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Best Practices on Re-engaging College Stop-outs Presented by: Joey Tse & Rosemary Kelly University College Syracuse University 2011 Conference on Re-enrollment.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices on Re-engaging College Stop-outs Presented by: Joey Tse & Rosemary Kelly University College Syracuse University 2011 Conference on Re-enrollment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices on Re-engaging College Stop-outs Presented by: Joey Tse & Rosemary Kelly University College Syracuse University 2011 Conference on Re-enrollment of College Stop-outs June 2, 2011

2 The Student Experience Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011

3 Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011

4 These are our students! Part-time enrollment Working full-time while enrolled Delaying entry into postsecondary education after high school Not having a regular high school diploma Having children Being a single parent Being financially independent of parents Source: Educational Policy Institute Webinar Graduating At-risk Students in the For Profit Sector Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011


6 Institutional Factors Recruitment and Admissions Financial Aid Academic Services Curriculum & Instruction Student Services Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011

7 Cognitive Factors Academic Rigor Quality of Learning Aptitude Content Knowledge Critical-Thinking Ability Technology Ability Study Skills Learning Skills Time Management Academic-Related Extracurricular Activities Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011

8 Social Factors Financial Issues Educational Legacy Attitude Toward Learning Religious Background Maturity Social Coping Skills Communication Skills Attitude Toward Others Cultural Values Expectations Goal Commitment Family Influence Peer Influence Social Lifestyle Source: Graduating At-risk students in the for profit sector webinar Educational Policy Institute May 11, 2011

9 Questions? Suggestions?

10 Contact Information Joey Tse Rosemary Kelly University College 700 University Avenue Syracuse, NY 13244-2530 315-443-3261 315-443-3806 - fax

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