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PEER INFORMATION DAY 28 October 2014 Jordan-US Research Collaboration:

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1 PEER INFORMATION DAY 28 October 2014 Jordan-US Research Collaboration:
Amman, Jordan Jordan-US Research Collaboration: Overview of NSF and USAID Lara Campbell & Arthur Fitzmaurice International Science & Engineering US National Science Foundation &

2 What is NSF? US National Science Foundation (NSF)
Independent federal agency Created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science...” Annual budget of ~$7.2 billion (FY 2014) Projects selected based on merit through peer review; ~12,000 projects per year Several thousand international projects per year

3 NSF Funding Supports DOMESTIC (at US institutions), BASIC research with a “bottom up” approach Most funding through technical directorates: ENG = engineering BIO = biological sciences GEO = geosciences MPS = math and physical sciences CISE = computer & information science & engineering SBE = social and behavioral sciences EHR = education and human resources ENG CISE BIO EHR GEO SBE MPS

4 International NSF Strategic Plan
Why does NSF encourage international cooperation? Advance the FRONTIERS of Science and Engineering ACCESS to unique expertise, facilities, and phenomena LEVERAGE limited resources EXCHANGE insights and techniques Prepare a GLOBALLY-ENGAGED U.S. S&E workforce NURTURE capable young researchers with strong networks overseas DEVELOP a global perspective FACILITATE mobility and brain circulation Try to work with the brightest minds around the world Bottom up funding on almost any topic of basic research

5 World of R&D 2013 From NSF S&E Indicators 2013
Other countries may contribute less funding to R&D, but may do so more strategically.

6 NSF Funding for International Activities
Most international research and education activities are funded by NSF disciplinary programs: As part of regular awards As supplements to regular awards Some specific international programs Fund US researchers to work internationally, but only fund the US partner

7 Core Values for International Engagement
Intellectual partnerships and clear mutual benefit U.S. students and junior researchers engaged internationally Networks that link expertise and resources In our work within NSF, across the US and around the globe ISE operates with three core values. We support true intellectual partnerships by requiring U.S. researchers to engage counterpart researchers abroad. We seek inclusion of students and junior in collaboration efforts to create a multiplier effect that will help build the kind of global research and education networks that are necessary to advancing U.S. science and engineering. We support connections that increase the impact of each activity. 7

8 NSF-Funded US Research in Jordan
Since 2004: 9 Archaeology 10 Social Sciences (law, political science, cultural anthropology, etc.) 2 Linguistics 5 Ecosystems / Water Resources 5 Engineering (1 Civil, 2 Energy, 2 Materials) 3 Computer Science 6 Geosciences 4 Research for US Students in Jordan Level of cooperation varies… 7 Workshops (usually very collaborative) 10 Dissertation Improvement (often not very collaborative) 44 total

9 NSF International Grants for US PIs
Developing an Internationally Engaged Workforce International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) (Pan-American) Advanced Studies Institutes ((P)ASI) These are programs to advise your US collaborators to apply to. We have programs aimed at developing an internationally engaged Science and Engineering Workforce, including those aimed at undergraduates, graduate students, and Post-docs. I should mention that we are in the process of trying to consolidate some of these programs to build on the OISE experience and incorporate an international dimension more broadly throughout the Directorates. The International Research Experiences for Students program is a three-year grant which provides a group research experience abroad for undergrad and/or graduate students. The East Asia Pacific Summer Institutes program provides a venue for U.S. grad students to craft individual research plans – a mini proposal – to work with a specific partner in one of 7 participating countries. The list of countries is limited because the hosts are paying some in-country costs for participants and involved in the running of the program PASI: The Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (PASI) Program is a jointly supported initiative between the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes are short courses ranging in length from ten to twenty-one days, involving lectures, demonstrations, research seminars, and discussions at the advanced graduate, post-doctoral, and junior faculty level.

10 International Research Experience for Students
IRES: Develop a more globally engaged S&E workforce Supports small group of students for focused research experience overseas Graduate and/or undergraduate students $250,000 maximum budget for up to three years

11 Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide
GROW offers opportunities for 3-12 month international research collaborations to NSF Graduate Research Fellows 15 Current Partners Australia, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland Expanding partnerships for future Let me know where you wish GRF students could study.

12 NSF International Grants for US PIs
Research Funding Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) Catalyzing New International Collaborations (CNIC) International supplements for existing NSF grants Best tool is funding from a technical directorate PIRE: Goal is to support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration. SAVI: Teams of NSF-funded investigators in the U.S. are eligible to apply.

13 Partnerships for International Research and Education
PIRE ISE-managed flagship research program Frontier research that leverages unique, complementary expertise of US & international partners Extensive overseas research opportunities for US students / early career researchers 5-year awards; average award $4.8M ~50 active awards across all NSF disciplines New solicitation just released Pre-proposals due Oct. 21, 2014 Biennial competition

14 Catalyzing New International Collaborations
CNIC supports initiation of new international collaboration Planning Visits Initial data gathering activities Proof-of-concept experiments Single or multiple research visits Workshops Maximum 1 year, $10K-$75K Intended outcome: Proposal to NSF Research Directorate Solicitation is currently under revision Currently suspended – rethinking the solicitation but the funds to support collaboration will still be there

15 International Supplements

16 Keys to Success in ISE Funding
Top-notch science question Demonstrate how the collaboration enhances the research Involve U.S. students, junior researchers Prepare, mentor, and assess Pay them: travel, living costs, stipends Meaningful attention to diversity Include bio-sketch of key collaborator(s) Include letter(s) of support from collaborator(s) Work with others in your institution Know and observe special rules Fly America Act Visa regulations Research permits Consult ISE program officer early in process

17 International Funds for Jordanian Research
Newton’s List - aggregate of current international funding opportunities Fulbright Visiting Scholars Huburt Humphrey Program (professionals) Foreign Student Program Office of Naval (ONR) Global PEER (USAID)

18 USAID US Agency for International Development
the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. Established in 1961 Annual budget ~$22 Billion Works in ~100 countries Provides development assistance to foreign governments, NGOs, etc.

19 USAID Goals Promote broadly shared economic prosperity
Strengthen democracy and good governance Protect human rights Improve global health Advance food security and agriculture Improve environmental sustainability Further education Help societies prevent and recover from conflicts Provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural and man-made disasters.

20 USAID’s Global Development Lab
Discover, test, and scale breakthrough solutions to development challenges Increase the application of science, technology, innovation and partnerships to achieve, sustain and extend the Agency’s development impact. Works with a wide range of partners Initiated PEER Program

21 USAID Priorities in Jordan
Essential public services Sustainable agriculture and water management Education Reproductive health and family planning Economic growth and trade Democracy, human rights & governance Gender Equality & women’s empowerment

22 USAID – NSF Overlap USAID = development NSF = basic research
Science and engineering are essential to solving development challenges Collaboration can move basic research -> solutions to key development challenges: Management and development of scarce resources such as water and energy, education, food security, economic growth….

23 For Further Information
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