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21 st Century Skills/ Technology Data to Support.

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1 21 st Century Skills/ Technology Data to Support

2  Stand up if you know a kid who owns an ipod  Stand up if you know a kid who owns a cell phone  Stand up if you know a kid who text messages  Stand up if you know a student who uses im  Stand up if you know a student who uses any other piece of technology  Stand up if you know a kid who is motivated by technology  Digital Native vs. Immigrant  Ex. of Morgan- 4yo on computer plays alone

3  Technology and Constructivism go hand in hand  Learner Centered  Project Based  Seat Time…moving forward to 2010…  AND NOW… ◦ Dr. Alice Christie on Constructivism…

4  Learning is an active process facilitated by an environment that encourages: risk-taking, creative thinking, and critical thinking.  Teachers create such environments to: facilitate learning and provide opportunities for self- reflection and self-evaluation.  mail/?mid=23771166 mail/?mid=23771166  Students and teachers learn through their mistakes.  Technology is a tool to facilitate learning and is NOT the focus of learning. html

5  Teach 21st century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st century interdisciplinary themes  Focus on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a competency-based approach to learning  Enable innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiry- and problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills  Encourage the integration of community resources beyond school walls


7  Please go to the Power Up wiki and click on the 21 st Century Skills--Framework link.  Scroll to Student Outcomes  Two groups will be assigned to each of the 4 student outcomes.  Report findings by Group

8  1. Core Subjects and 21 st Century Themes ◦ Global Awareness ◦ Financial, Economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy ◦ Civic Literacy ◦ Health Literacy http:/ ask=view&id=254&Itemid=120 /

9  2. Learning and Innovation Skills ◦ Creativity and Innovation Skills ◦ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills ◦ Communication and Collaboration Skills

10  3. Information, Media, and Technology Skills ◦ Information Literacy ◦ Media Literacy ◦ ITC Literacy

11  4. Life and Career Skills ◦ Flexibility & Adaptability ◦ Initiative & Self-Direction ◦ Social & Cross-Cultural Skills ◦ Productivity & Accountability ◦ Leadership & Responsibility

12  ries/matrices/ictmap_science.pdf ries/matrices/ictmap_science.pdf  ries/matrices/ictmap_math.pdf ries/matrices/ictmap_math.pdf  Math and Science examples posted on wiki

13  ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education ◦ aka- the mother organization  NETS: National Education Technology Standards ◦ aka- a project of the mother organization

14  5 Areas of NETS for Teachers  Our focus is on NETS 2 and 3.  Discuss at your table where you are in regards to NETS 2 & 3 and as a group BLOG ways we can help you reach where you want to be. 


16  Metri and NCREL teamed up to bring us the enGauge 21 st Century Skills /


18  How Technology Fits with a few selected Strategies  Setting Goals/Objectives ◦ Standards based ◦ Teacher Set, Student Set Goals ◦ Rubrics ◦  Feedback- Review tool in Word, Email ◦ Effective ◦ Timely ◦ Blogs- ◦

19 ◦ Group Created Wikis- http://armstrong-  Nonlinguistic Representations ◦ ◦ nova/video/why-did-the-levees-fail-d-2056.htm nova/video/why-did-the-levees-fail-d-2056.htm ◦ w_eye/step01.html w_eye/step01.html


21  Closing the achievement gap by providing access to software, online resources, and virtual learning aligned to academic standards for instruction and learning.  Closing the digital divide by providing increased levels of access and robust connectivity for students in low socioeconomic status (SES) schools.  Supporting the development of highly qualified teachers by providing online courses, communities of practice, and virtual communication that ensure flexibility and access.  Enhancing data systems to ensure that educators can utilize real-time data to inform sound instructional decisions and ensure that states meet AYP.


23  States that have joined: ◦ Maine ◦ Massachusetts ◦ North Carolina ◦ South Dakota ◦ West Virginia ◦ Wisconsin  SD Article SD Article

24  1 st year Classroom Connections survey data ◦ Students in general don’t find school interesting, SD data was similar to other sources in this area  Not exactly same as what teachers say ◦ Amount of time spent lecturing ◦ Amount of time memorizing facts, figures, dates ◦ Amount of time spent on worksheets, textbook questions ◦ Amount of time spent on solving complex, real life problems ◦ Amount of time spent researching topics deeply enough to be experts

25  Amount of time students did the following weekly or more…  Much MORE than 50% of the time spent on ◦ Work individually answering questions (textbook or other)

26  Much LESS than 50% of the time spent on ◦ Community or work based projects or internships ◦ Hands on/laboratory activities ◦ Work in small groups to find joint solutions ◦ Input on classroom activities or topics ◦ Explain their thinking in essay form ◦ Work on Complex problems

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