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1 Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools Update March 6, 2009.

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1 1 Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools Update March 6, 2009

2 2 An independent public Authority, created by Chapter 208 of the Acts of 2004, –composed of a 7 member board, chaired by State Treasurer Tim Cahill, 4 professional educator/design-construction industry professionals appointed by Treasurer Cahill, ANF and ESE What we do: Use our dedicated sales tax funds to pay down and audit approximately $11 Billion for 1156 projects authorized under the former SBA program including financing the $5.5B, 423 project wait list; Effectively manage, plan and create a new financially sustainable school building construction and renovation grant program; Use the remaining resources, after paying down inherited debts from the former program, to equitably spread across the Commonwealth for school construction and renovation grants

3 3 First 4 Years: Significant Progress Made MSBA’s accomplishments to date: –Made over $6 Billion in payments to cities, towns, and regional school districts Under the former program, the state would have taken decades to make most of these payments –Of the 428 projects on the Waiting List: 407 Wait list projects have received a payment or have been completely paid off 354 Wait list projects received a final Board Approved Audit 53 Wait list projects are in various stages of audit 9 Wait list projects still have not started 12 Wait list projects were removed under the Grant Conversion Program –Completed and Board Approved 727 audits of the 800 audit backlog inherited from the former program. The completed audits have: Saved the taxpayers of Massachusetts over $795 Million Generated over $2.3 Billion in avoided local interest costs –Completed first ever capital survey of 1,817 schools in the Commonwealth –Completed most comprehensive revision of program regulations in 60 years –Developed and implemented a “pay-as-you-build” Progress Payment System for projects. The new Progress Payment System: Provides municipalities with much needed cash flow as projects are built Reduces the amount of debt a city, town or regional school district needs to issue –Commenced the reformed grant program for school renovation and construction projects In FY2008, the MSBA received and reviewed 423 Statements of Interest from 163 school districts and has made over 400 visits to more than 140 school districts as part of the MSBA’s review and due diligence process In FY2009, the MSBA received 47 new Statements of Interest from 25 additional districts –Moved the first round of potential projects into the $2.5 Billion 5-year capital pipeline

4 STANDARD CONTRACTS AND PROCEDURES The New Process for School Construction and Renovation

5 5 1. Identify the Problem Local community identifies deficiencies in school facilities through the Statement of Interest (SOI) process 2. Validate the Problem MSBA and local community work together to validate deficiencies identified Requires the MSBA and the city, town or regional school district to agree on the problem 3. Evaluation of potential solutions MSBA and local community work in collaboration to identify potential solutions Solution must fit within the MSBA’s available funding, long-term capital plan and will be prioritized based on the priorities established in G.L. c.70B § 8 4. Confirm the solution MSBA and local community agree on solution and appropriate course of action 5. Implement the agreed upon solution MSBA and local community continue collaboration through design and construction The New Process The MSBA’s enabling statute places tremendous emphasis on planning, due diligence and prioritization of scarce Authority resources. The statute and MSBA regulations also require collaboration between local districts and the MSBA during all phases of the process.

6 6 MSBA Process Flow Chart Statement of Interest (SOI) Initial Compliance Certificate (ICC) Pre-study Review Meeting Enrollment Projection Validation Project Scope & Budget Conference Project Scope & Budget Agreement MSBA Board Approval Sign Project Funding Agreement Local Vote within 120 Days Phase I Identify the Problem Phase II Verify the Problem Phase III Collaborate on Solution Phase IV Agree Upon Solution Phase V Implement Agreed Upon Solution Process to Select OPM Solicit Feasibility Designer/ Planner Feasibility Study Designer Selection Panel MSBA Approves OPM Design & Design Review BiddingConstruction Progress Payment and Audit Process Change Order Review Process Final Building Cx Project Closeout Community Community & MSBA MSBA District selects a Priority SOI MSBA Review of SOI Senior Study on Priority SOI Preferred Schematic Design

7 7 Phase I – Identify the Problem Statement of Interest (SOI) Clear, concise statement of the problem based on MSBA statutory priorities Preparation does not require hiring consultants – low-cost entry into MSBA system The MSBA will perform due diligence based on problems identified in the SOI Need sufficient data in SOI for MSBA to understand deficiencies and their impact on the educational program –Data/documentation from 3 rd party and professional reports –Specific dates of events/ issues/impacts on facility and educational program Links to local policies and budgets Conclusion The District has identified a problem that could fit one or more of MSBA’s statutory priorities The District has considered its educational and budget alternatives and is prepared to move forward in collaboration with the MSBA in finding an appropriate solution MSBA performance of a Senior Study may be appropriate

8 8 Phase II Due Diligence: Senior Study Efficient, cost effective diagnostic tool used to evaluate SOI Each study team composed of an MSBA staff member and two senior architects with extensive knowledge of building systems and educational programs Studies examine both facility condition and programmatic issues –Identify goals and concerns of the school district –Evaluate physical condition of the facility, including major building systems (building envelope, HVAC, electrical distribution, interior finishes) –Assess overcrowding or capacity issues –Determine ability of the facility to support the required educational program –Assess design factors such as availability of natural light which make a school’s environment conducive to learning –Examine site considerations –Evaluate school district’s routine and capital maintenance programs Results summarized in concise report format permitting review and comparison of numerous SOI

9 9 Senior Study Assessment Criteria Building Condition –Building exhibits signs of moderate to severe deficiencies in multiple building systems such as: roofing system, façade, windows and doors, heating and ventilation systems, and electrical distribution system. –These deficiencies adversely impact the school facility’s ability to support the delivery of the educational program. Building Capacity –Building exhibits signs of moderate to severe overcrowding including excessive class sizes, inadequate number of classrooms, high number of cafeteria seatings, and conversion of non-educational space to educational uses. –These conditions adversely impact the school facility’s ability to support the delivery of the educational program. Educational Program –The ability to support the required educational program is adversely impacted by building condition and/or capacity, including use of inadequate spaces for the delivery of educational programs. Structural Deficiency –Building has clearly documented structural deficiencies that pose an immediate risk to health and safety of building occupants.

10 10 The MSBA has developed an Enrollment Forecasting tool that is available on-line and can be accessed via the MSBA website ( The Enrollment Forecasting tool is intended to standardize the compilation of enrollment projection data by using the same approach for projecting enrollment for all districts based on a professionally developed modified cohort survival methodology. –Basic premise of the cohort survival method: the past is a reasonable predictor of the future –Year-to-year cohort survival ratios account for the net effects of factors such as in/out migration, student retention rates, new home construction, etc. –Model allows districts to provide data on significant local changes that would impact historical cohort survival ratios such as major employer moving in/out, opening/closing of private/charter schools, open space being developed, major changes in transportation infrastructure, etc. This system can be used by districts to generate draft enrollment projections at no cost. Districts will need to complete an Enrollment Questionnaire which asks for some very basic and limited data on current year enrollments, housing permits, and birth data. If a district intends to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) and cite enrollment related priorities 2, 4 or 6, then the district must transmit their enrollment data to the MSBA via the Enrollment Forecasting tool. On-line Enrollment Forecasting Tool

11 11 Enrollment: Every Square Foot Costs Money to Build How large or small does the building need to be? = Enrollment Enrollments are dropping across the state for a majority of districts New construction costs $70,000 to $115,000 per student When projected enrollments do not materialize, that’s another district’s roof, classroom addition, science lab not done –Projected Enrollments need to be realistic –Some recently built schools are half empty, districts requesting to close –Some districts cannot afford the cost of maintaining recently built larger schools MSBA will not authorize a project for further development until enrollment is agreed upon with the District MSBA had a task force of superintendents to develop our online enrollment model, available for every district MSBA will work with districts to accommodate local enrollment idiosyncrasies…. …but will not engage in wishful thinking.

12 12 Phase III: Collaborate on Solution Invitation to Conduct a Feasibility Study Requires Board Approval District will need to hire OPM and Designer District must execute MSBA’s Standard Feasibility Study Agreement (“FSA”) FSA defines Scope, Budget and Schedule for the Study Goal of Study Phase: –to study a variety of potential solutions –agree upon a preferred solution that is educationally sound and cost effective for District and the MSBA –generate schematic design, agreed upon scope, cost estimate, and schedule

13 13 Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) OPM mandated for projects estimated to be > $1.5m MSBA may require OPM for projects estimated to be less than or equal to $1.5M By statute, OPM may be an Existing Employee of the District. MSBA expects existing employee to provide all of the services required by the standard contract. Locally conducted procurement process (open and competitive) Qualifications-based selection pursuant to MGL c. 149, s. 44A½ District must use the MSBA’s Model RFS and the MSBA’s Standard Contract for procuring and contracting with the OPM.  Buildability reviews  Coordinating parties and information  Monitoring performance  Assisting School District with decisions and procedures  Alerting MSBA to possible schedule, cost, scope, or value changes  Indemnification of Owner and MSBA  Liability coverage requirements  Compliance with Project Funding Agreement  OPM’s services to continue through MSBA’s final audit Phase III - Collaborate on Solution

14 14 Phase III: Collaborate on Solution Procurement of a Designer for the Feasibility Study Procurement shall be open, competitive, qualifications-based MSBA Designer Selection Panel (DSP) if project $5M or more Selection by local process in accordance with Chapter 7 if project less than $5M Scope, budget, and schedule as agreed to by District and MSBA School District to be the primary source on all educational questions Planner/architect likely core skill set, but other areas of expertise (depending on type of project) may be:  Environmental and Energy  Cost estimating  Technology  Traffic  Permitting  Green Buildings

15 15 Once the MSBA and the District agree upon the most cost effective and educationally sound option identified in the Feasibility Study, the MSBA Board will vote to authorize the District to proceed with developing the Preferred Schematic Design Option which shall include, but not be limited to: A detailed scope of the Proposed Project; Architectural and site drawings; A description of the major building construction systems which are proposed for the Proposed Project; A detailed budget cost estimate; A projected cash-flow; Permitting requirements; A proposed project design and construction schedule including consideration of phasing of the Proposed Project; and Sustainable design goals including minimization of environmental and transportation impacts and ways the Proposed Project can meet those goals and elements of construction or demolition waste that would be recyclable. Preferred Schematic Design

16 16 Phase IV - Agree Upon Solution Project Scope and Budget Agreement Details Scope, Schedule & Budget: Detailed scope Project Schedule Preliminary schematic design Detailed budget for construction, engineering and support costs Timeline for project and for cash flow Memorializing understandings reached at Scope and Budget Conference Establish range of reimbursement percentage (contingent on incentive points)

17 17 PROJECT SCOPE: Focus on Attractive, Utilitarian Design Variegated Rooflines that leak ● Grand atria in the front entrances Copper clad facades… These elements cost money and do not educate children. Model School Program has provided us with examples of attractive design that have low change orders and still work years later MSBA wants lasting construction, but many cities and towns and MSBA are still paying for costly projects that didn’t last

18 18 Phase IV - Agree Upon Solution Reimbursement Formula (40% – 80%) Base Points Base Rate31% Income Factor (per capita income, from DOR data) EQV (Property Valuation per capita, from DOR data) Poverty (% on free/reduced lunch, from DOE data) –Incentive Points Maintenance Points Policy (poor, average, excellent) 0 – 2 % “School Facility Maintenance Trust”1% Alternatives to Construction 4% »Of the 4%, can receive 1% for CM @ risk »Of the 4%, can receive up to 3% for newly formed Regional District Major Reconstruction, Renovation0 - 5% Energy Efficiency (Green School)0 - 2% Non-state fund raising »For every 1% of project costs raised, may receive 0.5% Model School Incentiveup to 5% Overlaying zoning district (40R, 40S) 1% 40R with >100 units 2, 3 family, or 50% 2, 3 family ½ % Innovative Community Use3% »Of the 3%, can receive up to 3% for newly formed Regional District

19 19 Phase IV - Conclusion Project Funding Agreement MSBA Board Approves proposed Scope and Budget Agreement Local vote within 120 days of MSBA Board Action MSBA and School District sign Project Funding Agreement (PFA) agreeing upon the project’s scope, budget, and schedule

20 20 Phase V - Implement Agreed Upon Solution Project Funding Agreement: MSBA Grant terms and Grant total fixed by Scope Budget Schedule Progress Payments Monthly requests for reimbursement Reports and supporting invoices Prompt audit Quick determination of ineligible costs Identify and quickly resolve disagreements

21 21 Phase V – Implement Agreed Upon Solution Key Objectives Coordination of design and rigorous constructability and value engineering review Construction contractor’s performance conforms to the contract plans and specifications through resident inspection Early identification and resolution of issues during design and construction will control costs and limit schedule delays Provide central point of coordination among project participants Provide school districts and MSBA with timely information necessary to insure adequate oversight of major investment in public schools

22 22 MSBA Board Actions 2007/2008 SOI Process Based on the MSBA diagnostic analysis and input from the Facilities Assessment Subcommittee, the Board has taken the following actions since November, 2007: –Feasibility Invitation41 –Preferred Schematic Option11 –Repair Assessment19 –Model School2 –Project Scope Invitation20 –Planning14 –Regionalization Assessment9 –Regional Vocational/Technical HS8 –Hold36 Total160

23 23 FY2009 Statement of Interest - Summary The window for filing/refreshing a Statement of Interest (SOI) closed on December 19, 2008. The MSBA is reviewing all submissions for compliance with requirements and completeness. The numbers in the following chart may change as the MSBA continues its review process. New SOI 47* FY2008 Refreshed SOI 183 Pending Submissions 12 Total FY2009 Submissions242 * 6 Projects moved into Repair Category at 1/09 Board FY2008 SOI NOT refreshed101

24 STANDARD CONTRACTS AND PROCEDURES Standard Contracts and Procedures

25 25 Standard Contracts and Procedures Standard contracts and procedures assist Districts by: Expediting consultant selection by providing standard Requests for Services (RFS) Avoiding costly litigation Providing a Model RFS and a contract which meets MSBA expectations and statute requirements The standard contract provides: Standard expectations of responsibilities for a school project Definition of roles and responsibilities of the project participants - OPM, Designer, Contractor, Commissioning Consultant, Owner Provides contract provisions addressing Owner's concerns and liabilities Uniformity and predictability for the design and owner's project manager community Properly define interface with MSBA and its procedures Standard contracts available: Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) Request for Services (RFS) Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) Contract Designer Request for Services (RFS) Designer Contract

26 26 STANDARD DESIGN CONTRACT FORCES designer to “DESIGN TO BUDGET” Reinforces the importance of updated cost estimates and project controls - Standard expectation on deliverables in accordance with MSBA guidelines OWNER’S PROJECT MANAGER CONTRACT ● Clearly defines the key role as expected by the MSBA and the Owner for communication, project controls and the substantive role required to properly administer the contract ● Defines communication role and responsibilities for both the Owner and the MSBA ● Includes independent cost estimates BENEFITS: Save Time & Money - MSBA standard contracts facilitate negotiation and contract execution MSBA Standard Contracts protect the best interest of the DISTRICT, unlike industry contracts which protect the interest of the vendors

27 27 Regional School Issues MSBA required to work with Eligible Applicant –For Regional School Districts, Eligible Applicant is the Regional District School Committee Why does MSBA work with Eligible Applicants? –Regional School District establishes district-wide: –Educational Program –Budget –Coordination of services –Potential Solutions may not involve town-owned buildings –Potential Solutions to facility issues require a coordinated approach –MSBA required to seek most educationally sound and cost effective solutions, some of which may be a no-build solutions, re-use of existing facilities, grade reorganization, optimization of current educational spaces, all of which require a district-wide approach –Regional Educational Program should be driving factor for SOI/school improvements

28 28 Proposed Federal Stimulus Pressure to spend on “shovel ready” within next 6 months Governor given wide flexibility on use/allocations of Federal Stimulus Funds School Projects could be accelerated under “Model/Accelerated Design” methods or bulk repair program Letter from Treasurer Cahill to Governor Patrick, Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Murray urging 2 things: Use of federal stimulus funds to support local share of projects in pipeline Use of federal stimulus funds for a Vocational Ed “New Deal” for improvements to these buildings Several New Types of Bonds – awaiting US Treasury rules/regulations –Build America Taxable Bonds –Build America Tax Credit Bonds –Qualified School Construction Bonds –Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds –Recovery Zone Private Activity Bonds –Clean Renewable Energy Bonds –Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds

29 29 Dedicated Sales Tax and Budget

30 30 MSBA has a finite budget 1 Cent of Sales Tax Prior Grants $5.1B Waiting List $5.5B New Program $500M per year???

31 31 Recent Sales Tax Growth Trend

32 32 Total MSBA Budget Capacity is Reliant on Sales Tax Growth Sales Tax Growth Assumption Estimated Total Amount of Grants Funded in the next 30 years 0% 5,600,000,000 1% 8,100,000,000 2% 10,500,000,000 3% 13,800,000,000 4% 21,200,000,000 The former SBA program committed $20B over the last 20 years to school construction. This slide shows that at 0% sales tax growth only $5.6B will be available for new projects until 2025….

33 33 How will MSBA Succeed in meeting pipeline needs? Never promise what we can’t afford to pay for Work with cities, towns and regional school districts to create educationally sound and fiscally responsible school facilities Think creatively for solutions. Past examples of innovations that have generated savings, created efficiencies and have helped the MSBA and cities, towns and regional school districts reach goals on school facilities. ProPay system - gets reimbursement cash to cities and towns within 15 days of audit review Audit program – has generated approximately $800M in savings Low Interest Loan Program – will provide approximately $150M in 2% loans to Waiting List communities to get projects completed and has the added benefit of saving local communities over $90M in avoided interest costs Grant Conversion Program – will provide approximately $125M in relief to Waiting List communities to get projects completed Model Schools Program - Innovative new program that is educationally sound, cost effective, saves time in design development and gets shovel in the ground sooner which saves both the local district and the MSBA money –Saved approximately $26M in Norwood. –Use of Model School Program ideals has saved approximately $50M in Wellesley Regulations Revisions to focus on Core Academic Spaces – remove focus on “grand” spaces, spectator amenities and other spaces that do not have direct relation to educating students or are not in regular use throughout the school day by a majority of the student population.

34 34 Norwood High School Current Norwood High School New Norwood High School Design

35 35 Capital Pipeline Status

36 36 Maintenance Science Labs Technology Vocational Technical High Schools Regionalization Owner’s Project Managers Construction Contract Documents

37 37 Goal: to advise the MSBA on: identifying barriers to regionalization and potential solutions to those barriers identifying cost savings and other efficiencies that occur when districts regionalize Identifying incentives that would encourage the formation of regional school districts Regionalization Task Force

38 38 Accomplishments to date: The MSBA has provided a forum for all stakeholders and the discussions have generated many ideas The Task Force identified barriers to formation The MSBA adopted generous incentive to Regionalize –Up to 6 reimbursement points for districts that form new regional school districts The MSBA has been providing technical assistance to districts in the Regional Assessment category Regionalization Task Force

39 40 Broad Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02109 Phone: 617-720-4466 Fax: 617-720-5260 Questions? Brian McLaughlin Timothy P. Cahill Katherine P. Craven Chairman, State Treasurer Executive Director

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