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VrRBO with THREDDS data store. Paths & URLs THREDDS server THREDDS data directory.

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Presentation on theme: "VrRBO with THREDDS data store. Paths & URLs THREDDS server THREDDS data directory."— Presentation transcript:

1 VrRBO with THREDDS data store

2 Paths & URLs THREDDS server THREDDS data directory spidrd:/mnt/sdb2/devel/content/thredds/vir bo ViRBO

3 NetCDF granules Store catalog level metadata in VO Store granule level metadata in a section of the VO database Search the granules metadata using product-specific web form (link from a catalog metadata record) Upload NetCDF files into the Data Store Access data granules using OpenDAP

4 ViRBO file upload

5 Time series as THREDDS joins of NetCDF files Store catalog level metadata in VO Create a folder in the Data Store to store multiple NetCDF files Create a folder.ncml file in the Data Store to join multiple NetCDF files into one time series “database” Subselect (hyper-slab) time series from the joined “database” using OpenDAP protocol and clients (link from catalog metadata record)

6 Enhanced THREDDS Catalog Adds XML (NCML) metadata file to the binary granule NCML metadata can be used in WCS or rendered into HTML for a web client NCML granule data CAN NOT be searched using xQuery or xPath

7 Open questions What granule-level metadata schema? –NCML? Can’t get it directly from THREDDS… –CDFML? Can’t get only header using CDF2XML… –ECHO? No software extractors… –SPASE? No CDFML2SPASE, no use cases/samples How manipulate folders in the THREDDS Data Store? What OpenDAP viewer to use as default?

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