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Presentation on theme: "HIRING, SUPERVISING, EVALUATING EMPLOYEES By Shawn Hoffman-Bram January 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Components of Hiring People are not the most important asset of a company—the RIGHT people are. Jim Collins: From Good to Great Protected Classes Pre-PlanningScreening Veteran’s Preference Interviewing

3 Pre-Planning Purpose /mission/beliefs of the organization What duties and responsibilities? What skills, abilities, and attitudes?

4 Job Description  Essential Duties  Non essential Duties

5 Protected Classes  Race or color  National origin  Religion or creed  Sex  Age  Disability  Marital Status  Sexual Orientation  Status with regard to public assistance  Membership on a local human rights commission

6 Determine ranking criteria prior to review Number of people to interview Determine date for decision

7 Veteran’s Preference  Definition – a citizen of the US or a resident alien who has received an honorable discharge from any branch of the armed services of the US and has served on active duty for 181 consecutive days or was discharged by reason of disability incurred while serving in active duty.

8 New Language  H.F. No. 2238, as introduced - 86th Legislative Session (2009-2010) Posted on Mar 30, 2009  1.1A bill for an act  1.2relating to veterans; expanding veterans preference in hiring and dismissal from  1.3state and local government employment by applying current veterans preference  1.4law to teachers; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 197.46.  1.5BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA:

9 Veteran’s Preference cont. SSchool districts must use100 point based hiring method – for all positions - except those exempt under Minn State 197.45 SSchool district can ask for verification EEmployer is not required to hire even if they have the highest score

10 Screening Form Example

11 Interviewing Must have a scoring method Keep chat to a minimum Focus on applicant’s qualifi- cations Keep questions consistent Involve more than one person Document follow-up questions Check references Keep notes for 1 year Hire tough so you can manage easy Promote the right ones for the right reasons Harvey, Cottrell, Lucia, & Hourigan The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus

12 Components of Supervision Supervision Do’s Supervision Don’ts Supervision Errors Basic Rules in Documentation Types of Discipline What we resist persists

13 Supervision Do’s  Do identify strengths  Do identify available resources  Do follow district policy on employee discipline and use due process  Do address issues in a factual manner  Do evaluate probationary employees but know when the probationary time is up  Do follow-up

14 Supervision Don’ts Don’t avoid performance issues Don’t evaluate personalities Don’t minimize performance concerns Don’t surprise the employee Don’t violate policy or law Don’t talk about employee performance to others

15 Supervision Errors  No current job description  Supervisor doesn’t know job duties  Evaluation form doesn’t match duties  Unclear rating system  Too many indicators, or too few  Becomes personal not performance based  Identify too many areas to improve

16 Evaluation EEvaluate the performance not the person UUnderstand the job description UUse an evaluation tool/instrument if: IIt matches the job description IIs recent (less than 5 years old) HHas been seen by the employee IIs understood by the union IIf it provides constructive feedback options

17 Evaluation Do’s  Do identify strengths  Do identify areas for improvement  Identify no more than 2-3 goal areas  Encourage employee to develop a plan for each goal area and set another meeting  Do have a plan of action to address the goals

18 Evaluation Summary

19 Discipline  Board Policy  Progressive  Documentation  Usually is about:  Performance issue  Attitude problem  Broken “rule” or policy violation

20 Progressive Discipline  Definition – a sequence of disciplinary actions where the severity of the discipline imposed increases with each subsequent incident of misconduct or performance problem.  Contract language – know timelines!!!

21 Steps of Progressive Discipline  Oral directive or warning  Written directives  Written warning  Notice of deficiency/written reprimand  Unpaid disciplinary suspension  Termination of employment

22 Dismissal/Termination  Keep it simple  Keep it factual  Be specific  Have documentation – Just cause  Be consistent  Know the contract  Involve appropriate personnel - Union representation  New Law for Veterans!

23 Just Cause  Notice  Reasonable Rules/Directives  Adequate Investigation  Fair Investigation  Proof  Equal treatment  Fair penalty

24 Remember  In hiring, evaluating, disciplining, or terminating employees, supervisors cannot be arbitrary, play favorites, change procedures, or alter expectations/qualifications for the job or for job performance.  Anyone not suited for the job affects the overall quality of the organization

25 Dismissal/Termination Three/Four Main Reasons NEW – Inappropriate use of technology Insubordination Legal issues Incompetence

26 Resources  Kennedy & Graven, Legal Update for School Administrators Seminar, Maggie R Wallner, The Hiring Process Workshop. July 29, 2008  Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney P.A., School Law Seminar, Margaret Skelton and Julia Halbach, Hazards of Hiring Workshop. November 16, 2007  Ratwik, Roszak, & Maloney P.A., Employee Supervision and Progressive Discipline, August 12, 2009  Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statues,

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