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Imperialism Analyzing Imperialism with Multiple Perspectives & British Imperialism in India.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism Analyzing Imperialism with Multiple Perspectives & British Imperialism in India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism Analyzing Imperialism with Multiple Perspectives & British Imperialism in India

2 Forms of Imperialism ► Colony a territory governed by a foreign power ► Protectorate a territory that has its own government but is controlled by a foreign power ► Sphere of influence a territory in which a country claims exclusive political or economic rights.

3 Causes of Imperialism ECONOMIC ►M►M►M►Markets for Surplus Goods ►R►R►R►Raw Materials ►W►W►W►Work Opportunity CULTURAL ►S►S►S►Spreading Christianity ►S►S►S►Spreading European Culture (Civilizing) ►W►W►W►White Man’s Burden ►P►P►P►Population Growth ►S►S►S►Social Darwinism POLITICAL ►S►Strategic Advantage ►C►Competition ► N► Nationalism ►I►Industrial Revolution and Growth of Military Technology ►D►Declining African and Asian Empires IIndia: Mughal NNorth Africa: Ottomans CChina: Qing


5 The White Man’s Burden What is the commentary of this cartoon?

6 Strategic Locations: Where Do you Want?

7 Imperialism in India Part I ► Sati banned ► British government takes over India (Raj) ► Portuguese come to India ► English Education pushed ► Mughal Decline ► British East India Co. Rules India ► Christian Missionaries come ► Sepoy Rebellion ► British come to India ► Portuguese come to India (1500s) ► British come to India (1700s) ► Mughal Decline (Late 1700s) ► British East India Co. Rules India (early 1800s) ► Sati banned ► English Education pushed ► Christian Missionaries come ► Sepoy Rebellion (1857) ► British government takes over India (1858) (Raj)


9 Sati (also, suttee) – an Indian widow would immolate herself on her deceased husband’s funeral pyre. Outlawed and thus very rare today

10 Imperialism in India Part II ► Railroads, roads and canals built ► Muslim League ► First Indian National Congress ► Swadeshi ► ICS rules India ► ICS rules India (late 1800s) ► Railroads, roads and canals built ► First Indian National Congress (1885) ► Swadeshi (1905-1908) ► Muslim League (1906)

11 Views of Imperialism “For Europe to rule Asia by force for purposes of gain, and to justify that rule by the pretense that she is civilizing Asia and raising her to a higher level of spiritual life, will be adjudged by history, perhaps, to be the crowning wrong and folly of imperialism. What Asia has to give, her priceless stores of wisdom garnered from her experience of ages, we refuse to take; the much or little which we could give we spoil by the brutal manner of our giving. This is what imperialism has done, and is doing, for Asia.” - J.A. Hobson (British journalist)

12 Views of Imperialism “To sum up the whole, the British rule has been – morally, a great blessing; politically peace and order on one hand, blunders on the other, materially, impoverishment….The natives call the British system “Sakar ki Churi,” the knife of sugar. That is to say there is no oppression, it is all smooth and sweet, but it is the knife, notwithstanding. I mention this that you should know these feelings. Our great misfortune is that you do not know our wants. When you will know our real wishes, I have not the least doubt that you would do justice. The genius and spirit of the British people is fair play and justice.” - Dadabhai Naoroji (1 st Indian elected to British Parliament & part of founding of Indian National Congress)

13 Effects of British Rule in India Political Introduced British system of gov.’t Economic Hurt India’s existing industry; made India an exporter of raw materials rather than manu. goods Society English language; led to growth of Indian nationalism; improved infrastructure; customs banned

14 Crash Course

15 Mangal Pandey: The Rising  C8&feature=related C8&feature=related C8&feature=related  Indian Movie based on sepoy in 1857 uprising  Begins in 1857 when India ruled by BEIC

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