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Framework service contract Lot 4 Project: CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE Project Step-2 References to legislation / legal.

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Presentation on theme: "Framework service contract Lot 4 Project: CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE Project Step-2 References to legislation / legal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Framework service contract Lot 4 Project: CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE CDDA in conformity with INSPIRE Project Step-2 References to legislation / legal acts in CDDA and INSPIRE Protected sites Web-conference 20.01.2014

2 Issue Reference to legislation / legal act / legal document is in both specifications: - In CDDA the information is available on designation level; - INSPIRE PS requires site level INSPIRE PS: - The Inspire element is "voidable", i.e., the information should only be provided if available - What is the correct interpretation of legal foundation date and legal foundation document in INSPIRE PS? Issue number:

3 INSPIRE Protected site definition Definition: An area designated or managed within a framework of international, Community and Member States' legislation to achieve specific conservation objectives. Description: Each protected site has a boundary defined through formal, legal or administrative agreements or decisions. The establishment of a protected site is normally underpinned by legislation and thus given weight in decisions about land use change and spatial planning. Each Site is normally selected as a representative example of a wider resource and selected through a formal criterion based approach. A protected site can be a contiguous extent of land/sea or a collection of discrete areas that together represent a single formal Protected Site.

4 INSPIRE PS legal foundation date and CDDA Legal Foundation Date - Value type: DateTime - Definition: The date that the protected site was legally created. This is the date that the real world object was created, not the date that its representation in an information system was created. CDDA Table: Sites Attribute: YEAR Definition: Year of establishment. The year the site was first time designated. Data type: String (4) URL:

5 INSPIRE PS legal foundation document and CDDA Legal Foundation Document - Value type: CI_Citation - Definition: A URL or text citation referencing the legal act that created the Protected Site. CI_Citation Title Date: Date DateType creation, publication, revision CDDA Table: Designations Attribute: Law Definition: Reference to the legal text Data type: String URL: Attribute: Lawreference Definition: Reference to the publication in Official Journal Data type: String URL:

6 Questions to support discussion 1. Differences between CDDA and INSPIRE PS: designation (CDDA) vs individual protected site (INSPIRE PS)? 2. Do we have a mixture of legislation in CDDA, like general laws, legal acts for specific designations applied to several sites, legal acts establishing only individual site? 3. What can we see from examples (provided by Tracasa)?

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