continued)

21 21 A trip to Ba-Hsian Theme Park When it was time for lunch, I suddenly heard my name from the radio. I was shocked because that was my friends singing “Happy Birthday to Me” on the air. I was moved to tears. The trip was so exciting that it will always be the most unforgettable experience in my life Ways (1). Ways (1)

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25 25 Transitional Words. Logical connections between sentences

26 26 Improper use of transitional words: Improper use of transitional words: 1. As everybody knows, English is the most 1. As everybody knows, English is the most international language. So, my mother sent me international language. So, my mother sent me to a cram school when I was five years old. to a cram school when I was five years old. Therefore, I liked English since that time. Therefore, I liked English since that time. 2. The cell phone has become a daily necessity for 2. The cell phone has become a daily necessity for me, so I decorate it every day. me, so I decorate it every day. 3. Many students fell asleep in class and my 3. Many students fell asleep in class and my teacher scolded them seriously. On the teacher scolded them seriously. On the contrary, I’m not a teacher. contrary, I’m not a teacher.

27 27 The Importance of Being Convincing Students ’ writings: Students ’ writings: 1.The bus driver drove very fast and he stopped at every stop carelessly. But, I still said, ” Thank you. ” when I got off the bus. That made him feel good, and he would drive the bus carefully from then on. 2. Nowadays, everybody has a problem of becoming too fat, so it is very important to know how to lose weight.

28 28 Common Problems with Students ’ Writings 1. Miss the point. 2. Not convincing. 3. Illogically connected sentences. 4. Misuse of personal p pronouns. 5. Tense.

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