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Chapter 9 Marketing Research And Information Systems

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2 Chapter 9 Marketing Research And Information Systems

3 Objectives Describe steps in conducting marketing research
Explore methods of gathering data for marketing research Describe nature/role of information systems in marketing decision making Understand how tools: databases, decision support systems, and the Internet facilitate marketing research Identify key ethical and international considerations in marketing research

4 Marketing Research The systematic design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of marketing opportunities.

5 Benefits Of Market Research
Facilitates strategic planning Assess opportunities/threats Ascertain potential for success Determine feasibility

6 The Marketing Research Process

7 Identifying Need For Research = Problem
Departure from normal function Typical problems requiring research Discover reasons for exceeding goals Identify/define opportunities or changes

8 Defining Problem Nature/scope of situation Clear definition of need
Determine precisely what research is to determine How will research be used?

9 Designing the Research Project
Research Design – an overall plan for obtaining the information needed to address a research problem or issue.

10 Hypothesis An informed guess or assumption about a certain problem or set of circumstances.

11 Types of Research Exploratory Research – research conducted to gather more information about a problem or to make a tentative hypothesis more specific Conclusive Research – research designed to verify insights through objective procedures and to help marketers in making decisions

12 Research Exploratory vs. Conclusive

13 Types Of Conclusive Research
Descriptive- clarifies characteristics of certain phenomena to solve a particular problem Experimental- allows marketers to make casual inferences about relationships

14 Descriptive Research Demand prior knowledge
Assume problem/issue is clearly defined Some require statistical analysis and predictive tools Marketer’s task Choose adequate methods Measure data

15 Experimental Research
Allows marketers to make causal deductions Requires Independent variable Dependent variable Provides strong evidence of cause and effect

16 Reliability and Validity
Reliability – identical results produced in repeated trials of the same research technique Validity – research method measuring what it is supposed to measure

17 Data Primary – observed/recorded or collected directly from respondents Secondary – compiled both inside and outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation

18 Sources Of Secondary Data
Organization’s database Accounting records Competitive information Trade associations Periodicals Gov’t publications Unpublished sources Online databases

19 Methods Of Collecting Primary Data
Population- all elements, units or individuals of interest to researchers for a specific study Sample- limited number of units chosen to represent the characteristics of a total population

20 Sampling Population – elements, units, or individuals of interest to researchers for a specific study Sample – a limited number of units chosen to represent the total population Sampling – selecting representative units from a total population

21 Probability Samples Probability – every element in the population has a known chance of being selected for study Random- all units in a population have an equal chance of appearing in the sample Stratified- population is divided into common attributes and random sample chosen within each group

22 Nonprobability Sampling
Nonprobability- more subjective than probability because no way to calculate likelihood specific element will be chosen Quota- researchers divide population into groups then arbitrarily choose from each group

23 Survey Methods Mail – respondents answer questionnaire through mail
Telephone – respondents’ answers are recorded by interviewer on the phone Online – respondents answer questionnaire via or website Personal Interview Surveys – participants respond to survey questions face to face Sample Mail Survey Sample Phone Survey Sample Online Survey

24 Comparison of the Four Basic Survey Methods

25 Benefits Of Personal Interview
Rapport More in-depth Probes Follow-up Tests Longer Yield more information Respondents can be carefully selected, reasons for nonresponse explored

26 Types Of Personal Interviews
In-home (door-to-door) Focus group Customer advisory boards Telephone depth Shopping mall intercept On-site computer

27 Questionnaire Construction
Open-ended Dichotomous Multiple-Choice © Microsoft Power Point Clip Art

28 Observation Methods Record individuals’ overt behavior
Direct contact avoided Actions examined May be combined with interviews Can be biased- devices Descriptive Sample Observation Method

29 Interpreting Research Findings
Allow for continual evaluation Conclusion Display data in table format Cross-tabulate Statistical interpretation- analysis of what is typical or what deviates from the average

30 Reporting Findings Clear, objective look Point out deficiencies
Formal, written document Determine level of detail Summary/recommendations first © Microsoft Power Point Clip Art

31 Technology And Information Gathering And Analysis
Increasingly accessible Customer relationship management enhanced Permits internal research and quick information gathering Access array of valuable information sources

32 Marketing Information Systems
Marketing Information Systems (MIS) framework for managing and structuring information gathered from internal and external sources Databases Single-source data provided by single marketing research firm Marketing Decision Support Systems (MDSS) customized computer software that aids marketing managers in decision making Internet and Online Information Services

33 Resources For Marketing Information

34 Issues In Marketing Research
Importance of ethical research- professional standards International issues- allow for regional differences Secondary to gain understanding of region Field research

35 Top Marketing Research Firms

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