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The 2 nd Clinical Data Management Training CDM System & Validation Maggie Fu EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd September, 2010 at SMMU, Shanghai.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2 nd Clinical Data Management Training CDM System & Validation Maggie Fu EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd September, 2010 at SMMU, Shanghai."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2 nd Clinical Data Management Training CDM System & Validation Maggie Fu EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd September, 2010 at SMMU, Shanghai

2 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 2 Study Start Up ConductClose out Protocol Development CRF Development Data Management Plan Data Extraction Database Lock Data analysis Clinical Study Report Develop Database Data Key In External Data Loading In Data Quality Review Medical Review Coding SAE Reconciliation Any Query? QA staff Quality Control Database Quality Control Report YesNo DM send Query Report Site Respond Queries Update Database DM Flow

3 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 3 Clinical Data Management System 1 D atabase V alidation 2 Change Control 3 Medidata RAVE Demo 4 Agenda

4 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 4 CDM System B E C D A Clinical data at the investigator’s site Laboratory instrument Diary information from patient IVRS, coding, etc.Central lab system Clinical Data Management System

5 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 5  Medidata RAVE  Oracle Clinical  InForm TM  …  SAS  Epidata CDM System

6 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 6 CDM System Feature (Minimum) Database design Entry screen creation Data entry Data cleaning Discrepancy management and query resolution Locking of studies Extraction of data Loading of external data Coding against dictionaries Audit Trail System Validation Account management and access

7 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 7 SOP for CDM System CDMS Implementation Validation Change control

8 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 8 Work Flow Prepares the Annotated CRF and Database Structure specification (Version 0.1) A written approval of user list requisition A written approval should be made The final protocol and CRF Database Develop & Validation DM staff review the Database Structure If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version UAT Release Database production Database production work will modify the system, record resolutions and updated database structure specification to a new version and approve it. Validation and UAT Report. If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version During production Data Management process, if any change is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded, change control system A written approval

9 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 9 Database Design Needs  Store the data accurately  Clarity, ease, and speed of data entry;  Efficient creation of analysis data sets for biostatisticians;  Formats of data transfer files;  Database design theory;  Database application software requirements;

10 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 10 Database Design Considerations  High-impact fields  Hidden text fields Text field Numeric field Text and numeric field Numeric field and an associated field Data entry guideline  Dates of all kinds Knows dates related to the study (visit date, lab sample date) Historical dated (previous surgery, prior treatment) Dates closely related to the study but provided by the patient (concomitant medication, AE)  Incomplete dates  Varying date formats

11 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 11 Database Design Considerations (cont’d)  High-impact fields  Text fields and annotations Categorical (coded) values Short comments –Abnormal, explain –Medical history term –Reason for discontinuation Reported terms: AEs and medication Long comments –As one large text field –As several numbered text fields –In a separate storage area –In CRF images only, with a cross reference in the data Annotations on the page

12 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 12 Database Design Considerations (cont’d)  High-impact fields  Header information Patient-header Page number Page type or name (e.g., AE, DEMOG) Document identifier  Single check boxes  Calculated or derived values  Special integers Patient identifier

13 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 13 Database Design Considerations (cont’)  Tall- skinny versus short-fat  Using standards  After deciding on a design  Annotated CRF  Design document  Quality assurance for database design  Do and Review  Standard operating procedures

14 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 14 Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) & Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM)

15 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 15 Database specifications  Name and label  Dataset label, panel, or other logical group to which the data belongs  Type (e.g., numeric, character, integer, decimal, date)  Length (including number of characters before and after the decimal point, where applicable)  Definitions for all coded values  Indication of the origin of the data  Algorithms for derived or calculated variables

16 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 16 Example

17 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 17 C linical D ata M anagement S ystem 1 Database Validation Database Validation 2 Change Control 3 Medidata RAVE Demo 4 Agenda

18 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 18 Database Validation  Validation : “establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.”  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- since 1996  The FDA’s guidance on validation : “… confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that software specifications conform to user needs and intended uses, and that the particular requirements implemented through software can be consistently fulfilled.”

19 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 19 Database Validation (cont’d) System Validation (off-the-shelf ) Design Level’s Validation Functional Level Testing DatabaseValidation Study Level’s Validation Validation of Development User Acceptance Testing

20 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 20 System (off-the-shelf ) Validation  Design level’s validation  All tests are designed to conform to established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistent performance as intended.  Follows the Software Development Life Cycle (Software Quality Assurance)  Be available to the sponsor

21 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 21 System (off-the-shelf ) Validation (cont’d)  Functional level testing  In the target system to ensure that the system as implemented works correctly under acceptable system usage, based on a specification detailing the functionality.  Includes documenting the effect of any known limitations, problems, and defects on functions used for the sponsor’s study

22 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 22 System (off-the-shelf ) Validation (cont’d)  Functional level testing  Testing of data entry screens to ensure that data are mapped to intended database structures  Validation of any generic integrity constraints or data- checking routines that execute during data entry (e.g., range, date, format, coding, field discrepancies)  Testing of data verification functions such as second-entry verification, file comparison, and batch verification  Batch data transfer to the clinical trial database from separate data entry systems (e.g., electronically transferred data or remote data entry systems)

23 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 23 Database Validation System Validation (off-the-shelf ) Design Level’s Validation Functional Level Testing DatabaseValidation Study Level’s Validation Validation of Development User Acceptance Testing

24 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 24 Work Flow Prepares the Annotated CRF and Database Structure specification (Version 0.1) A written approval of user list requisition A written approval should be made The final protocol and CRF Database Develop & Validation DM staff review the Database Structure If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version UAT Release Database production Database production work will modify the system, record resolutions and updated database structure specification to a new version and approve it. Validation and UAT Report. If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version During production Data Management process, if any change is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded, change control system A written approval

25 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 25 Work Flow-Validation Testing Plan Database set-up (test) Database access and user administration Submit the Testing report A written approval Create dummy data Perform testing by Dummy data Record the findings in the Test report Release Database production

26 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 26 Testing Plan  Methodology  Scope  Purpose  Acceptance criterion  Approvals  That specifies the format for test data and problem reporting.

27 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 27 Study Level’s Validation  Study’s data capture system testing  A data entry screen or captured via some other transfer process (e.g., electronic lab data transfers) map to the correct variables  Will all study data be accepted by the database?  All questions that need to be entered are set up  Easy to enter  Label text and header information correct  Question sequence and option sequence match CRF  Single/Multiple option setting correct  For repeated questions, repeat number matches the CRF

28 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 28 Study level’s validation (cont’d)  Study’s data capture system testing  Are there unexpected blank records?  key records management issues  The data field definitions in terms of length and type  Are variable lengths sufficient to prevent truncating or rounding or or otherwise improperly being stored ?  Do character and numeric formats provide the necessary output  The audit trail for the trial (date, time, and user stamps in an audit trail that can be accessed as read-only for the life of the data. )  If the database is programmed to flag out-of-range data, are those flags being appropriately triggered during data entry or import?

29 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 29 Study level’s validation (cont’d)  Study’s data capture system testing  Dummy data 2-10 patients Several: complete Several: Withdraw As similar as the real data Not blank page Dirty data Additional page

30 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 30 Study level’s validation (cont’d)  Study-Specific Programming  Testing each logic condition in the programming, based on a test plan.  Algorithms for derived variables must be validated.  Study-specific programming are data loading or transfer programming and programming done to validate the data (e.g., edit checks, query rules, procedures).  Include programming that identifies data discrepancies such that queries are sent to clinical investigators or in- house data-editing conventions followed for items identified by the programming.

31 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 31 Study level’s validation (cont’d)  Study-Specific Programming  Every procedure (edit check) needs to be tested  kicks out for the appropriate patient, page with the correct output message  does not kick out for clean data.

32 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 32 Study level’s validation (cont’d)  Study-specific programming  Dummy data 2 patients with clean data 6 patients with dirty data Missing data Blank page Every edit check Withdraw As similar as the real data Additional page

33 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 33 C linical D ata M anagement S ystem 1 D atabase V alidation 2 Change Control Change Control 3 Medidata RAVE Demo 4 Agenda

34 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 34 Work Flow Prepares the Annotated CRF and Database Structure specification (Version 0.1) A written approval of user list requisition A written approval should be made The final protocol and CRF Database Develop & Validation DM staff review the Database Structure If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version UAT Release Database production Database production work will modify the system, record resolutions and updated database structure specification to a new version and approve it. Validation and UAT Report. If amendment is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded and the database structure should be updated to a new version During production Data Management process, if any change is needed, the problems and resolutions should be recorded, change control system A written approval

35 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 35 Once the system is in production, any change should be tracked !

36 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 36 Work Flow-Change Control Any change is needed Database production work Get review or approval for the change A written approval Assess the impact of the changeDatabase Updating & ValidationUAT Release Database production A written approval

37 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 37 What is a change? Software systems Applications programs new versions of software bug fixes system or site configuration files or parameters What is a change? User applications Format Protocol amended study databases modifications or additions to the structures

38 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 38 Type of Change Control  New fields;  Changes to allowed codes for coded items;  Modification or removal of a database field including changes in width;  Changes to entry screens of all types;  New, deleted, or otherwise modified programs for calculated items;  New, deleted, or otherwise modified data cleaning rules or programs;

39 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 39 Not include In Change Control  Adding, deleting, or modifying patient data according to standard practice and under audit trail  Adding users and granting access  Addition of new users or changes in permissions (as this is usually recorded elsewhere)  Any changes made prior to a study being released to production  New subjects created to support a new study

40 EPS International (China) Co.,Ltd The 2nd Clinical Data Management Training 40 C linical D ata M anagement S ystem 1 D atabase V alidation 2 Change Control 3 Medidata RAVE Demo Medidata RAVE Demo 4 Agenda

41 The 2 nd Clinical Data Management Training Click to edit company slogan.

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