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Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Basic Logic Design with Verilog TA: Chen-han Tsai.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Basic Logic Design with Verilog TA: Chen-han Tsai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Basic Logic Design with Verilog TA: Chen-han Tsai

2 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Outline Introduction to HDL/ Verilog Gate Level Modeling Behavioral Level Modeling Test bench Summary and Notes Simulation using Silos

3 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Introduction to HDL/ Verilog

4 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 What is HDL/Verilog Why use HDL (Hardware Description Language)? HDL ←→ layout by human Reduce cost and time Verilog is one of the most popular HDLs VHDL (another popular HDL) Key features of Verilog Supports Various levels Behavior level (Register Transfer Level, RTL) Gate level Switch level Simulate design functions

5 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Hardware Design Flow Verilog

6 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 An Example 1-bit Multiplexer

7 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Gate Level Description a1 a2 in1 in2 sel out o1o1 iv_sel a1_o a2_o n1 iv_sel Gate Level: you see only gates and wires in the code

8 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Behavioral Level Description RTL: you may see high level behavior in the code always block assign

9 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Verilog HDL Syntax

10 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 A Simple Verilog Code declaration syntax module name in/out port port/wire declaration kernel hardware gate-connection/ behavior

11 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Module Basic building block in Verilog. Module 1. Created by “ declaration ” (can ’ t be nested) 2. Used by “ instantiation “ Interface is defined by ports May contain instances of other modules All modules run concurrently

12 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Module Instantiation instance example

13 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Port Connection Connect module port by order list FA1 fa1(c_o, sum, a, b, c_i); Not fully connected FA1 fa3(c_o,, a, b, c_i); Connect module port by name FA1 fa2(.A(a),.B(b),.CO(c_o),.CI(c_i),.S(sum)); Recommended

14 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Verilog Language Rule Case sensitive Identifiers: Digits 1 … 9 Underscore _ Upper and lower case letters from the alphabet Terminate line with semicolon “ ; ” Comments: Single line: // it ’ s a single line comment example Multiline: /* when the comment exceeds single line, multiline comment is necessary*/

15 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Register and Net Registers Keyword :reg, integer, time, real Storage element Assignment in “ always ” block Nets Keyword :wire, wand, wor, tri triand, trior, supply0, supply1 Doesn ’ t store value, just a connection input, output, inout are default “ wire ” Can ’ t appear in “ always ” block assignment

16 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Value and Number expressions Verilog value set consists of four basic values: 0 represent a logic zero or false condition 1 represent a logic one or true condition x represent an unknown logic value z represent a high-impedance stage

17 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Value and Number Expressions : Examples 659// unsized decimal ‘ h 837ff// unsized hexadecimal ‘ o7460// unsized octal 4af// illegal syntax 4 ’ b1001// 4-bit binary 5 ’ D 3// 5-bit decimal 3 ’ b01x// 3-bit number with unknown LSB 12 ’ hx// 12-bit unknown 8 ’ d -6// illegal syntax -8 ’ d 6// phrase as - (8 ’ d6) // underline usage 27_195_000 16’b0001_0101_0001_1111 32’h12ab_f001 // X and Z is sign-extended reg [11:0] a; initial begin a = ‘hx;// yields xxx a = ‘h3x;// yields 03x a = ‘h0x;// yields 00x end

18 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Net Concatenations : An Easy Way to Group Nets RepresentationsMeanings {b[3:0],c[2:0]} {b[3],b[2],b[1],b[0], c[2],c[1],c[0]} {a,b[3:0],w,3’b101} {a,b[3],b[2],b[1],b[0],w,1’b1,1’b0,1’b1} {4{w}} {w,w,w,w} {b,{3{a,b}}} {b,a,b,a,b,a,b} 3‘o7 Module A Module B Module C

19 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 (excerpts from CIC training course : Verilog_9807.pdf)

20 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 (excerpts from CIC training course : Verilog_9807.pdf)

21 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Compiler Directives `define `define RAM_SIZE 16 Defining a name and gives a constant value to it. `include `include adder.v Including the entire contents of other verilog source file. `timescale `timescale 100ns/1ns Setting the reference time unit and time precision of your simulation. Only 1, 10, and 100 are legal values.

22 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 System Tasks $monitor $monitor ($time,"%d %d %d",address,sinout,cosout); Displays the values of the argument list whenever any of the arguments change except $time. $display $display ("%d %d %d",address,sinout,cosout); Prints out the current values of the signals in the argument list $finish Terminate the simulation

23 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Gate Level Modeling Primitives Case Study

24 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Gate Level Modeling Steps Design the smallest sub-modules Construct modules with built sub-modules Connections Use “ assign a = b; ” to connect a and b (a is driven by b) HDL: Hardware Description Language Architecture figure first, then start to write code!!

25 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Primitives Primitives are modules ready to be instanced Verilog build-in primitive gate not, buf and, or, not, buf, xor, nand, nor, xnor Design ware Vender-provided primitive gates User-built primitive gate Your building block modules (sub-modules)

26 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder

27 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Co = (A ‧ B ‧ Ci ’ )+(A ‧ B ’ ‧ Ci)+(A ’ ‧ B ‧ Ci)+(A ‧ B ‧ Ci) = (A ‧ B ‧ Ci ’ )+(A ‧ B ’ ‧ Ci)+ (B ‧ Ci) = { A ‧ [ (B ‧ Ci ’ )+(B ’ ‧ Ci) ] } + (B ‧ Ci)

28 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder S = (A ’ ‧ B ’ ‧ Ci)+(A ’ ‧ B ‧ Ci ’ )+(A ‧ B ’ ‧ Ci ’ )+(A ‧ B ‧ Ci) = { A ’ ‧ [ (B ’ ‧ Ci)+(B ‧ Ci ’ ) ] } + { A ‧ [ (B ’ ‧ Ci ’ )+(B ‧ Ci) ] }

29 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Design hierarchy

30 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Basic gate: 1-bit AND

31 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Basic gate: 1-bit OR

32 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Connect co Instance AND, OR gates

33 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Connect s Instance AND, OR gates

34 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Full Adder Connection Instance co, s

35 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder Code

36 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 However … Further Reduction is Possible

37 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Behavioral Level Modeling Case Study

38 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Behavioral Level Modeling High level description User friendly Concise code Widely used for some common operations +,-,* &,|,~ Two main formats always block assign

39 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder

40 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder

41 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Case Study 1-bit Full Adder LHS signals in always block should be declared as “reg”

42 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Test bench

43 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Test bench Usage

44 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Summary Design module Gate level or behavior level Real hardware Modules exists all the time Each module has architecture figure Plot architecture figures before you write verilog codes Test bench Feed input data and compare output values versus time Usually behavior level Not real hardware, just like C/C++

45 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Note Verilog is a platform Support hardware design (design module) Also support C/C++ like coding (test bench) How to write verilog well Know basic concepts and syntax Get a good reference (a person or some code files) Form a good coding habit Naming rule, comments, format partition (assign or always block) Hardware Combinational circuits (today ’ s topic) 畫圖 (architecture), then 連連看 (coding) Sequential circuits (next topic) register: element to store data

46 Lecture Note on Verilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU, C.H Tsai Simulation using Silos

47 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Create new project Write your verilog design code Create a new project: Project -> New -> (enter your project name) Include your verilog file(s) (choose your.v file) -> (click Add bottom) -> (click OK) Note that testbench should be included Then run and debug

48 Lecture Note on Vrilog, Course #90132300, EE, NTU C.H Tsai, 10/29/2004 Run and Debug Run Press F5 or click the “ GO ” icon on tool bar An output window is generated to show whether there exists errors. Debug Press “ open analyzer ” on the toolbar Press “ open explorer ” on the toolbar Choose signals you want to watch Click right button and select “ Add signal to analyzer ” Then you can debug with waveform

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