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Ancient India 6th grade.

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1 Ancient India 6th grade

2 Preview Determine if each of the following are true/or false:
The Himalaya Mountains were the second highest mountain range in the world. Farming is possible in the plains of northern India because of the Indus and Ganges rivers Because of India’s Indus river often flooded, the rulers of the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro built the citadel on a high mound of earth Under the caste system of social classes, people always had to stay in the same caste as their parents

3 Warm-Up (February 2, 2011) What mountain ranges separate India from Asia? How has India’s geographic setting affected the life of its people? Answer the Target Reading Skill question on page 110 (top left corner).

4 Geography India is a subcontinent meaning
Himalayan mountains and the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean separated India with the rest of the world. However, India was not completely isolated. Why?

5 Monsoons From October to May Mid-June Why is this important?
Winter monsoons from northeast, dry air across the country Mid-June Wind from Indian Ocean Picks up moisture=causes rain everyday Why is this important?

6 Two Important Rivers in India

7 Warm-Up (February 3, 2011) What was life like in Mohenjo-Daro?
Who are the Aryans? How was their society organized? What are the advantages/disadvantages of the caste system in India?

8 Indus River Valley Reached its height between 2500-1500 BC
Two important cities Harappa Mohenjo-Daro Larger city Well-planned city: built above ground level Highest point= citadel Drainage system System of canals

9 Mohenjo-Daro Life Unknowns Shops for merchants and artisans
Traders from Mesopotamia Homes opened to courtyards Unknowns Language, system of government and religion However, they were most likely polytheistic

10 Decline Around 2000 BC, farmers began to abandon their land
Between BC new people from the north entered into the Indus river valley Called themselves Aryans

11 Aryans Means noble or highborn
Life is known from the Vedas meaning “knowledge” Early Aryans=herders and warriors Society organized in three classes: 1. Brahmans- Aryan priests Preformed religious services and created hymns and prayers 2. Warriors and Nobels 3. Artisans and merchants **later came 4. farmers, laborers and servants

12 Caste System 500 BC-strict division of classes
People always had to stay in the same caste as their parents Eventually made up of hundreds of different groups Still exists in India today Less rigid, more interaction among castes

13 Group Activity-February 4, 2011
Create your own travel advertisement encouraging people to come to Mohenjo-Daro Use the information from your book (including pages ) and the atlas we used yesterday in class Try to use illustrations and maps in your advertisements

14 Warm-Up (February 8, 2011) What two cultures blended to form the basis of Hinduism? List and describe the three main Hindu gods. What are some differences between Hinduism and other major religions?

15 Hinduism History Grew out of a blend between existing Indian culture and Aryan culture Took about 3,500 years to develop Complex religion that appeals to each individuals approach to god Not just a religion, but also a way of life for the people of India

16 Hindu Gods/goddesses Stand for different parts of brahman
Take many forms called avatars each god has their own families which are also worshipped by the Hindus

17 Main Hindu gods Vishnu “the Preserver” Shiva “the Destroyer”
Kind god who cares about the humans Visits earth to guide humans or protect from disaster Shiva “the Destroyer” Very powerful Responsible for creative and destructive forces of nature Brahman “the Creator No physical form

18 Hindu Beliefs Hindu texts: Duties or dharma Ahimsa
The Upanishads- “sitting near a teacher” Mostly in the form of question/answer Duties or dharma Must be followed by each Hindu to escape reincarnation Depends on class, age, and occupation Ahimsa All living things must be treated with respect

19 Reincarnation When a person dies, the soul is reborn into another body
Every living thing has a soul (including animals) Actions of a persons life affect his/her fate The faithful will be reborn into higher positions Salvation is achieved when a person leads a perfect life and his/her soul become one with Brahman

20 Practices The Yogas Exercises to help free the soul from the cares of the world yoga= “union” Main types Physical Selfless deeds Knowledge-writings Devotion-honoring a personal god

21 Practices (continued)
Worship in public by praying and performing rituals in temples Private devotion In homes Choose a personal god to honor by offering food, gifts and prayers Devotion to god=closer to brahman

22 Warm-Up (February 14, 2011) Name two of the yoga poses that we performed on Friday. What did Gautama do for 49 days and what was his resolution? What is the Middle Way and how did Buddha believe one should go about finding it?

23 Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama His Search
Not satisfied with Hindu ideas because he believed that others, not just priests should be able to pass on knowledge His Search Meditated and fasted for 49 days Was able to discover the roots of suffering human selfish desire for power, wealth, and material happiness Spent time sharing his knowledge and became known as Buddha meaning “the enlightened one”

24 Practice: The Eightfold Path
Also known as The Middle Way Way for a person to avoid either extreme happiness or extreme unhappiness Eightfold path- way for humans to learn to be wise, behave correctly and to develop knowledge People must act unselfishly and treat others fairly Tell the truth Avoid violence (especially killing)

25 End of Reincarnation Believed by Buddha that if people followed The Path they will achieve Nirvana therefore being released from the cycle of reincarnation

26 Warm-Up (February 15, 2011) Which steps of the Eightfold path direct followers to lead a moral life? Why do Buddhists try to follow the Middle Way? Name at least two metaphors or similies that were described in your homework on page 266.

27 The Farmer What should the farmer do?

28 Warm-Up (16 February 2011) How did Buddhism spread through India into other countries? Using the map on page 124 answer the following questions: When did the people of Japan learn about Buddhism? How might geography have affected the spread of Buddhism from India to Japan?


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