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All information adopted by: Created by: Debbie Shook.

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1 All information adopted by: Created by: Debbie Shook

2 Digital Citizenship In acknowledging themselves to be digital citizens from the beginning of their use of technology, young students should come to recognize the importance of protecting their private information online, the value of taking responsibility for themselves and their actions, and the necessity of treating others with an appropriate standard of behavior online.

3 Digital Reputation What are the risks? When information is posted online it can be difficult to remove and can be easily and quickly passed beyond a student’s immediate circle of friends. It can also be misused by friends they consider trustworthy. Students should be encouraged to think about their digital reputation when interacting online. In addition, images and words can be misinterpreted when removed from their original context. When images and words intended for a small group of people are shared with a broader audience, it can negatively affect the student’s relationship with unintended viewers for example, students might find it very difficult to explain to parents why they are tagged in a photo posted online drinking, kissing, with little clothing on or with labels suggesting they are very sexually active.

4 Cyberbullying What does cyberbullying look like? Children can cyberbully each other in a number of ways including: abusive texts and emails hurtful messages, images or videos imitating others online excluding others online nasty online gossip and chat Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, however often the children involved in cyberbullying are also involved in other kinds of bullying. One in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying (Cross, 2009).

5 Cyberbullying: How to Help Responding to cyberbullying If you notice a child in your class or the school yard showing any of the above signs, or other worrying and out of character behaviors, tell them you are worried and want to help. If they won’t open up to you recruit others to talk to them (another teacher, guidance officer or school counselor). Keep a close eye on their interactions and ask other relevant staff to do the same, particularly at recess and lunchtime. If they seem disconnected from others encourage them to join lunchtime groups and recruit kind and supportive students to look out for them. If other students appear to be targeting them or excluding them enact appropriate consequences as per the school’s bullying policy. Any significant concerns should be discussed with the student and their parents or careers. Students should be provided with options for psychological support including school counseling or anonymous counseling through the Kids Helpline on 1-800-551-800.Kids Helpline

6 Sites to Check out: Kids Helpline

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