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Green Jobs. A “green job”  Has a direct, essential impact on a product, service or process that results in an environmental benefit.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Jobs. A “green job”  Has a direct, essential impact on a product, service or process that results in an environmental benefit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Jobs

2 A “green job”  Has a direct, essential impact on a product, service or process that results in an environmental benefit

3 Green jobs do one of these things:  Increase energy efficiency

4 Green jobs do one of these things:  Produce renewable energy

5 Green jobs do one of these things:  Prevent environmental damage

6 Green jobs do one of these things:  Clean up natural environment

7 Green jobs do one of these things:  Educate or support the other services

8 What are green jobs!  Oregon Green Career Paths  http://www.oregon greenpathways.or g/greenjob.php http://www.oregon greenpathways.or g/greenjob.php

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