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 World’s oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface OCEANS.

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Presentation on theme: " World’s oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface OCEANS."— Presentation transcript:

1  World’s oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface OCEANS

2  Salt content and water temperature affect water density WATER DENSITY

3  More dense (heavier) – colder and saltier  Less dense (lighter) – warmer and less salty WATER DENSITY

4  Currents driven by heating and cooling, gravity, and water density CURRENTS Great Ocean Conveyor

5  Upwelling – vertical flow of cold, nutrient-rich water toward the surface UPWELLING & DOWNWELLING  Horizontal currents diverge

6  Downwelling – surface waters sink UPWELLING & DOWNWELLING  Surface currents converge  Warm water pushed down

7 3 zones photic, aphotic, and benthic 3 zones of the photic zone  Intertidal  Neritic  Open ocean OCEAN STRUCTURE

8 Intertidal zone  High tide line to the lowest low tide line  Intertidal organisms have to be able to withstand being submerged in water, beat by waves, being exposed to the air and sun 3 PHOTIC ZONES


10 Intertidal zone (cont’d)  Nutrient rich  Large number of organisms some burrow into the sand until high tide returns 3 PHOTIC ZONES

11 Neritic ecosystem  Extends from low tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf  Sunlit  Most productive ecosystems  Kelp forests  Coral reefs 3 PHOTIC ZONES


13 Kelp forest  Supplies shelter and food for invertebrates  Invertebrates provide food for predators  Absorbs wave energy and protects shores from erosion NERITIC ZONE

14 Coral Reefs  Shallow tropical & subtropical  Tiny invertebrates  Get nourishment from symbiotic algae  Corals die and leave behind their calcium carbonate skeleton  Protect shorelines NERITIC ZONES

15  Begins at the edge of the continental shelf  Least productive ecosystem! OPEN OCEAN

16  Limited photosynthesis occurs  Phytoplankton are typically the base of food chains in the open ocean  Eaten by zooplankton  Eaten by fish, jellyfish, whales, etc  These can be become food for predators OPEN OCEAN

17  Animals have many adaptations that allow them to live in the dark and cold parts of the ocean OPEN OCEAN

18  Rely on hydrothermal vents  Bacteria use the energy from the heated water that flows from the vents  Many species feed on the bacteria and the food chain can continue BENTHIC ECOSYSTEMS

19 HYDRO- THERMAL VENTS vents tubeworms

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