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CZSO10.9.20151 Business Register in the Czech Statistical Office Prepared by: Jan Matejcek CZSO, Prague, Czech Republic

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2 CZSO10.9.20151 Business Register in the Czech Statistical Office Prepared by: Jan Matejcek CZSO, Prague, Czech Republic e-mail:

3 CZSO10.9.20152 Content of the presentation n Basic BR characteristics n Basic data sources for BR n Statistical units in the BR n Identification of BR units n Technical and technological characteristics of the BR n Data model characteristics n Short demonstration of BR software

4 CZSO10.9.20153 Basic BR characteristics n History  starting point - 1974  planned economy  BR as a nomenclature  current identification of businesses established - 1978

5 CZSO10.9.20154 Basic BR characteristics  large changes from the beginning of the 1990s content - new attributes (legal form, sector for national account, type of ownership, main and secondary activities, number of employees etc.) content - new attributes (legal form, sector for national account, type of ownership, main and secondary activities, number of employees etc.) new ways of BR use new ways of BR use new technology and organization new technology and organization

6 CZSO10.9.20155 Basic BR characteristics n Current situation – legal framework (1)  legal regulation - The State Statistical Service Act - issued in 1995, amended in 2001 and in 2004 BR for statistical purposes BR for statistical purposes conditions for BR administration including availability of administrative sources conditions for BR administration including availability of administrative sources unified identification of businesses unified identification of businesses BR content BR content u full historical register u multi-source register u statistical units - legal unit, enterprise, LU, KAU u recorded characteristics (attributes) availability for public availability for public

7 CZSO10.9.20156 Basic BR characteristics n Current situation – legal framework (2)  EU legal regulation BR regulation BR regulation Statistical unit regulation Statistical unit regulation  EU recommendations BR recommendations BR recommendations

8 CZSO10.9.20157 Basic BR characteristics n BR use  sample frames and samples for statistical surveys  imputations and estimates  information about business population  availability of public part of BR to public on CD-ROM on CD-ROM on web pages of CzSO on web pages of CzSO

9 CZSO10.9.20158 Basic BR characteristics place and role in statistics demand for survey BR sample frame + sample Survey + data pro- cessing administration of infor- mation BR admini- stration data sources

10 CZSO10.9.20159 Basic data sources for BR BR MCMJMITMICSO CNBMF MLSA CSO MJ – Ministry of Justice MIT – Ministry of Industry and Trade MI – Ministry of Interior MC – Ministry of Culture MLSA – Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs MF – Ministry of Finance CNB – Czech National Bank CSO – Czech Statistical Office

11 CZSO10.9.201510 Basic data sources for BR n Social security register  Register of small and large legal units All legal units having employees All legal units having employees Used variables – number of employees, economic activity Used variables – number of employees, economic activity  Register of self-employed persons All legal units not having employees All legal units not having employees Used variables – number of employees=0, economic activity Used variables – number of employees=0, economic activity

12 CZSO10.9.201511 Basic data sources for BR n Tax registers  VAT payers Used variable – economic activity Used variable – economic activity  Income tax payers – legal persons and natural persons Used variable – economic activity, turnover, the way of accounting Used variable – economic activity, turnover, the way of accounting

13 CZSO10.9.201512 Basic data sources for BR n LU from survey  Initial statistical survey on LU enterprises > 20 employees enterprises > 20 employees surveyed characteristics of LU surveyed characteristics of LU u address, main activity, number of employees results results u 43% subjects defined more than 1 LU u 8% subjects defined more than 5 LU

14 CZSO10.9.201513 Basic data sources for BR n KAU from profiling results achieved in 2001 results achieved in 2001 u 331 KAU were established results achieved in 2002 and 2003 results achieved in 2002 and 2003 u further 51 new enterprises were profiled u 51 new KAU were established u enterprises profiled in 2001 and 2002 were verified

15 CZSO10.9.201514 Basic data sources for BR n Economic activity evaluation  Sources Social security registers Social security registers Vat payers register Vat payers register Income tax payer register Income tax payer register Statistical survey Statistical survey  Result – legal unit is active if unit is active at least according one source

16 CZSO10.9.201515 Statistical units in the BR Logical structure of the new harmonised BR

17 CZSO10.9.201516 Statistical units in the BR BR content summary n Units numbers in the BR at the end of 2004  2 325 977legal units  1 292 044 enterprises (57,2% active legal units)  1 334 496 local units  382 kind-of-activity units

18 CZSO10.9.201517 Identification of BR units identification number ICO identification number ICO u structure u each subject has only one ICO u used in all administrative registers XXXXXXX X 8-digit code: serial number check digit

19 CZSO10.9.201518 Identification of BR units Legal unit Enterprise LU (KAU) 1 : N Identification code IČO (natural persons - also personal number) 1 : N IČO of dominant legal unit + Special identification code IDENT-E Special identification code IDENT-LU

20 CZSO10.9.201519 Technical and technological characteristics of the BR n Centrally operated register in Prague Hardware: Hardware: u Server: HP GS60 under operating system True64 Unix, version 5.1, is the database server used for the BR u LAN for places in Prague u WAN for places outside of Prague - 6 regional offices Software: Software: u the relational database system Oracle 8.1.7 u Work stations Windows NT or Windows 2000 u client Oracle 8.0.5, Oracle Developer 6 n BR administration – 7 work places in the regions, on-line communication

21 CZSO10.9.201520 Data model characteristics  the observation of statistical units and their attributes in the BR is fully historical  a multiple occurrence of an attribute can be recorded, the number of records being not limited (e.g. multiple occurrence of CZ-NACE)  the values of an attribute can be recorded at the same date from various sources and rules for their use in statistics are defined

22 CZSO10.9.201521 Data model characteristics  variables are recorded according the type of unit (e.g. by legal form)  security model is applied - the roles of individual users are defined in detail  the system retains information on updating operations carried out in the Register – who performed the operation and when

23 CZSO10.9.201522 Data model characteristics Multi-source register

24 CZSO10.9.201523 BR data model Identification of legal unit Identification of enterprise Identification of LU (KAU) legal unit enterprise LU (KAU) variables - legal unit variables - enterprise variables – LU (KAU) variables – natural person address – coded address – textual Changes – Relative view

25 CZSO10.9.201524 The End Thank you very much for your attention.

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