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Social Security Contributory Short Term Benefits Dipartiment tas-Sigurta’ Socjali.

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1 Social Security Contributory Short Term Benefits Dipartiment tas-Sigurta’ Socjali

2 Short Term Benefits Sickness Benefit Sickness Benefit Injury Benefit Injury Benefit Disablement Gratuity Disablement Gratuity Unemployment Benefit Unemployment Benefit Special Unemployment Benefit Special Unemployment Benefit

3 To claim sickness benefit Medical Report by a doctor Original to Social Security within 10 days of examination Copy to employer

4 Long term incapacity If the incapacity for work is longer than six (6) days, the medical certificate has to be renewed once a week until that person is fit to resume his/her work If the incapacity for work is longer than six (6) days, the medical certificate has to be renewed once a week until that person is fit to resume his/her work

5 Assessment of claim Contributory Conditions Under 65 years of age Under 65 years of age 50 contributions since day of entry into the Social Security Scheme 50 contributions since day of entry into the Social Security Scheme At least 20 paid or credited contributions At least 20 paid or credited contributions in the two preceding calendar years

6 Duration of sickness benefit payment The first three days of each new claim for this benefit are not paid A person is entitled to one day Sickness Benefit for each contribution paid up to a maximum of 156 in a period of one calendar year

7 Further payment of Sickness Benefit A person may require long term medical treatment before returning to work. On approval by DSS and on recommendation of a medical panel, he/she will be entitled to further 468 days in a period of two calendar years

8 The Right to Contribution Credits Any person submitting medical certificates and receiving Sickness benefit, or any person who although submitting medical certificates is not receiving Sickness Benefit may qualify for contribution credits.

9 Criteria for Contribution Credits Any employed person over 18 years of age who due to sickness has not earned his/her salary/wage for a whole calendar week is entitled to one contribution credit, provided, on the date of claim for sickness benefit:- he/she has paid not less than 50 contributions since starting work and he/she paid or has at least 20 contributions or credits for the last two calendar years prior to the year during which the claim is submitted

10 Sickness Benefit Rates Single Person or a married person maintaining a spouse who is not employed on a full time basis is entitled to Lm6.53 per day (5 or 6 day week) Single Person or a married person maintaining a spouse who is not employed on a full time basis is entitled to Lm6.53 per day (5 or 6 day week) Any other person Lm4.23 Any other person Lm4.23

11 Claiming Invalidity Pension An invalidity pension may be claimed if a person is totally incapacitated for work. An invalidity pension may be claimed if a person is totally incapacitated for work. An application form has to be submitted to DSS with the relevant medical conditions listed by a medical practitioner. An application form has to be submitted to DSS with the relevant medical conditions listed by a medical practitioner.

12 Invalidity Pension Contribution Test First Test:- 250 paid social security contributions First Test:- 250 paid social security contributions Second Test:- minimum yearly average of 20 Contributions per annum (max 50) Second Test:- minimum yearly average of 20 Contributions per annum (max 50)

13 Medical Examination Claimants are seen by a medical panel formed of three medical practitioners who decide on the merit of each case. Claimants are seen by a medical panel formed of three medical practitioners who decide on the merit of each case.

14 Entitlement Rates of Invalidity may vary from a minimum rate of Lm30.15 per week up to a maximum of Lm46.56 per week. Rates of Invalidity may vary from a minimum rate of Lm30.15 per week up to a maximum of Lm46.56 per week. Social security contributions are credited up to retiring age. Social security contributions are credited up to retiring age.

15 Injury at Work & Industrial Diseases Claim by injured Person Claim by injured Person NI 30 Medical Panel Findings

16 Rates per Diem Single Person or a married person maintaining a spouse who is not employed on a full time basis is entitled to Lm9.8 per day (5 or 6 day week) Single Person or a married person maintaining a spouse who is not employed on a full time basis is entitled to Lm9.8 per day (5 or 6 day week) Any other person Lm7.38 Any other person Lm7.38

17 Medical Panel Review Disablement gratuity if disablement is calculated of up to 19%, Disablement gratuity if disablement is calculated of up to 19%, A disablement pension if the incapacity is calculated as from 20% up to 89%, A disablement pension if the incapacity is calculated as from 20% up to 89%, An invalidity (disability) pension (totally incapacity for work) is paid if the incapacity is 90% and over. An invalidity (disability) pension (totally incapacity for work) is paid if the incapacity is 90% and over.


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