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Building the Integrated Learning Center Having the right people at the table Chris Johnson, Senior Consultant for Learning Technologies University of Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Integrated Learning Center Having the right people at the table Chris Johnson, Senior Consultant for Learning Technologies University of Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Integrated Learning Center Having the right people at the table Chris Johnson, Senior Consultant for Learning Technologies University of Arizona Copyright Chris Johnson, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 1993-95 – The Landscape Approximately 25% of our freshman did not return for second year University redefined as a “Student Centered Research Institution” Five year, $10 million classroom upgrade project defined new classroom standards Undergraduate curriculum revamped Student Orientation revamped Needed a first-year home that supported learning

3 We will build a state-of the art facility called the Integrated Instructional Facility. The President The Visionary

4 Provost VP Undergraduate Education The Allies Project Inception - ‘93 to ‘95 CIO Dean of Libraries

5 Faculty Students Facilities Design Staff Instructional Technology Specialists Teaching Specialists Central Computing Staff The Grounded Dreamers Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘95 to ‘97 Information Specialists

6 The Planners Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘97 Project Design - ‘97 to ‘99 New Provost New President Architect Project Manager

7 The Planners Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘97 Project Design - ‘97 to ‘99 Alumni Students

8 The Builders Construction - ‘99 to ‘01 Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘97 Project Design - ‘97 to ‘99 Contractor and Subcontractors New VP

9 The Builders Construction - ‘99 to ‘01 Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘97 Project Design - ‘97 to ‘99 Faculty Students

10 The Promoters Opening Year -’02 Construction - ‘99 to ‘01 Project Inception - ‘95 Conceptual Design - ‘97 Project Design - ‘97 to ‘99

11 Project Inception The Visionary The Allies To summarize

12 Conceptual Design Students Faculty Instructional Technology Specialists Teaching Specialists Facilities Design Staff Central Computing Staff Information Specialists The Visionary The Allies The Grounded Dreamers

13 Project Design Students Faculty Instructional Technology Specialists Teaching Specialists Facilities Design Staff Central Computing Staff Information Specialists Architect Project Management The Visionary The Allies The Grounded Dreamers The Planners

14 Construction Students Faculty Instructional Technology Specialists Teaching Specialists Facilities Design Staff Central Computing Staff Information Specialists Architect Project Management Contractors and Subcontractors The Visionary The Allies The Grounded Dreamers The Planners The Builders

15 Students Faculty Instructional Technology Specialists Teaching Specialists Facilities Design Staff Administration Opening Year(s) Central Computing Staff Information Specialists Architect Project Management Contractors and Subcontractors The Visionary The Allies The Grounded Dreamers The Planners The Builders The Promoters

16 Key People We Missed Facilities Management –Custodial/Grounds –Furniture Room and Course Scheduling Assessment Specialists

17 Key Learnings Be aware of the potential impact on the rest of campus - who and what Communicate with the right people Make sure people understand the vision and can articulate it Keep “everyone” involved throughout the entire process, especially your allies and vision keepers


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