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Naomi Wyles ASTeC STFC Daresbury Laboratory
ERLP Commissioning Naomi Wyles ASTeC STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Overview of ERLP Achievements so far
Both super conducting linac modules cooled to 2K Synchronisation of RF and photo-injector drive laser High power RF tests for linac module Commissioning of terawatt laser for Compton back scattering and electro-optic bunch length diagnostic Electron Gun DC Photocathode Electron Gun First electrons obtained in August 2006
Overview of ERLP Gun Power Supply Gun Super Conducting Booster
1st (outward) Arc Energy Recovery Linac 2nd (return) Arc Transfer Line Beam Dump
Commissioning Tasks Construction of ERLP is not yet complete Commissioning has taken place in the following areas Photoinjector laser system This was installed and commissioned prior to the gun being ready Further enhancements made after the first phase of gun commissioning The electron gun is currently beaming into a dedicated diagnostic beamline All radiation control systems complete Cryogenic system has been commissioned to 2K Usually possible in parallel with construction work RF System Buncher cavity, transverse deflecting cavity and main SC accelerating modules are all being commissioned at present
Planning the commissioning
The electron gun is being commissioned using a dedicated diagnostic beamline Dedicated diagnostics include horizontal and vertical slits, YAG screens, transverse deflecting cavity and an energy analyser magnet This will be removed when gun commissioning is complete At the same time the remainder of ERLP is being constructed Lead time for the delivery of the SC linac modules was significantly longer than anything else Problems with building and commissioning the gun Problems in achieving XHV braze between gun ceramic and metal flanges lead to delays in gun construction Additional problems while operating the gun led to serious delays in gun commissioning Gun commissioning is now on the critical path Construction programme is running well
Commissioning and construction conflicts (health and safety)
Construction and commissioning have to be separated in time Construction during office hours Commissioning overnight and at weekends This pattern means work has to be carefully controlled to avoid any conflicts Permit to Work (PtW) system (already used at Daresbury in other areas so staff are familiar with it) Includes a Risk Assessment and a Written System of Work Not practical to cancel every permit before every commissioning shift Handover procedure has been developed
Handover procedure ERLP has a site manager who will know what work is going on and what permits are outstanding The handover manager is responsible for the handover procedure being followed correctly A handover sheet must be completed Handover procedure The site manager checks that there are no outstanding PtWs that prevent commissioning The site and handover managers tour the accelerator area checking for people and making notes of hazards The site manager then issues a PtW for the commissioning and releases the keys for machine operation The Key commissioning team member then reads and signs the handover sheet The handover sheet and PtW are kept on display and must be read by subsequent Key Commissioning team members The handover sheet also specifies what must be done to return from commissioning to construction
Handover Sheet
Commissioning and construction conflicts (staff availability)
Most staff do not work on ERLP full time Commissioning team are mainly accelerator physicists and technologists who work on other projects as well Construction team are also involved in other projects, particularly the SRS which has a schedule written many months in advance The running of the SRS has to take priority over ERLP because it is a user facility
Scheduling and Shifts Commissioning uses a 3 shift system
Weekdays only shifts 1 and 3; construction in shift 2 Weekends/Holidays all 3 shifts used Flexibility about when construction ends Staff work shifts on a casual basis – average of 1 per week Availability collected (which is expected to be ‘reasonable’) on an Excel spreadsheet Roster produced based on this Macro sends Outlook appointments No problems due to large pool of people Smaller pool of people would require fixed shifts
Commissioning team Every beam commissioning shift requires 2 people
One must be a member of the ‘Key Commissioning Team’ Responsible for leading technical work Responsible for personnel and machine safety Key Commissioning team members only devote 30% of their time to commissioning They undertake additional training Laser safety General Health and Safety Second team member does not have such a large commitment to the project They are expected to be interested and enthusiastic
Training All personnel who wish to enter the ERLP accelerator areas must have undertaken basic radiation safety training (or be accompanied at all times by someone who has) Enforced by access control system using ID badges Commissioning team have additional training in the Personnel Safety System Includes how to carry out a search If there was a radiation incident the SRS crew would be called and are responsible for implementing action Key commissioning team have additional training 4 day health and safety course which is being rolled out to everyone with management or project responsibilities Laser training – enables them to switch the laser on and off thus not requiring a laser specialist to be present at all times
Documentation ERLP Safety Handbook
Issued to all key commissioning team members and other relevant staff Covers how safety is organised Lists those with specific safety responsibilities and what those responsibilities are Details procedures for carrying out all kinds of work Content is presented during basic safety training Local rules All commissioning team members must be familiar with these
Documentation ELOG Log for recording work in shifts
Fault reporting system which automatically s relevant specialist ERLP Manual ERLP Manual is slowly being replaced by a Wiki-style manual This records and saves all versions Web based so can be accessed off site Project plan This is live and enables people to see when the next commissioning period will begin During commissioning there is a much more detailed shift by shift plan Fine detail only added near the time Reports These are written after the work is discussed at a weekly meeting
Communication Meetings are held on a regular basis
During construction daily meeting at 09:00 to discuss day’s work and any conflicts with commissioning A weekly planning meeting is also held for construction issues During commissioning a daily meeting is held at 16:00 to discuss the next 24 hours commissioning All commissioning team members who have been on shift in the last 24 hours or who are due on shift in the next 24 hours are expected to attend (except the night shift) Weekly commissioning review takes place attended by all key commissioning team members and as many others as possible. Discusses previous week’s work and identifies reports to be written. Plans the next week’s work.
Conclusion Successful method of simultaneous construction and commissioning Satisfies Health and Safety requirements Significant progress has been made in spite of technical difficulties
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